Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Unlucky Thirteen #7 The Fear Street trilogy (2021)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, today I will be reviewing a movie trilogy from Netflix last year. I had a lot of stuff going on, a few months ago I finally gotten to see all three films. I also felt reviewing them together will be much easier than doing them separately. But like I always do I will clarify at times which film I'm talking about to help prevent confusion.

Fear Street: Part One (2021)
Fear Street: Part Two (2021)
Fear Street: Part Three (2021)

These movies focuses on several time lines. Two actresses from the Netflix show Stranger Things also in these movies. Sadie Sink aka Max and Maya Hawke aka Robin respectively. Up to a point, you would think these were about a vengeful witch spirit. There's some twists you won't see coming through out all three movies.

The main cast we focus does eventually uncover the full truth what really happened a few centuries ago. Basically someone loses control to ends up killing people. It was later revealed they were all possessed by the devil because of a deal. Sadly for those people, their spirits is still manipulated. Which means trying to survive even worse in comparison.

I should point out surprisingly this has the author R. L. Stine's name on it. You know the guy responsible for Goosebumps series. You also be surprised these are more adult theme horror movies too. Which blew my mind within the first few kill scenes. A member of the group touches a particular area in the ground. Some characters do see visions relating to what happened.

Of course, one of them took a risk to fully uncover the truth. It was almost as if she actually was there. It was revealed a man killed a witch then made the deal. He ends up setting her to die like a witch. She was able to convince the villagers to not kill her lover. For years, his family secretly continued the same deal. Which involved choosing a vessel for the devil to murder people.

I also need to point out at some point in Fear Street: Part Three. It will change back to the present as if a direct continuation of the first Fear Street movie. Personally, I felt that was a nice surprise. These movies do get crazy in a lot of ways. You actually felt people for some members of the group during the movies.

I do like some of the characters in these movies. It turns out a decent of that man was the sheriff. Which is strangely interesting because you would think a sheriff would want his side of the community to be better. In truth, his family was the real reason why the other community had such an reputation. A lot of spirits got manipulated to kill.

The most recent person to get possessed was the girl's ex girlfriend. All of this does lead to a surprising pleasant ending. Some of these spirits are terrifying in their own right. It is possible to trapped em in place. By the way, there wasn't a witch responsible for any of this. We do get to see the witch back when she was alive.

These movies are done surprisingly well. Considering a week release for each movie. So for that period each week for three weeks, one of these Fear Street movies came out on Netflix. You would think these wouldn't hold up due to being done back to back. You would be very wrong here, I felt all three movies are worth watching.

I also felt most of it was done just right. Still difficult to accept these are based on Stine's books. Ever since the Goosebumps movies, his name is getting around movie wise. He often gets compared to Stephen King, another great horror author in his own right. I do like how they went about the entire concept.

Which does include a suicide attempt to prevent things. Sadly that only made the poor girl a target to be possessed by the devil. After the sheriff's death, the family secret that some of them aren't even aware of comes up. This ends up destroying the family's reputation. From that point, things goes back to normal like how it was meant to be.

I would say I do recommend checking out all three Fear Street movies. They are refreshing in terms of how the major plot points occurs. Also for the fact this is a surprisingly more mature, violent take on Stine's works. Parts of it could lead to several spin off projects in the near future. Personally, I felt it already went full cycle with just three Fear Street movies.

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