Wednesday, October 12, 2022

More Halloween games you should play on Halloween

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, you already know two of my choices for Halloween games. MediEvil & Zombies Ate My Neighbors respectively. I figured I would like to reveal more of them. Which some could be up to debate with people but this are likely games I'll consider playing close to or on Halloween. Also a little spoiler, this will be a long list with a quick run down of each selected game or game series.

1. Resident Evil 1 Remake
I felt Resident Evil 1 Remake had the perfect Halloween ratio. You have zombies, infected creatures, mutant plants and an tyrant. You get to explore what appeared to be an abandoned mansion on first sight.

2. Grabbed by the Ghoulies
You play as Cooper taking on a good variety of beings to save your girlfriend Amber. This is a more light hearted Halloween game with some interesting ideas.

3. Castlevania series
I will be honest, I felt it was a disservice to only include a particular Castlevania game. I figured the franchise as a whole is perfect to play on Halloween.

4. Blood
You play as Caleb getting revenge from your companions' death as well as your own. There's plenty of great stuff that plays perfectly into Halloween here.

5. Dead Rising series
These games aren't known to be scary. You can get dress up in a large variety. A good variety of psychopaths/maniacs to keep things interesting.

6. Dead by Daylight
This is a must play for Halloween. You gotten a lot of great original characters. They also have a lot of licensed horror icons you may know on both sides.

7. Killing Time
Yes this technically is a Doom clone with aspects of The 7th Guest thrown in. It does offer a great variety of enemies to make it feel Halloween enough to be here.

8. MedilEvil 2
Yes this has some major changes from the original. There's a great variety of enemies including vampires. Also throwing in time travel you got one hell of a time there.

9. Decap Attack
Another light heart horror game that's got a rather confusing development history. You play as an incomplete creature that must collect body parts as well as stop an villain on the way.

10. Ultimate Custom Night
It's easy to pick one or two FNaF games. But what about one where most of your enemies are in one place?

11. Waxworks
You play through your ancestors in several time periods. Each felt like their own game within a game with some truly impressive graphic animations.

12. Doom II: Hell on Earth
It's also easy to simply pick a Doom game. Chances are I'm most likely play Doom II the most. Still one of my absolute favorite FPS games ever.

13. Silent Hill 2
To me, the perfect Silent Hill game. Yes it may not have the extras SH3 has. But in terms of the story as well as the characters, this one is a great horror game.

14. Ghouls 'n Ghosts
This one is a very difficult game there's no hiding that. But there's so much horror elements that makes you wanna keep on trying to survive.

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