Wednesday, October 12, 2022

My thoughts on Squid Game concept

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, today I'm going to do something a little different. It's still too early to review the Netflix show Squid Game. Eventually later down the line I may do so. Right now I rather discuss the overall concept of Squid Game in general. Considering I haven't seen the newer Saw movies, this was a perfect backup plan.

I wanna point out this was originally an Korea show. Honestly for being my first Korean show it was quite decent just in case anyone wondered if I like or dislike the show in question.

Squid Game is a series of games that starts with 456 people. All of them got recruited for these then kidnapped on particular locations. Which already sounds strange but we haven't gotten to the crazy stuff yet. Oh trust me, this series of games makes Saw seem like child's play in comparison. I will be discussing all the games they done in season 1 of the show in order.

Game 1: Red Light, Green Light
The rules are simple you have to make your way to the line. Which is a notable distance from what you started. A huge robot girl is the one shouting out commands. If you play while she's looking. You're out of the game, you don't just leave to wait for the others to get done. No here the very moment you screw up you're dead.

In this particular case, they have several snipers ready to shoot at anyone who got seen. You would be mind blown how many lives were loss in just Game 1 alone. After one death, everyone else realizes they don't wanna get caught. Although, it doesn't prevent some from freaking out that leads to the same outcome.

There is a rule by voting to determine if the games continues or not. You also get the option to come back. So for them it's normal a lot of people don't return. The grand prize is constantly adding up with every death. You simply wouldn't believe how much money there ends up being. I know it's mess up considering majority of people are those struggling with money.

Game 2: Dalgona aka ppopgi
The rules are simple you are given a choice which shape out of four shapes cookie. Then you have to carefully break that shape out. If you break any pieces of the actual shape, you will be executed on the spot. Obviously, each shape has their own obstacles. There's a few methods getting the task done. Of course, this one is just as easy to screw up.

I know for people outside of Korea like myself this seems not normal. It was a children's game in their country. These are nice sized cookies as well. This will test your patience as well as depends on which method you're using. You may have a chance at surviving this game. Just keep in mind, one armed worker is always close by in the event you loss the game.

Game 3: Tug of war
The one game they played that most of the world knows. The rules are simple this is a team theme game. You are within a ten people group going against another ten people group. There's a few extreme changes making this truly terrifying for someone. Usually Tug of war is on the ground safely being played.

Their variation of it is Tug of war is being played high up. Which means the losing team, all ten members dies from a long fall. Of course, at times not all of them dies from the fall. This also means in a short sections, half the total number of people left will be cut down. Not to mention, every member is clearly chained together making it even worse when you lose.

Also they randomly select the order of the teams competing against each other. Thus you have to come up with an plan on the spot. This alone brings in paranoia because your team could be facing a stronger team or those playing dirty within the rules. Tug of war is more intense because of these changes. They even had to use an elevator to get up and down from the platform this is taking place at.

Game 4: Marble game
This one has a few interesting twists. For starters, this is meant to cut the remaining players down once again by half. They also are given the choice who they get to play with, a two players limit. Not only that, they are allowed to play any marble game of their choice. Yes the players are allowed to force changing the marble game.

This alone has so many ways it could go. There's a lot of marble games including ones you could create on the spot. The goal is simple you must collect all the other player's marbles to win. Some forms of dirty playing is allowed. This quickly becomes emotionally because you originally think this would be another team theme game.

Suddenly get told you are playing against each other to the death. The loser will get gunned down on the spot. The area itself is a replicate of an neighbor hood. Which further makes things strangely interesting. Regardless, most games with marbles is a game of luck. You can only hope whatever marble game you're playing, somehow you win.

Game 5: Two-panel wide bridge
The rules is simple you got to get across this glass bridge. However you have to correctly guess between two different types of glass. The wrong choices will only lead to falling to your death. This seems to be even higher up than Tug of War. This is a long glass bridge as well. I should mention, all games have a time limit.

This one it seems the most critical. The person leading could rush straight to death or get lucky to jump on a few correct glass steps. There's people that either takes their time guessing or on purpose waste other people's time. You can't simply jump pass whoever is in front of the line up. By the end for those who survives, the bridge gets blown up.

Keep in mind, the survivors aren't even warned about that. This is an intense game for all the right reasons. You gotta rush but rushing too much will get you killed. You have no choice but try convincing whoever in the front of the line up to move it or risk getting timed out. VIPs are also a factor in some degree.

They could request the lights to be turn off. Which notably makes the game even more difficult. This is a truly unforgiving game. There isn't a lot of options to tell which glass is safe enough for two people to move on. The wrong glass can't even support one person. I would say this was the craziest game so far. You can tell they really wanna push the survivors to their very limits

Game 6: Squid
The rules are the most complex out of all the other games previously played. Keep in mind, you need at least two people playing for this to happen. If you seen the episode, they do a great job explaining the rules. The defensive player prevent the offensive player from touching the top spot. They also attempt to push the offensive player out of boundaries.

The offensive player has to hop on one foot until reaching a particular spot. Now they are allowed to freely move how they want to within the structure. This game has a violent nature for a Korean's children game. Here as long they are following the actual game rules. They actually can fight as unpleasantly as they want.

You could even say this is the most ugliest of all the games played. Squid is another unforgiving game that could easily go south if you aren't careful. The loser has a few options to die. By getting gunned down by a worker, killed by the opposing player or commit suicide. Here's a game that truly brings out such ugliness within people.

The solo player in the end wins the Grand Prize money. They are blindfolded then get put to sleep while in a limo with the man running the games. They give you all that money on a new credit card. I should point out they do allow previous winners to join in future series of games. Regardless, you have to accept 455 people will die for the Grand Prize money to be completed for whoever wins.

The big lesson is they transformed Korea's children games into a dangerous series of games. It's much bigger in scale from the biggest series of games Saw series has ever done. The body count from what we could go by is likely within the thousands. It's truly amazing, such a concept exists within this Netflix show.

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