Tuesday, October 11, 2022

IT mini series and movies review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I been saving this for a long time. I think it's finally time to review Stephen King's IT. Mostly the mini series as well as the movies that's more recent. I figured why not end things with a bang? So here we go into the madness that is Pennywise the Dancing Clown hahaha. You know kids are going to have a great time, they float too!!!

IT (1990)
The mini series originally was suppose to be done in 3 parts. Sadly during later production ended up rushing things to become a two part mini series. There's no question, Part 1 is way better. Part 2 had so many notable issues that takes away from things. I could even say Tim Curry didn't even save the show. The time periods are accurate to those in the book.

I will say Tim does have a good performance as Pennywise. The cast for Part 1 was done just right. Keep in mind, this was aired on TV. Despite the limitations of a TV mini series to those of a movies. I felt they did a good job staying true to King's works. Part 2 didn't have the ideal cast in mind. Some moments were either skipped or removed entirely while other moments happened sooner rather than later.

A lot of people didn't like Pennywise's form late into Part 2. They do hold back on the violence. You could relate to these kids, a great sign they're doing a decent job. I felt this mini series will always be mixed because of Part 2 section. Although this did ended unlike some mini series based on King's works. The sudden rushing production was the very mistake that ruined the mini series.

Another major factor is like the very book it's based on. The story often kept switching between the two time periods in it's story telling. Thus if you aren't paying attention will quickly get confused what's going on. Well the mini series recreated the same exact problem. Just done slightly better here I say still a notable problem though.

Part 1 didn't get rush, we had the perfect ratio of how the story should be adapted. It is still better received than The Shining mini series which is actually more accurate to the book than the movie. I felt they tried playing it safe also didn't help things in the long run. It may started off like perfect timing than something had to happen to quickly changed plans like that.

I would say try to stick with the first half you won't get disappointed. You should watch Part 2 at least once then avoid it altogether. Trust me, it doesn't live up to what Part 1 given us. They even gave Curry some questionable scenes like he suddenly transforms into an attacking dog at a security guard? No I am not going to throw him a bone here, he can go get it on his own.

IT (2017)
Alright this one is a great scary time. Bill Skarsgard plays Pennywise, he nails the character incredibly well. Strangely this movie happened twenty seven years after the mini series. I would say the movie was very decent, accurate & I wouldn't even change a single thing here. I would even say it's one of the finest King movies of it's era.

IT doesn't hold back on the violence as well as attempts to scare the audience. Even my wife who randomly chose it on Netflix was afraid during watching this movie. I should point out Finn Wolfhard is in a lot of stuff since the show Supernatural. Wait did you expect me to say Stranger Things, yes that show made him very popular.

At the same time, ultimately Supernatural helped him get into such rememberable roles including Mike on Stranger Things show. He plays Richie during their childhood story. I do liked this only covers their childhood portion of the story, a smart idea. This movie is incredibly effective in scaring people. I would say this is a great adaptation of a long Stephen King book.

I would even say some of these scenes might be nightmare fuel for people. Like the scene where Mike goes by this door. All of a sudden, burning people were trying to get out. Which is referencing an event he nearly died in himself. This was a great way to bringing something old back just right. It may not be labeled officially as a remake but the fans do label it as such.

IT does have potential, I can safely say none of it got wasted. Yes some special effects were slightly off. But man this was a truly terrifying movie in it's own right. Everyone delivered a great performance. Even Beverly gotten a more accurate portrayal of the character here. There's no question you gotta watch this movie as soon as possible.

IT: Chapter 2 (2019)
A follow up covering the adult versions of the Losers club. There's a few flashback scenes but it doesn't take away from anything. I should point out unlike the book & the mini series. They chose the childhood portion to take place during the 80s, screams Stranger Things I know. The newer point of view is in the year 2016.

Unlike the mini series, I actually strongly felt the cast for this one was spot on. I was deeply impressed how well they portrayed their respective characters. There's some mess up moments like Bill witness a kid getting murdered while he couldn't do anything to help. Of course, I haven't even mention their main bully character.

In the newer IT movies, Henry Bowers is a more mess up person than he was in the mini series. He does return to end up getting killed off like he did in the book. They added Stanley did leave a surprise for his friends before he committed suicide. The final battle had an unexpected end. I would say this is nearly as good as the previous IT movie.

I still felt both of them are great adaptations of King's works, he should be proud. Skarsgard delivers once again as Pennywise. I would say this one isn't scary but it was also the more mess up IT movie. I would even say this is one of the finest sequel movies based on King's works I ever seen. Personally, I rather rewatch Doctor Sleep in comparison.

Regardless the book, the mini series or the movies. Pennywise always was a major symbol of Coulrophobia, fear of clowns. I should mention, he is a shape shifter. He can become any form he wants within limitations that Mike does mentions late into IT: Chapter 2 movie. I felt these movies does a truly amazing job recreating the legendary writer's work.

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