Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Jack Red reviews Deadpool movies

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I still need to see the new X-Men movie, Dark Phoenix aka Fox's 2nd attempt on doing an Phoenix movie. Considering the last planned X-Men movie New Mutants might get canceled by Disney. Also due to Deadpool 3 being a part of MCU franchise. Yeah a lot of confusion just waiting to happen I know.

I figured why not I finally recently got to see Deadpool 2. I can honestly say I absolute love both these movies. Two of the absolute funniest superhero movies I have ever seen. You probably knew this was a long time coming. Speaking of that, I took extra precautions to prevent Deadpool from entering here.

1. Deadpool (2016)

Obviously I got no choice but to remind people of the amazingly horrible Deadpool portrayal from X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I speak for most of us including the actor himself, that was not Deadpool!!! Deadpool was made possible due to X-Men: Days of Future Past. Ryan Reynolds only chose to do that role in order to do a much better portrayal with him playing the role.

I got to be honest, this really was one of the absolute best X-Men movies as well as spin off movies I ever seen. Deadpool is widely known for being a comic relief character or a meme of a meme of another meme. Well you kinda get the point, there isn't anything he won't do. This is an origin story that is surprisingly refreshing.

The jokes alone are some of the funniest in any Marvel movies. I am more surprised DC allowed the Green Lantern reference in lol. Deadpool is an anti hero mercenary that wants revenge for what happened to him. This is a more interesting take than what actually happened in the comics. I honestly can't pick a single bad moment or a big enough criticism, it really was that damn good.

Deadpool doesn't even feel like an X-Men movie. Usually statements like that gets the bad reaction. But here it it so refreshing from most X-Men movies that I really didn't mine. The more interesting part is they actually made a trailer several years ago. For the most time, it was just a trailer but Fox turned it into a real movie, coughs this movie lol.

I would say this alone made up for that horrible portrayal of the character. Deadpool is just one of those characters you really don't know what will happen. No matter how well you think you know the character. He is probably waiting close by dying to get in here by now. Trust me, the last time I knew I had to trap him good without actually facing him.

Deadpool is a character no body could possibly control. But you still can limit a few select things. Obviously his broken regeneration isn't one of those. Ryan Reynolds does such an amazing job in this movie. This is a surprisingly mixed kind of movie that has plenty of dark moments with some light ones.

2. Deadpool 2 (2018)

OMG Deadpool 2 this was hilarious in it's own way. The opening credits was one of the funniest I ever seen. They didn't do much on the post credit scenes this time. This movie if you really think about it a parody of Logan because he does technically die. I won't fully spoil the ending for those who haven't seen it.

I also liked they focus more on the team concept. Sadly the movie it was leading up to was canceled by Disney. Although there is a chance they might bring it back as an MCU movie. Deadpool 2 has some truly funny jokes through out. I would say it has more jokes but some jokes from the original to me was a little bit funnier.

I am really not saying any of this movie's jokes were bad because none of them weren't. Deadpool 2 does quickly become a depressing movie to quickly making you happy. Even the random moments you won't see coming steals the show. I got to be honest I didn't think much about the actress playing Domino but Damn she rocks the role so good.

They got the same actor who played Thanos in many MCU movies to play Cable. I dare to say he actually plays Cable better in my opinion but he does an amazing job as both those characters. They even have the Juggernaut whose clearly done way better than X-Men 3: Last Stand oh god that again lol.

I would say the story plays out more interesting than the original movie. Just like that, this is also one of the finest X-Men movies as well as spin off movies in general. They even went out of their way to make a PG13 cut with some additional footage. The joke of that is they knew Disney was going to own those movies soon.

They figured why not make a joke about it lol. Recently Disney forced Fox to handle over Deadpool movie rights. You see they bought a lot of franchises including The Simpsons from 20th Century Fox. They were suppose to get Deadpool's part of the franchise after they became official. Honestly I can kinda see why Fox chose to be difficult about it.

End of the day, Disney now owns Deadpool. I highly doubt they would ruin his reputation in the movies. Deadpool is a parody of DC's Deathstroke who I'm also a huge fan of. These movies at their core at a parody of several things. I could be wrong but the opening does parody those of Bond films. Deadpool 2 is easily a movie everyone needs to see.

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