Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Mars Attacks! review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I figured why not add in another Tim Burton movie review? This one has a rather interesting story that led to the creation of the movie we know today. This is one of the best Burton movies of it's era. It often gets forgotten within discussion for the best Tim Burton movies. I'm not saying this is the best Tim Burton movie ever just stating a fact.

Mars Attacks! (1996)
The original concept itself came from an old card game of the same name. There was a previous attempt making a movie based on that. Before Tim Burton with a few people eventually got the production going. One unexcepted change is someone left the role of Art Land. Jack Nicholson convinced them to let him do the role while also playing the president in the same movie.

Thus this likely the only movie in history where Nicholson dies twice within a movie. A lot of notable stars are in this too. It's actually a long list but stuff like that makes people more interested watching the movie. The movie itself has a strange sense of humor. The Martians comes to Earth but something went wrong.

Personally based on things later in the movie, I strongly felt they always planned to invade Earth. They have these guns that instantly kills people. There's a lot of strange moments which makes it fitting of a Tim Burton film. Like a boxer gets into a fight with one of the leaders. Not long after he won, the rest of them in the area over whelmed him.

Of course, I gotta mention some mess up kill scenes. Like one of the generals gets shrunk down then stepped on. The president himself gets a rather brutal death from a cheap trick. It turns out the Martians can't handle oxygen as well as loud noises. Which led to a particular song getting broadcast that kills off the Martians in record time.

I felt this movie had plenty of surprises in it's own right. It quickly became more of a gem among Burton's works or at least that's how I viewed it from other Burton fans. I felt this is one of those invader movies at least one part someone is going to love. Which isn't common among those movies. There was a few decades that heavily focused on science fiction including aliens.

Mars Attacks! is one crazy parody movie. It does take itself incredibly serious. Then you realize people like Jack Black is in it lol. Years before he gets to play Bowser in a Mario movie, I swear I'm not making that up. I kinda wished Christopher Lloyd were in this. So I could've made a Back to the Future joke but Michael J. Fox who played Marty from those movies is presented.

I should point out Pierce Brosnan also starred in his first Bond movie, GoldenEye the same year. Most deaths are unpleasant but not disgusting. There's even a scene with a mech chasing someone in a truck. We also have Danny DeVito who played The Penguin in Batman Returns. I felt this movie often either gets overlooked or underrated by Burton fans.

I felt Tim Burton did a great job with the movie. This was the right balance of everything. Still within his golden years of cinema. You can tell Burton wanted to give all of us a great time. There isn't many parody alien invading movies out there. I would say this one always will be my favorite. Of course, this might come off as a bit of a surprise.

My favorite planet in our solar system is actually Mars. I just found Mars strangely interesting compared to the other planets. I know I live on Earth but still some people had similar beliefs for other planets. This movie isn't just out of this world, you kinda wish there was more of it. Sadly it never gotten any form of a continuation which is a shame.

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