Sunday, October 20, 2019

Jack Red reviews Critters Attack! (2019)

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, it's been a few years since I reviewed the first four Critters movie. Syfy channel just aired Critters Attack! last night. The big question was this worth watching or not. I guess it depends on how you prefer your bad movies or those who love they're so bad they're good movies. Honestly it is a little better than I thought it was going to be.

I haven't seen the new Critters show but based on what I looked up on it being a reboot with new characters. I will say this was a bit better than the previous two Critters movies. The first couple of kills was horribly done on camera. But majority of them are some of the finest in this series. Dee Wallace who played the mom in the original Critters comes back under a different name.

Critters Attack! was made by Syfy, I got to be honest I do prefer Leprechaun Returns way more than this. But it is still easier for me to accept this than The Banana Splits Movie airing on their channel. Surprisingly that one guy who was in the previous four Critters movies doesn't return. Critters themselves can now grow offsprings from humans.

What did they just rip off Alien series? You bet they did, honestly they're both unusual alien movies. I do love some newer characters like the queen critter whose a bad ass in this movie. She comes off as their version of Gizmo from Gremlins. Funny enough, both of these were created by the same guy. Anyway, my favorite scene has to be Chef cutting a critter's head clean off with a butcher knife.

Yeah a couple of characters are poorly written in this movie. I still say a handful of them are written better than those in Critters 4. I do like the famous giant critters ball makes a return. Sadly it only kills one person this time. It was still nice to see it being used again. Dee Wallace is now a bounty hunter that goes in there like Boba Fett blowing these vicious bastards up.

Honestly, I can now see Syfy getting their hands on Gremlins just to cross both of these over. Although they did make Puppet Master vs. The Demonic Toys without permission or copy rights from Full Moon Features of Charles Band himself. I will say this movie doesn't hold back on the gore when they finally start showing it.

I probably have to say this is the third best Critters movie. Nothing can top the first two Critters movies. The original is hands down the best out of them all. I do like they brought back a sorta family concept in this one. Those small monsters are something else in this movie. Considering this is the fifth movie as well as a huge time gap, it's not as bad I thought it was going to be.

I will be honest, some special effects in this are alright. Chef was easily my favorite character in all of these movies. I feel sorry his nephew was killed by these things that I was excited to see him rip em apart. There's mostly negative in terms of the story kinda blends in itself. Some truly stupid moments like the guy claiming to be a faster runner to only get devoured completely by a ball of critters.

They also focus a lot on this lady who regrets an accident that killed her mother. I will not be quiet about their new weakness. Yes, particular loud noises can cause them to explode. Sorta like Jack Frost in Jack Frost 2 with bananas. It comes off as being more silly than how what an awesome way to kill them.

Overall, I might consider rewatching a few scenes but not the entire movie again. I felt removing a huge amount of it would've made it a lot better in my opinion. I am glad they didn't forget about the bounty hunters. Some of the most bad ass characters in this franchise were intergalactic bounty hunters.

Another scene I like a lot was when the queen critter kills a small group of them. Sure it cuts away a few times due to what was going on. But damn she is a beast man, she made Chef look kind in comparison I'm not kidding. Critters Attack! doesn't exactly blows or pops but it sure has a few select things I like.

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