Friday, May 24, 2019

Why I Love The Hillbilly (Dead by Daylight)

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I quickly came to like The Hillbilly. Out of the original three killers, he stood out the most to me. Obviously he is inspired by The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's Leatherface. I actually believe he is actually the better of the two chainsaw killers in the game. He is among the most popular killers for many reasons.

Some of the costumes this guy gets is amazing. Some can be disturbing while others are clearly jokes that works very well. The Hillbilly does use his hammer faster than Leatherface's. Using his chainsaw does allow you to stay on top of generators due to how fast it goes. You also can use it to break pallets.

His back story is one of the most tragic among all the killers. In a way you feel great he wins at times because of it. You can go through most of the map to hit someone in a few minutes is crazy. This doesn't involve teleporting like The Nurse & The Hag has. His hammer can be changed out to some crazy designs.

I already stated this in a recent blog but his rarest hammer I got is Pro-Pain. It was from an event that I did very early in my experience of playing. I am very proud to use that hammer like in the match I got Adept Hillbilly in. I recently gotten his chainsaw achievement done a few days ago. The Hillbilly is a well rounded killer.

Short range he can quickly hit survivors with his hammer while at mid to long distances with his chainsaw. Speaking of his chainsaw, even if you are simply using it. You will get blood points being one of the very few killers to do that. The Hillbilly is a character a lot of people love. His original perks are easily one of the best selected among the killers including The Clown.

The Hillbilly also has a great map that has a corn field. Due to his height, he is one of the few killers I recommend using on maps with corn fields. The fact I can customize him in many ways is already a lot of fun. He is also one of the easiest killers to learn in the entire game. It shouldn't take too long to get use of playing as him.

I will say the only two ways Leatherface is better does involve his chainsaw. He can down several survivors at once while hold onto his full charge. Sure that might be a problem for The Hillbilly but he does really make up for that. He does have a larger attack range from just his hammer than a lot of killers.

His chainsaw if timed correctly can hit the vaulting survivor thus downing them. You can't do that with Leatherface folks. The Hillbilly is a likable killer I do see more people will enjoy. Even facing him in matches can be fun depending on how those players use him. The fact he can very quickly stay on top of generators at a rate a handful of killers can match is very impressive.

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