Saturday, October 29, 2022

Bonus Halloween Blog #46 Remembering Aaahh!!! Real Monsters show

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, today's blog isn't about a review or anything among what I usually do. No I am going to do something very different. I remembered as a kid, there were times I would watch a particular comedy horror show that's on Nickelodeon. Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, which could be seen as a precursor to stuff like Monsters, Inc. franchise.

For me, this was a much needed nostalgia trip.

Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (1994-1997)
The show follows a handful of students. I didn't say they're human students either. They are monster students that often go to their freaky school. At times, they leave to either do stuff or scary humans. My favorite out of the three students we often focus on is Oblina. I don't think the show was close as scary as Courage the Cowardly Dog.

It doesn't mean it wasn't scary or at least creepy. Of course, I gotta mention their teacher The Gromble. Who has two assistants The Snorch and Zimbo. Interesting fact about Zimbo, he's actually voiced by Tim Curry. Curry was involved with a lot of stuff during the 90s including The Wild Thornberrys. At times, they reveal stuff to the lore of famous monster figures like Bigfoot.

Another actor Jim Belushi who played Simon The Monster Hunter. Who could be seen as a precursor to Invader Zim character Dib. Belushi voiced in a lot of cartoons during the 90s including KaBlam! & Hey Arnold!. The monsters live within a city dump. If the show were bad, I would've done an obvious trash insult.

This show always stood out in my mind. I do respect the concept of seeing things from monsters' point of view. The show has some similarities to a movie called Little Monsters. I felt this show was better though. You get to see people either afraid of them or ends up being friends to them instead. Obviously, this show easily could be seen as disgusting.

After all, we have characters like Krumm. I would say among the main monsters the show focuses on, he's the most disgusting hands down. Krumm is virtually a monster that kinda similar to a regular hairy human. He is missing a lot of notably body parts. He also has the most disgusting humor too. Krumm is like Ed off of Ed, Edd n Eddy in a few ways.

A good amount of the show does focus a lot on school. Keep in mind, this isn't an educational show. Unless, you consider how to scare or gross people out lol. The Gromble does what he can to protect his students even if he must harm their feelings to do so. The artwork always appealed to me even at a young age.

I still haven't fully watched the show. I did watch a couple episodes a while back. But another major reason I always remembered this show. I also grew up with Aaahh!!! Real Monsters on Sega Genesis. Yes, there's an official video game based on such a show. You can bet I was mind blown as a kid. To be honest, I never gotten far but I always liked a few things about the game.

Like the show, the main students we watch do work as a team. It's actually done better than The Animaniacs on the same console, yes I also grew up with that show too. The artwork looked faithful to the show. I loved the cover picture which is shared on the SNES game too. The title itself, I love it with an passion.

They had guts to call an monster show something like this. Another crazy thing about the show not a lot of people realize. This competed against such younger audience horror shows as Goosebumps & Are You Afraid of the Dark? respectively. A few years competing against both those horror shows. Aaahh!!! Real Monsters won my respect even more.

Even for Nickelodeon, there wasn't many shows like this. Sadly, there's no news about reviving Aaahh!!! Real Monsters. Which is kinda disappointing because it's an monster show centered around monsters. If this show didn't happen, chances are Monsters, Inc. franchise wouldn't even exist. Parts of the concept may be done before the show.

At the same time, it's done in a way you aren't flat out scared. You are rather curious to see what a monster's life is like. Not only that, the characters are rememberable in their own way. They even made a city landfill into one of the coolest locations among Nick Toons. If anything, I felt this show truly deserves respect.

Aaahh!!! Real Monsters lasted four seasons. A lot of crossovers featured monsters from the show. Clearly, Nickelodeon didn't forget about these characters. I also felt it's one of those shows there's something in there someone is going to love very much. I do highly recommend you check out this timeless monster classic show.

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