Sunday, October 9, 2022

My thoughts on Velma show

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, there was a time I used to look forward to watching older Scooby-Doo shows as well as movies. Personally I felt everything started to go bad from What's New Scooby-Doo? show. Although, there's some exceptions including a crossover episode with Supernatural to name a few. Today, I finally hit my limit with my distaste of how the Scooby-Doo franchise is being handled.

To clarify I'm not a racist but I still gotta say I kinda felt insulted. There's a new show coming to HBO Max named Velma. I would think things would get ugly after it started airing. Sadly it gotten ugly even before the first trailer came out. A lot of fans including myself who used to be one very upset with this show.

They changed the gang's race except for Fred. Scooby-Doo himself is absence from the show, already a huge red flag. People from the show are firing back at angry fans the wrong way. Look, I still respected the franchise until they finally hit so low I don't even wanna think about it anymore. Velma is easily the biggest mistake they ever taken for a Scooby-Doo show.

Even a more kid friendly version called A Pup Named Scooby-Doo was a way better show. Most of them are more comical with not so much on being serious. The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo was the most serious overall Scooby-Doo show that was short lived. It later was given a movie conclusion to the story. I do get why Scooby-Doo still around with these shows, movies and video games.

I say way too many movies to keep track of. The overall falling already affected the newer Scooby-Doo movies. Even the most recent live action direct to video spin off video was better than this, you already know what I'm going to say. Well that sucks too, damn how the mighty has fallen. They were lucky to get a crossover movie with Courage the Cowardly Dog despite things.

It's kinda sad I rather talk more about other related Scooby-Doo things than the show currently upsetting people right now. Yes I did watch the trailer, I was more left with questions than answers. Such as why changed most of the gang's race? As many of you know for a couple animated shows. Voice actors had to take down voicing certain characters simply because they weren't their race.

To me, this felt like an unneeded reversal of that concept. I just felt a lengthy unpleasant comment on that trailer video. Let's say most of what I got left to say is present within this long comment. I wouldn't be surprised many people felt the same way I do about the show. I can't even believe they actually thought that was a good idea.

Original long comment just in case it got deleted
I am going to be brutally honest here, I really don't like this show at all. You couldn't figure a more proper way to spice things up. Instead you chosen to change most of the gang's race with Scooby-Doo himself being absence is absolutely the biggest mistakes you done. You are trying to sell out by altering things to attempt appeal to people of different races. Rather than introduce a new member or two who could've done the same exact thing minus the sellout vibes you're giving out. Even A Pup Named Scooby-Doo is a way better show than this. Not to mention, this seems like a reversal of those offended by people playing cartoon characters of other races from they're own. It wasn't a good idea to include Velma bashing fans into the trailer. Now stuff like that is the very things you really shouldn't even considered doing on your show. I rather rewatch Courage the Cowardly Dog than even consider watching this garbage. This show isn't for the fans, it clearly never was. To me, this show was simply meant to expose people of other races. For the record, I am not racist!!! It's deeply upsetting how this once great franchise kept falling. Sadly it seems to only get worse with this might end up being the one case they can't seem to crack. End of the day, Scooby-Doo was meant for a group of people to solve mysteries. Not even having them together for those isn't Scooby-Doo at all. Even the more serious tone of The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo show was nailed better. Velma show is only going to kill off this franchise or becomes one of the major reasons why this franchise gets buried. I even felt if the creators were alive, they wouldn't allow this to happen. In all honestly, things started to go south with What's New Scooby-Doo? show but this is a completely new low. I am offended because they are trying to expose people of other races by altering the race of the gang. Norville isn't the name we know Shaggy for. I think you didn't wanna get sue by the reggae singer Shaggy is why he ended up being called such a weak name. I'm still a bit confused what's different about Fred myself. I am well aware even the company originally responsible for Scooby-Doo made a couple similar concept cartoon shows. I'm sure even the worst of those knock off shows is way better than this. Velma does deserve this backlash they caused. I hope more fans stands up to getting this canceled. In fact, if someone makes a petition for that reason I will willingly sign that petition. This isn't Scooby-Doo, this is more of a show that decided a bad route on purpose for the wrong kind of attention!!! If that was the case then congratulations, you nearly piss every single Scooby-Doo fan in the world. I really hope this show gets canceled quickly like the canned Netflix Resident Evil show. Velma is nothing more than let's make money off of other people's races, which can also be seen as a form of racism. Yes I actually can go on record to say this show is in racist. The big difference from most animated sitcom shows & this, the original Scooby-Doo shows weren't meant for stuff like this. If you think people are going to forgive you for doing this, I highly doubt that's ever going to happen. Velma show is purely insulting those very same races they are so desperately trying to appeal to. HBO Max already making some truly questionable decisions recently. This is easily one of the absolute worst ideas they ever had. Velma is quickly going to fall hard to the ground from so many animated shows. I don't even think it would hold up against the likes of Big Mouth or the more recent spin off show, Human Resources. Scooby-Doo is meant to be a comedy mystery show. Just based on that trailer alone, you are attempting to do more self aware, mature twisted sense of humor. I can tell you that wasn't a good idea, it never was. Velma is only going to piss people off in the long run. Please cancel the show while you still have time. Maybe people will start moving on before the damage is fully done. Which by that point, the world will be very angry with you all for doing this show. Velma is a great example of how to not do a proper spin off show. Most spin off shows doesn't long longer than the shows they bridge off of unless we're talking about The Simpsons. Honestly, I am outraged HBO Max actually allowed this show to happen in the first place burn it to HELL!!!

