Sunday, May 19, 2019

Tips on Adept Killer achievements I have so far

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I recently gotten my third Adept Killer achievement. To clarify it works differently from doing Adept Survivor achievements. For the survivors they need to use their original three perks & escape. But for the killers, not only they need to use their original three perks. They also need to kill everyone hoping to get Merciless Killer rank.

You can kill everyone to get Ruthless Killer at best. I am here to give some tips on a handful of killers to help others. Now these are my strategies but you are welcome to try them. I will say this a few weeks I gotten all Adept Survivor achievements currently in the game. It nearly took me a year to get another Adept Killer achievement.

Although I did get lucky with Michael two days later the shortest gap. There's a lot of information you could look up. I felt what I will be telling you could greatly increase your chances of getting them. Sometimes maps do matter regardless pay close attention to every single one of them. You never know when your Adept Killer achievement will come.

To clarify do not use moris since these achievements are meant to be done by sacrificing. By the way the Endgame Collapse when the timer runs out will also count towards these achievements. I hope my advice on these three killers helps a lot of people. I would say Michael is the hardest one out of the three by far.

You have to get Merciless Killer with all three original perks for that killer. I usually fail getting it after sacrificing all survivors due to lack of chasing. You need to make sure there's a lot of that in order to get that rank. I highly recommend watching some videos on these killers to learn what you need to know before even attempting.

1. Adept Cannibal

Thankfully Barbecue and Chill makes tracking survivors a lot easier. I highly recommend getting this to tier III to make even attempting this a lot easier. I also recommend get use to his chainsaw since it is possible to hit multiple survivors at once. Depending on your add ons, for the most part your chainsaw can down survivors in one hit.

Keep in mind, he is slower than The Hillbilly. But he can hold his charge as long as needed. Yes this will slow you down but you may end up using it to hit another survivor you may not seen coming. I also recommend getting use to his hammer since it won't work well on vaulting survivors. Leatherface does have some great add ons making things easier depending on how you want to do it.

2. Adept Clown

My strategy for this came to me after a lot of attempts. I recommend throwing some bottles to trick survivors. Basically you can lure them away from pallets thus preventing getting stun by it. Some of his rarest add ons makes downing survivors a lot easier. I will say The Clown has some great original perks that will come in handy.

Madam Butterfly can attack like some killer's weapons making striking vaulting survivors easier. Of course that depends on the timing too. I would recommend using a powerful version of his bottles to make it more difficult for survivors to see through. I also recommend try using it on multiple survivors to increase your chances of sacrificing them.

3. Adept Shape

I have a easy strategy for getting this achievement. Use Vanity Mirror that allows you while stalking to see survivors including parts of the map. Some of his rarest things does make his Evil Within op. But do not use Judith's Tombstone or similar add on since they allow you to mori survivors. I should point out some add ons will stop full procession of Evil Within.

Evil Within Tier III allows Myers to down survivors in one hit. There's several add ons to increase length. Surprisingly there's actually one to make it infinite. It does take time getting use to attacking with his knife since some add ons does alter his attacking speed. I highly recommend near the end to close the hatch.

Keep in mind these must be done outside of Kill Your Friends. Although you could with a couple friends use it as practice on some killers. You have to beat four players during matches. You never know when one or more is toxic that will easily ruin your chances. Do not add a fourth perk of any kind as that will cancel out getting those achievements.

Some maps like The Game or Haddonfield can be more difficult to keep track of for multiple reasons. If you have other map offerings you should use them. Easily on maps you're great at regardless being a survivor or the killer. Trust me this will greatly increase your chances of getting these achievements.

They're very difficult in fact I chose to write what you see here to help others. Depending if I can get more of them. There might be a follow up blog. I will say Adept Survivor achievements are simply too easy in comparison. In fact I may considering doing a blog on an overall guide that applies to every survivor including future ones.

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