Monday, November 18, 2019

How Similar is Gearbox Software's Duke Nukem Forever to Valve's Half-Life 2?

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, this blog entry will reveal my biggest problem I had for Duke Nukem Forever. In fact, this entire topic is heavily centered on it. I just can't stop noticing how it tried being Half-Life 2 rather than it's own game at times. So you know what I better get it all out. Yes all expansions will be considered for this blog entry too.

When you really look at their stories. Half-Life 2 brought Gordon Freeman back from another plain of existence several years later. At first, they don't appear to have much in common. But that quickly changes as it goes on. Half-Life 2 Episode 2 revealed a portal could open with enough of them to doom Earth.

The same concept got parodied in a rather awtiful taste way. Alien Empress among giving birth could guarantee Earth's defeat in seconds. Humanity's leader was involve with the enemy. Both didn't want our heroes to get involve at all. Yes there are vehicle sections but those mostly stands out on their own.

Similar weapon set for the most part. Yes I know locations are vastly different. I just can't ignore DNF acts like a parody of Half-Life 2 than anything else. To some degree, The Combine had some alien DNA. Obviously DNF has the pig cop enemies but I do prefer their Duke 3D appearance more. Half-Life 2 does have better designed boss fights.

Clearly, by now you probably notice the long absence of our heroes. Duke was busy being a celebrity while Gordon spent that time in a plan of existence that didn't have time. DNF does reference the famous crowbar function of Half-Life series. I really don't want to call DNF as a poor man's Half-Life 2 but it sorta is.

Yes I know there's some interactive that Half-Life 2 doesn't have. Although, some enemies within both these games are striking similar too. I should point out Duke does reference other game characters. In fact, one such reference originally meant for Doomguy got reused for Isaac of Dead Space series.

There is major story differences involving levels that doesn't exist in the other game at all. Oh okay I get that if you are one of those people. But honestly I strongly felt Half-Life 2 got shame on by Gearbox Software. Funny enough, Gearbox Software themselves made all the expansions for Half-Life 1.

From my point of view, there's absolutely no excuse for this. Duke Nukem Forever was a let down, I still end up enjoying it. Half-Life 2 was originally going to be very different from the final game. Until a hacker stole it's coding. He was later arrested then transferred back to his country to do trial. Can I be honest with you guys?

Duke Nukem 3D actually was a surprisingly an original, interesting take on FPS genre. I don't even come close to that with DNF truthfully. In both games, you can replay any level you want to make getting achievements easier. I can actually play them both on Xbox One right now if I really wanted to.

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