Monday, August 19, 2019

Horror icons I would love to see in Dead by Daylight

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, wow they brought in a couple horror franchises to this multiplayer online game. Obviously everyone has their own list, they're likely going to be either slightly or very different. I figured since I always had a thing for horror movies as well as several horror shows. I should present some of my personal top choices I would love to see in Dead by Daylight.

Keep in mind, I am only numbering my choices so you'll know how many I thrown out there. This is no shape or form the actual ranking for these characters. Now with that being said I hope you enjoy what you'll see. Terror does have many forms, the question is what truly scares you?

1. Pinhead from Hellraiser series

I see a lot of people requesting for Pinhead to show up. Honestly I could see Doug Bradley getting involved especially if Clive Barker is involved. Those two are close friends for a long time. So I felt that by itself makes this a stronger possibility. Also we do need to literately bring Hell into the mix. I even got the perfect map for this.

I know by now using hospital or similar locations may cause people to lose interest. But how about parts of it that goes into Hell itself like the second Hellraiser movie. I could see them doing a lot with giving us a massive map. Obviously it will be cut down but just enough to still bring fear to people. Pinhead should be fun to play as.

I could see him being difficult to avoid due to his chains from Hell. I don't even care if they give us a female version of the character. Please don't give us either Pinhead characters from Hellraiser: Revelations. I also think getting the original actor voicing some of his lines would make this way better too.

2. The Tall Man from Phantasm series

This is the most mysterious I'm willing to go. The Tall Man was an entity from another plain of existence. He wants to conquer our world with an army of the undead. If you watch Stranger Things, it shouldn't much of a surprise what that reminds you of. Although the original Phantasm movie was late 70s.

This being appears as an older tall man wearing a suit for a funeral home. The Tall Man uses orbs that has it's own set of weapons. Obviously we need a funeral home with graveyard for a future map. This guy has a lot of powers too. I could even say he rivals Pinhead in a lot of ways. Honestly this could help get the last Phantasm movie's taste out of my mouth.

To be fair, the actor who played the character was a great actor. Personally I really would love it if they also give us Reggie too. Of course, he won't be coming with his custom shotgun. But that's two popular characters from the same franchise that would make a lot of people happy. The Tall Man is easily one of the strangest beings I ever heard of.

3. The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers series

The Creeper is a vampire like creature that devours people for several days. Until it goes into sleep lasting twenty three years. Usually doing all of this around Spring. I also see a lot of requests for this creature. Even if they don't give us a vampire as a killer, this would be the next best thing. I felt they could do a lot with this.

I think they could use that song within the game play too. It would be nice if his truck appears on the map. Honestly I'm not sure which location they'll go with. I am sure as long he stays a huge request, he'll come to the game soon. The Creeper can also fly that could be given to him to help him stand out more.

We have some killers that float a little off the ground as well as teleport a notable distance. So I felt something is wrong he can not fly. The Creeper could also stand out as an axe wielding killer. The sounds it makes would put chills down people's spine. However due to an incident with the movie Clown House, there's people still angry with the director.

So in that regard, I could understand we don't get the character. Sure it would be nice but they don't want to get sue over an angry crowd. Especially they been very careful with licensed stuff. This could destroy the possibility where it is right now a lot. I felt it is going to be mixed because of that. But I would love to play as him in this game.

4. The Thing from The Thing series

I'll actually name an creature that really puts chills down my spine. I'm not an easy guy to scare either. The Thing are shape shifting aliens that could mimic animals or humans to a degree. I am a huge fan of The Thing remake by John Carpenter easily one of my personal favorite horror movies as well my wife's.

There's just a lot of potential they could do with this creature. Honestly trying to break some of it down might not even be enough. It could disguise itself as a fellow survivor to get the drop on you. Originally I thought The Legion would do that but nope. I felt they have the balls to actually attempt the concept.

Also The Thing could easily have cosmetics making it even more disgusting or just plain terrifying to look at. I really hope a lot of people would love the idea enough to get behind it. Honestly it would bring paranoia, suspense and some creative game play. I really thought no alien creature including Xenomorphs deserves a spot in their game more than this.

5. Chucky from Child's Play/Chucky series

I also see a lot of requests for Chucky to make it into the game. To be fair thanks to Cult of Chucky, I really do see him bringing a lot with him. There's a chance they could actually give us old or new Chucky. I'm obvious a fan of the old one but I still haven't seen the remake yet. Honestly Chucky always been one of my absolute favorite killers in horror movie history.

This small guy has a lot of kills under his belt. They could bring in multiple Chucky dolls that could make it easier to stay on top of survivors. This alone could get around some rather annoying things survivors does. Chucky also could get some cosmetics to a degree. Maybe having it where both old & new Chucky shares a spot.

Honestly as long they don't make them two separate characters. I'm fine with this game having both Chucky characters. I highly respect both their voice actors too. Chucky would simply bring a lot including humor to this game. This is one of the select few horror icons, I would drop everything to get him on launch day.

6. Death from Final Destination series

I know a lot of people would question this choice for a lot of reasons. I just thought of something that would make playing as Death very interesting. In Final Destination series, Death couldn't just kill you. No he had to use what was around your surrounding to kill those who cheated death. Obviously this would be the most powerful being under The Entity if Death got in.

The big question is how should Death play in this game? Instead of how most killers plays, it is more of a trap simulator style game play. I know a game called Last Year: The Nightmare sorta does that. I felt since so many people are afraid of dying in general. Why not play to Final Destination series' strength by pulling that concept off.

Just imagine how terrifying it would be. You could see a larger portion of the map than the actual survivors. You also get more simple controls to stay on top of them. Considering there's a few trap based mechanics for a few killers. I do think they could pull off Death here. Hell I would honestly drop everything to get what I need to play as him on launch day I'm really not kidding.

I think the one thing they could do to make this even better is change some of it's rules. I know this may cause some to be upset. But unless Death could use something to force a nearby survivor on a hook. They might have to exclude them for his matches only. I also think by giving him a multiple choice for his mori would be sick.

Just imagine if you go in with any mori as an offering. When you get the chance, instead of just killing them like normal. You will get a few buttons on your screen. Each one represents a different death. This alone would make it a lot more like those movies. I actually can imagine this being truly sick, terrifying and maybe one of the most enjoyable killers in the entire game.

I know this would be difficult but don't allow us to fully see the entity either. I think seeing very little of what Death looks like would bring in more fear. Also they got a lot of locations to choose from as well. Not only that, there is a remake coming out soon by the makers of Saw series. So what better way to show respect then by bringing Death in.

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