Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Unlucky Thirteen #13 Hellraiser (2022)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I saved the most terrifying movie imaginable for the final Halloween blog entry inhumanly possible. We are literately going through Hell itself for a movie. It's been a long time since anyone praise an Hellraiser movie this much. Yes I am actually going to review Hellraiser (2022) right here, right now!!!

I made sure this is fully a spoiler free review of the movie.

Hellraiser (2022)
I will be honest doing this review spoiler free will be a challenge. I know some recent horror movies I revealed a lot about them. I felt this one is something you really need to watch. There's no question, it's straight out nightmare fuel territory. I will say some direct stuff that already quickly got known online. Nothing relating to the plot though.

Jamie Clayton did an amazing job as the new Pinhead character. This is a reboot but also the second adaptation of Clive Barker's The Hellbound Heart. Let's be honest, up to Hellraiser: Judgment we needed a restart. I did enjoy the last Hellraiser movie though. The kills are some of the finest yet in the franchise. I have to say the absolute best Cenobite appearances so far.

This is worthy of the name Hellraiser in every sense of the word. Yes this is also an Hulu film, it's better than you're expecting. I also wanna say the characters works better than most Hellraiser movies. Not only that, the puzzle box is very unique in it's concept this time around. I won't spoil in what ways though. This movie quickly takes things to a dark place right to the end.

For me, that's how a proper Hellraiser movie is should to be. Hellraiser is easily one of the best horror movies I seen this year. I know a lot of Hellraiser fans waited a long time for a good Hellraiser movie. I felt Hellraiser: Judgment was a step into the right direction. The production story can be rather confusing to talk about.

The short version is for years, there were several attempts at making the movie we have here. Some got indirectly delayed by a few Helllraiser movies despite being made by different companies. Right around when Clive Barker won the lawsuit for the movie rights, this movie following Halloween (2018 film) was given a go.

I hope I did an alright job summing all that up. This movie is very terrifying, I would say one of the scariest Hellraiser movies I have ever seen. I am not kidding, even a few moments got under my skin in a great way. Hellraiser nails in every possible way, it's a great horror movie. I felt everyone involved should be proud of their work.

This movie is amazingly well made. Considering a lot of Hellraiser movies originally weren't even Hellraiser movies in the first place. We are going into the right direction here. This felt like the wait was very well worth every minute of it. Hellraiser is a movie for hardcore horror movie fans. Yeah, it can be truly too much fast for a lot of people.

Especially if you never seen any Hellraiser movies before. I strongly felt this movie deserves all the praise it's currently getting. I also felt the franchise is fully back on track. Especially with Barker more directly involved, things will be fine. This made up for Halloween Ends in my book. I can even argue this is one of the greatest horror movie reboot movies I ever seen period.

Hellraiser is something you gotta see with your own two eyes. Don't even let people tell you about the movie. No you are going to see the entire film yourself. This felt like the single perfect choice to end my Halloween blog marathon. I highly recommend people check this Hellraiser movie out as soon as possible, trust me you really won't be disappointed.

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