Thursday, October 20, 2022

Bonus Halloween Blog #1 my thoughts on Silent Hill 2 remake

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, this following blog entry isn't connected to either Halloween blog marathons. Yesterday, there was a few announcements regarding Konami's Silent Hill series. Most of them I could care less about with the new movie the second most interesting. Everyone is widely talking about Silent Hill 2 remake announcement.

I usually don't do Silent Hill theme blog entries, this one I will make an exception. Silent Hill 2 to me was the best SH game in terms of the story, characters and puzzles. It truly was a terrifying game that most people needs to experience. Obviously, this is Konami once again ripping off Capcom. A lot of people wanted Silent Hill 1 remake.

The closest thing we gotten to that is Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Which is more of an reimagined take on the original Silent Hill game. Personally, I felt Silent Hill 2 was more ideal for this strategy. Sure, it ties to some SH games is small. At the same time, everything about the game was amazingly done well. At least, it will be better than Xbox 360 version of Silent Hill HD Collection.

I felt Silent Hill 2 is going to be a challenge to do just right here. An unexpected move, they bringing back some former members of Team Silent. Yes I did watch the trailer, I was actually blown away by it. Silent Hill may missed out on previous console generation unless you count SH content for Dead by Daylight. Like RE4 remake, my expectations are going to be insanely high here.

Silent Hill 2 remake may appear faithful going by the trailer. It is a strong possibility they change some aspects of it for modernized survival horror games. I do think if Konami goes about the right way, this could be the best Silent Hill in a long time. Konami took their sweet time getting a lot going despite being more directly focus on their casino business.

I will say this even it doesn't come to Xbox consoles, it is stated to release on Steam. I may check this remake out in the near future. This is a forgotten classic that more people needs to play. I previously listed SH2 original among more games to play close to & on Halloween. A major reason for that was the environment you explore.

You are in a town filled with a mysterious fog. There's a good variety of creatures trying to kill you. I know it already sounds terrifying. Then we have people like Eddie whose on the verge of becoming an killer. You actually felt like you're there with the characters. SH2 perfectly hits everything with no real criticism at all.

This is one of the finest Konami sequels I ever experienced. SH2 is a true masterpiece that shouldn't be overlooked neither underrated. Both views are a true disservice to it's legacy. I do like to see more of this remake myself. I will say SH2 remake has a shot being truly amazing. Even if it suck, still likely going to out do all the other announced SH games.

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