I am deeply upset as well as offended by this show. I felt everything I really wanted to say is not into the opening for the world to see. Honestly, I hope HBO Max goes back to the basics or consider canceling their streaming service. There's virtually no one in the world that actually wants to see this show.

I really wish I had something to possibly look forward to Scooby-Doo wise but I already felt most of that already passed. This clearly isn't the direction the fans wanted Scooby-Doo shows to go in. This felt like a pure attempt to exploit people than anything else. Let's be honest, people wouldn't be this angry if it weren't a Scooby-Doo cartoon show.

In truth, I really hope this show dies very soon. Just when I thought of their other major mistakes. Like a prequel live action movie or how they chosen to bring in celebrities into the movies. We already gotten two Scooby-Doo shows that does a similar concept. It's almost like they knew they couldn't do anything original.

I speak for those Scooby-Doo fans, we can't even call it a Scooby-Doo show anymore. Without the actual dog character, we already left a key member is missing. We can't even say we have the gang here for that very reason. Indirectly, I'm glad Scooby isn't in the show because they likely would've changed his race too.

Which by itself would've been deeply upsetting to people. Scooby-Doo is a Grey Dane, still one of the most fictional dog characters of that breed in history. Changing that would've be more upsetting than the gang having their races changed. Velma show deserves two huge thumbs facing downwards because it truly deserves every bit of that.

Update: more unpleasant stuff came out about the show I gotta discuss. It isn't even worth it's own blog entry either. They finally revealed their reason for not including Scooby himself into the show. Are you ready for the single worst answer they ever given so far? It is because by having Scooby there to them it's a kid's show.

This very franchise was named after this dog. He quickly became it's mascot, I felt this particular excuse was just a method to try spicing up the show. Scooby is in majority of the franchise up to this show. I strongly felt this was a very bad move on their part. The actress playing as Velma liked a tweet from the author JK Rowling which pissed a lot of people off not long ago.

I should mention that actress' brother possibly done something that borderlines racism. He disguised himself as a black person to get into Medical School. Honestly, that's just distasteful as well as offensive. I am getting more curious how much worst things are going to get before this show airs. I highly suggest as many of us comes together to convince the higher ups to cancel this show!!!

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