Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Why is Freddy Krueger my favorite slasher?

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I finally get to do a blog I always wanted to do. It is no secret Freddy Krueger always has been my favorite horror movie slasher out of them all. Yes there's a lot of them that do come close including Chucky, Michael, Leprechaun and several others. But to me, Freddy always left a huge impression on me.

Keep in mind, I wrote a similar blog on Scream's Ghost Face. It's about damn time I finally show my passion for Freddy.

Freddy was eventually given a twisted humor side like Chucky. But majority of his movies involves a dead man haunting teenager's dreams. Essentially a place their parents can not protect them. He can manipulate to a degree that's truly terrifying. He can make anything including not possible things to happen while in the dream world.

Freddy had a rough past that quickly led to him becoming a serial killer. After taken to court to only be let go due to no one signed the warrant for his arrest. This caused the angry parents to hunting him down burning Freddy alive. Freddy is easily one of the most op slashers in all of horror movies. There isn't a lot of things beyond him making even covering such a topic difficult in it's own right.

I got a confession to make, I personally do not like A Nightmare on Elm Street 2. Not for the reasons you may think at first. Freddy's concept centers on killing teens in their sleep. But in this particular movie, a high school student named Jesse Walsh into manipulating him to murdering people. First off, this completely ignored the concept the late Wes Craven set in stone.

Second, possessing a high school student to killing people just doesn't seem like a Freddy movie. No Wes Craven's New Nightmare to me was way more of a true Freddy movie. Hell even the remake yes I'm going there stayed true to that concept making that ultimately better in my eyes. Yes I also watched the documentary on this franchise, I learned a great detail about the making of those movies.

The Simpsons in one of early Treehouse of Horror episodes does a parody of this franchise. Honestly even that was way better than the remake. Freddy is such an unique character for more than he can talk. He can virtually do anything in the dream world making him a god like being. Hell I'm going to state the obvious here.

For me, the definition Freddy experience is watching A Nightmare on Elm Street 3. Along with that, I recommend the original, Wes Craven's New Nightmare & Freddy vs. Jason. Now everything else with the possible exception of the remake & 2, I do like to a degree. For example Freddy's Dead is more of a horror comedy than a proper Freddy movie.

I haven't seen many horror movies that reminds me of it except one called The Funny Man with the late Christopher Lee. Trust me, that movie is way more entertaining. Freddy got to be in two follow up cross over comics with Ash from Evil Dead continuing after the event of Freddy vs. Jason. When they done that movie, it's been years since in horror we gotten anything remotely close to Frankenstein meets the Wolfman.

Obviously it was a huge deal at the time for many reasons. Freddy kept appearing in places you just won't expect including an Halloween episode of The Goldbergs. Robert Englund has done Freddy so many times in his life time, it's mind blowing. Beyond these movies, he also cameo as the character in an intro to Treehouse of Horror episode.

He also reprises the role in Mortal Kombat 9 as a dlc character that does reference the movies. No disrespect to Haley Earle Haley, he is a great actor. I thought he did try with such a poor attempt on the franchise. I just wish people stop criticizing his performance, it never was his fault it bombed the way it did.

Freddy also made some jokes especially in Freddy's Dead like the famous Power Glove reference. Which by the way because they made a replica of that you can buy without talking to Nintendo led to a lawsuit. So that particular joke, Nintendo didn't take kindly to. To be fair, Freddy's Dead was like turning the Looney Tunes into a horror movie.

Oh wait nooooooo The Banana Splits movie. Sorry to get a little off topic but I finally breaking my peace about it here. I remember watching several reruns growing up of that show. Then I found out about that movie, I got angry. I got more upset when I found out, it was suppose to be a Five Nights at Freddy's movie.

Honestly Freddy's Dead is a better movie even if I don't get to watch The Banana Splits movie. I also noticed beyond the second Freddy movie, Freddy was killing fewer people. I don't know if that was budget or limitations on special effects or they didn't have the time or trying making the movies shorter.

What I do know is Freddy in not so great movies stands out. Maybe not having the best lines but hey it's Robert Englund in majority of those. Freddy always delivered some original deaths for the most part. Some of my personal favorite kills are in A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 alone. I felt the character stands out in many ways I can't fully explain or people already said enough times so I don't have to.

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