Sunday, October 9, 2022

Hell Girl review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I been saving a particular scary anime. I actually got something that might be a little too terrifying for a lot of people. I would even say a handful of episodes has nightmare fuel moments that sticks with you a long time. Of course, I'm talking about Hell Girl show. Trust me, if you have a weak stomach, heart or simply afraid of everything you should watch this.

Hell Girl is mostly about people who logins into a mysterious website that appears very briefly online after midnight. Those who goes there ends up with a straw doll figure. When you removed the red string, the target will be stalked by demons before getting sent to Hell. However in a particular episode, nothing prevents someone else doing the same to you.

This is often used as a means of getting revenge. One psychic attempted to fight the demons before someone pulled the red string on him. You will see some truly mess up stuff that may leave you mentally scarred for life. One detective tries to prevent this from happening but couldn't. I should point out in Japan, there's a few more seasons that's never dubbed.

This is largely due to another company chosen to keep them exclusive Japanese. Likely for the best because people simply aren't ready for horror like this. Hell Girl herself doesn't appear that bad at first. You later find out how this arrangement happened. She delivers souls to the devil through a particular path in Hell.

I know parts of this sounds like Death Note. This is actually scarier than that in a few ways. It turns out that doll I previously mentioned is a demon in disguise. Yeah imagine having a demon inside one of your pockets. For the victims, they witness some disturbing stuff. Like one of them suddenly sees they're becoming a wooden doll or the ground during a baseball game breaks apart.

Hell Girl is down right mess up in every sense of the word. Also there's no saving anyone that red string removed on. Here's a show that seems like these stories at first appears to be their own stories. It was later revealed all of that was connected through the same demons. Which means everyone victim you see dies on the show, it all happened in canon.

Hell Girl does plays on suspense. You never know when someone pulls the red string on you without warning. This mysterious website is seemly black web turf. Every victim is guarantee to die. There's no one to prevent anyone from getting sent to Hell. This actually worst than dealing with the Cenobites but not as unpleasant as the Deadnites.

Here's a show that will make you afraid of things in ways you won't see coming. I am not kidding Hell Girl doesn't roll punches, it delivers getting right down your very spine with massive chill. In all honestly, it's mind blowing something like this actually exists. This was before more similar concepts became more common.

You never know the day you could end up in Hell. Maybe it's tomorrow or a week from now who really knows. These demons will terrorize any victim they been unleashed on. Then at the end of those, Hell Girl herself says her famous line to end their lifes. I also should mention, Hell Girl is immortal while the other demons she works with aren't.

If you plan to watch a scary anime, be careful when watching this one. You may freak out badly after seeing some of this. I really wasn't kidding about how much of those moments are essentially nightmare fuel. No one is safe from these demons. The sad truth is humans themselves are dooming each other over personal matters, you'll be surprise how many souls they collected.

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