Saturday, October 19, 2019

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Chrollo Lucilfer (Hunter x Hunter) vs. Shinobu Sensui (Yu Yu Hakusho)

I do need to mention, most big fight debates between Yu Yu Hakusho & Hunter x Hunter ends with Yu Yu Hakusho winning easily. This is largely due to the fact the main four characters with a few others are officially S Class characters. Which is simply too powerful for the human world to handle. However I will be doing what could be the most interesting fight debate between them.

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, today I will be covering two of the most well known anime/manga villains created by the author Yoshihiro Togashi. Chrollo Lucilfer of the Phantom Troupe taking on former spirit detective Shinobu Sensui. Funny enough when they originally appear in their respective mangas are age 26.

Chrollo Lucifer

Chrollo is the leader of the Phantom Troupe. A group of killers that takes whatever they want. Officially outcasts of the world since their home town also abandoned by it. The actual concept of this group makes up a spider I'm not kidding. Chrollo is easily one of the scariest people to ever run into his universe.

Shinobu Sensui

Shinobu Sensui was the second person to become a spirit detective. Originally he had a great sense of right & wrong. Until the day, he seen humans doing horrific things to demons. He vowed to go against humanity from this point on. This guy developed six multiple personalities that all do something different.

Abilities and Powers

Chrollo Lucilfer

+Superhuman Strength
+Superhuman Speed
+Superhuman Durability
+Superhuman Endurance
+Superhuman Reflexes
+Preternatural Perception
+Superhuman Agility
+Genius-level intellect
+Master Strategist
+Master hand to hand combatant
+Proficient Weapon Specialist
+Skill Hunter
+Double Face
+Stolen Nen abilities from other users

Shinobu Sensui

+Superhuman Strength
+Superhuman Speed
+Superhuman Durability
+Superhuman Endurance
+Superhuman Reflexes
+Fissure Kick Fist fighting style
+Sacred Energy
+Several armors
+Energy Projection
+Twisted Twister
+Energy Gun
+Sacred Energy Beam


Chrollo Lucilfer

+More likely to predict his opponents
+Has more confusing techniques to go up against
+Capable of stealing powers
+More deceptive
+Likely better at keeping his emotions in check
+Capable of multitasking at high level speed
+More experience since he's still alive

Shinobu Sensei

+Superior overall stats
+Likely to caught on to Lucifer trying to steal one of his abilities
+Has plenty of techniques to stay on top of whatever he's doing
+Even his weakest personality is still more powerful than Lucifer
+More destructive techniques in comparison
+Has a few armors that do alter his stats that will protect him
+By having different personalities makes him harder to predict
+A lot more energy in comparison


Chrollo Lucilfer

-Has more limits with his Nen techniques in comparison
-To steal another person's abilities must been done under strict conditions
-Sensui is very likely to know how to prevent getting any ability from being stolen
-His stats are way below Sensui's in comparison
-Sensui has techniques to stay on top of whatever he's doing
-There are some things a Specialist type characters can't do on their own
-Can not fly
-Relies more on sneak attacks & hiding
-Lacks any form of protection unless you count puppets

Shinobu Sensui

-Some of his personalities aren't meant for fighting
-Some of his personalities don't use their head in a fight
-Obviously uses more spiritual energy in his techniques
-More likely to become emotional in this fight
-Due to be an S Class character could have to limit how much power he's using
-Isn't as perceptive as Lucifer in combat
-Likely become predict to a degree in this fight
-Changing personalities could happen without warning


Chrollo Lucilfer

Every Nen powers he has some form of limitation. He is more of a defensive fighter than an offensive one. There are conditions to stealing another person's abilities. Which clever opponents can easily see through like Zeno. If a person he stole an ability from dies likely loses that power. His fighting style is mostly manipulation than anything else.

Shinobu Sensui

He can change personalities without warning. Some of his personalities aren't meant for combat. He does use techniques that use up a lot of spiritual energy. Depending on which personalities, he can be almost emotionless to emotional. He must change armor types depending on the situation. Each personality has their own level of power as well as abilities that could act as a double edge sword.


Before I start breaking this fight down, I didn't do this to further prove an point. I am a huge fan of both these franchises. I simply felt this fight was easily the most interesting among them all. Also it wasn't as straight forward in comparison to most of them. There actually is additional stuff to consider for this fight rather than one is simply too powerful.

I will give Chrollo Lucilfer credit for making this a fun stomp to do. His techniques are complex as well confusing to explain in full detail. Thankfully several websites does those much better than I could here. To sum up this fight, Sensui does have seven overall personalities with each being stronger to a degree to each other.

Shinobu himself is the strongest among all the personalities since that's his actual personality prior to going insane. We are talking about an lower S Class character that defeated three A Class character with ease. An A Class character can cause immeasurable destruction to the human world. Obviously an S Class character's power is simply too great for it to handle.

How the power scales in both universes is very differently too. Sorry to reuse a point I made back in my Sasuke vs. Hiei prediction, it works just like that here. I am not saying Lucifer is weak hell no. Both of them are very high up in their respective universe's tier. But a closer look confirms Lucilfer is likely going to be an C Class character if he were in the Yu Yu Hakusho universe.

