Friday, August 16, 2019

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Dragonzord (Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers) vs. Mechagodzilla (Godzilla) Follow Up

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I'm doing something very different even among my Death Battle blogs. I am going to do a direct continuation to a previous fight prediction blog. But to help cut down on the length I will be posting a link down below... Now I just want to clarify Ben did state Mechagodzilla in the upcoming episode will be Kiryu model that's in a few movies.

I figured I could quickly do covering just that model. I won't be changing much of my important info. I just wanted to make this version that only covered one model instead of originally combining them all together. Also by doing that does help me be able to speed right through with this version of the same fight debate.

Kiryu aka Millennium Mechagodzilla aka Mechagodzilla 3

Kiryu was built on a set of Godzilla's skeleton. This model was truly meant to take down Godzilla. Due to that skeleton, it's spirit still present. This particular model held it's own against some of Godzilla's enemies including King Ghidorah.

Powers and Abilities

+Twin Master Cannon
+Maser Blade
+Back Unit
+Multiple Interlocking Rockets
+Multipurpose Guided Missiles
+Absolute Zero Cannon
+Anti-Beast Drilling Device (Spiral Claw)
+Triple Hyper Maser Cannon
+Having movements similar to Godzilla


Using Absolute Zero Cannon takes 40% of his energy. Due to being attached to a skeleton of Godzilla. Sometimes the spirit takes controls away from it's pilots. Even without using Absolute Zero Cannon, it can stay operational for two hours.


+Superior durability
+Superior speed
+Superior strength doing several physical things to Godzilla
+A lot heavier in comparison
+Holds up better in combat
+More of an arsenal
+Absolute Zero Cannon is a game over
+By having flight allows him more control over the battle
+Although done away from fights, he can get recharged


-Does rely heavily on it's arsenal
-Sometimes the spirit can steal control away from it's pilots
-It can take a while for Kiryu to get recharged
-Kiryu has more complex controls than Dragonzord
-While in flight mode could be open to some of it's attacks
-Some of it's arsenal could cause Kiryu to flatter briefly


Let's be honest Dragonzord doesn't do well in combat. I can't even give it the win over White Tigerzord because that wasn't done by Tommy. It was an evil clone with a few factors that cheated the fight. Otherwise, White Tigerzord would've easily won that fight. Most of it's actual victories required help from the other rangers.

By default, Dragonzord never finished off a monster on it's own. Kiryu held it's own several times against the King of the Monsters. He was able to keep up with several giant monsters at once. Now those monsters has some impressive feats of their own that even blows away the best Dragonzord fought.

Obviously the pilots for Kiryu are more experienced. Dragonzord will lose some attacks to get more through out it's transformations while Kiryu has all of it's arsenal by default. Speaking of that, I came across a major weight difference that does also affect height to a degree. Only in Ultrazord, it is actually taller than Kiryu.

But weight wise is a different story. Ultrazord is around 1250 tons to 36,000 tons unless wearing it's battle gear. Thus increasing it's insane weight to 40,000 tons. Now that's a little over twenty six times heavier than Ultrazord. Obviously majority of what Dragonzord faces is a lot lighter in comparison. I do need to mention Absolute Zero Cannon.

You can't go any colder in temperature than absolute zero. Zords have tanked all kinds of attacks in just Season 1 including being frozen in their zords. It never stated how cold those attacks are. We simply see it working stopping them in their tracks. Absolute zero would've guarantee their defeat in comparison with not enough time to avoid at all.

Sure it will take 40% of it's overall power to fire. But Dragonzord in any of it's forms will lose speed as more zords gets combined. Thus making Ultrazord easily the worst possible move for them. It doesn't help it's main form of an attack is fire every weapon until a monster is destroyed. Yeah about that, Kiryu was durable enough to withstand even point blank Godzilla's Atomic Breath.

A small fraction of that force would've made the power rangers leave their zords. Speaking of that, they also have a history of getting over whelmed in even zord battles just from constant attacks. Sadly for them, Kiryu has plenty to do that same strategy. Even if it somehow ran out of ammo, low on energy & some of it's weapons are either damaged or destroyed.

Kiryu was capable of throwing, pushing & punching Godzilla with it's sheer strength alone. As for speed, Kiryu especially in the comics has some truly impressive feats. Yes some of them did require it's ability to fly. But it is technically faster than any of the zords separately. Ultrazord's attacks simply wouldn't be effective enough to do any real damage to Kiryu even if it chose to do nothing.

Obviously Dragonzord doesn't have as close as many battles as the other zords. But it does still scale to them in majority of what really matters. Hell Kiryu could easily break the stronger forms apart with it's mechanical hands. Of course I should mention Tommy does have an alternate method of controlling Dragonzord.

I felt with some of Kiryu's arsenal, it likely will be loud enough to prevent Dragonzord from listening to that dagger. I still need to bring up what would happen if the spirit took control of Kiryu. Obviously it will act like another Godzilla with some notable upgrades. So considering in more ways than one, he scales to Godzilla.

Godzilla has a lot of victories even against several enemies at once. I would say Dragonzord is really in trouble here. I don't think Kiryu losing control will be it's down fall. It is more likely going to be just that for Dragonzord. Now to further confirm all of this, Dragonzord was present in both battles against Cyclopsis.

This evil zord was piloted by Goldar that dominated them so badly. In both encounters, the only way they won was through Ultrazord. This means Kiryu will clearly be even too much for that. I think the best way of summing how this will play out is no matter what Dragonzord does. Kiryu is simply too much for even Ultrazord.

To clarify, Ultrazord never officially loss during Season 1. It would make sense than everything else fails. They quickly go that route. The big problem however is not once during Season 1, Tommy called the zords. Most of the time, they were close by anyway. Even if he had at least once called the zords.

I highly doubt that would even matter in this particular fight. Dragonzord obviously doesn't have the level of strength Megazord itself has. Dragonzord does have a mind of it's own but likely lead to it's own destruction. It is only faster than Megazord because it just a zord. Even if I went more details about Dragonzord Battle Mode or Mega Dragonzord.

Mega Dragonzord doesn't usually move much during fights. Dragonzord Battle Mode still would have help from red ranger's Tyrannosaurus Dinozord. Again that still simply not enough to overcome anything Kiryu could possibly do. Kiryu's durability does rival Godzilla's to some degree as well. It likely could tank it's own projectiles or fists with no problem.

Hell there is proof Kiryu can tank much more powerful force. Like the time it was fighting close by a black hole. Yes I am actually not making this up. One of the most powerful forces in the universe with no real problem. Eventually it took out Kiryu but after two monsters got defeated by being forced inside of the black hole.

The fact this even happened in the comics. This is by itself beyond anything of the worst scenarios the rangers themselves fought through. I am really convinced Dragonzord will not win the upcoming episode. I'm still not done yet, the fact Kiryu does comes back upgraded at times does display it becoming stronger.

While you really don't notice the power increase much in all of Dragonzord forms. I should mention the elephant in the room, Kiryu actually got victories under it's belt. Thus has proven to be one of Godzilla's deadliest enemies. Dragonzord usually struggles worse than Megazord in majority of fights they're both in.

Winner: Kiryu

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