Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Why I Love The Wraith (Dead by Daylight)

On May 28, 2019, I gotten Adept Wraith achievement. I been trying on and off the last few days to get this. Beyond it, I'm not sure who the next Adept Killer achievement going to be yet.

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I am going to be talking about another original killer in Dead by Daylight. To be honest, like The Hag I originally did not like The Wraith. More recently, all of that changed once I figured out how to actually play as him. Now he is one of my favorite killers in the game. I would even say getting him down can own a group of survivors with ease.

Philip Ojomo aka The Wraith came to America to have a great life. He was working for an automobile company dealing with cars. Until one day, one of his employer's victims was still alive in the trunk. He quickly approached his employer that led to killing him in blind rage. He took his skull & spine to turn it into a weapon.

Among accepting to be one of The Entity's killers, it gave him a bell as a present. Keep in mind, he was the most normal person prior to becoming a killer. Due to his connection to the Spirit World, he can turn invisible as well as becoming visible. But he must be visible to do anything to the survivors. Some of his add ons makes this guy very ridiculous especially in moving speed.

The Wraith is more on the lines of a surprise attacker. For the most part while cloaked he has no terror radius making it easier for him to get in close. He does have some sick costumes you can get. The Wraith is a surprisingly solid original killer for a game like this. I felt he can easily go from one end of the map to another faster than most killers even without add ons.

I won't lie going against him as a survivor can be challenging. You kinda feel sorry what led to his madness, sometimes you are happy he wins. I actually love his weapon since I have a thing for skeletons. It is a rumor that the bell might be a reference to a old story about Death itself. Which would make him the closest thing to a reaper, the survivors goes up against.

The Wraith can be a little difficult to get down. I actually think learning how to cloak & uncloak close by survivors is more difficult. Your timing has to be more perfect otherwise you won't land a blow or caught em. It can tricky to spot him while he's invisible. Trust me this guy really means business.

I must say The Wraith is a great addition for this game. Even experienced players has trouble dealing with him I'm not kidding. It is sad so many players use him for camping when he was more meant to prevent survivors from getting far at close range. This character is unique in ways I can not fully explain.

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