Sadly as proven even two different class characters. The weaker one can't do anything to the stronger class character. Not only that, some of Lucilfer's Nen abilities have limits. Like how many copies of people he can make at a time. There is conditions to steal another Nen user's abilities like asking questions for the victim to answer them or they have to be alive.

Although even Lucilfer stated one of his stolen Nen abilities is from a dead person. Obviously Sensui will likely caught on to what he's doing to prevent him from stealing any of his abilities. Keep in mind, Lucilfer has one hour to complete the process. Hisoka himself made quick work against his puppets by beheading them.

It is likely Sensui got more helpful options to stay on top of whatever Chrollo ends up doing. Yes I know this guy can move & bend in with a crow of people very fast. Due to being a former spirit detective, he should likely to prevent that from happening. Chrollo has to directly implant an antenna into people to control them.

Thankfully Sensui has a few armors he creates from his spiritual energy. He also more range attacks in comparison. Yes Sensui can change personalities without warning. This alone could leave to the best scenarios where Chrollo could win. Each personality has their amount of spiritual energy as well as abilities.

Sadly, there isn't much information on which techniques they had but the author did talk in details about how they're like as well as what they represent in Sensui's mind. It is likely the weakest among them is more powerful than Lucilfer himself. Hell Sensui can fly with more destructive techniques. The endurance of an S Class character is simply beyond top tier characters in Hunter x Hunter universe.

Before anyone takes that the wrong way, the power scale of how they both work I already stated is vastly different. Not in just Yu Yu Hakusho having a more notable power gap even between a particular class of characters. But also Hunter x Hunter has a lot more complexity in it's story. Like how the world works, Nen abilities or how perceptive an experienced hunter actually is.

Yes Lucifer does have a better perceptive ability in comparison. He can likely change strategies on the fly like he done against Hisoka. But due to Sensui's personalities, he could have a hard time predicting many times. Like when the actual Sensui appears or one of his stronger personalities. Lucilfer is obviously more of a methodical strategist.

This does include more deceptive techniques. But Sensui simply out classes him in most categories. Lucilfer does technically have more experience since he's still alive in the manga. He simply doesn't have enough energy to keep it up against someone like Sensui. Let's be honest, Sensui has shown to be a skilled fighter in his own right.

He dominated Yusuke just using his kicks alone. Yusuke was a street fighter before becoming a spirit detective. I will say something a lot of you aren't even expecting. At one point, I was considering Ginjo Kugo from Bleach to face Shinobu Sensui. Yes in a way it would've been a bit closer in terms of raw power alone but Sensui still wins.

I felt Chrollo is more of a challenge due to his cruel as well to adapt rapidly to situations. He actually has some great advantages over Sensui. Chrollo can only do so much with those puppets or manipulating people. Sensui went against humanity long ago making using actual people a small thing to him.

Sensui is simply too much for Chrollo to handle alone in one on one fight. Well technically speaking it's more of seven personalities against one man. So in an sense it's seven people in one body taking on one person. Also even if Lucilfer were to steal an ability, it wouldn't affect much in this fight. Hell he could steal one of his armor techniques but he wouldn't gain additional energy from it.

Yes Chrollo held his own against two of the deadliest assassins at once in his universe. But even they fail in comparison to S Class characters. In the long run, Chrollo using a lot of puppets isn't even going to slow Sensui down. I will say there are factors here that at least makes it fun to talk about. Who doesn't like obvious stomps that simply aren't fun at all lol.

Winner: Shinobu Sensui (Yu Yu Hakusho)

I should make this clear, Shinobu & Chrollo got some things in common. Both of them lead a group of people with powers. Although their motives are vastly different. Both of them are easily top tier characters in their respective universes. Also their job set prior to becoming rogue in a few ways was similar.

I ultimately went against Ginjo against Shinobu because he could attempt stealing spiritual energy. But he couldn't take it all like he did with Ichigo. Even getting a little of it won't help him much in that fight. For me, it was even more obvious that Sensui can easily win that fight. Ginjo wasn't as much of a strategist or had anything major enough to being a problem to him.

In Chrollo's case, borrowing an Nen ability from one of his servants. To clarify manipulating people ability could oppose as a threat to him. Although he would still have a more difficult time trying to use it on him. Even if I were to do Ginjo vs. Chrollo instead, I actually have to give it to Chrollo. Yes he is not in the same power class as Ginjo.

But he was capable of fighting Hisoka who was physically stronger than him. So he potentially could work around some of his advantages in that fight. Also he isn't likely to understand Chrollo's Nen abilities even he took the time to explaining them. I figured Sensui vs. Lucifer was the most exciting fight between these three characters.

Even I went out of my way of making this a three way fight. Which I would pay to see truthfully. Sensui is already more powerful than both of his opponents combined. Ginjo is likely to first to die in this fight. Everything else, I said heavily implies here. Also Ginjo will struggle against a lot of puppets in either version of this fight.

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