Sunday, November 10, 2019

Death Battle Fight Prediction: The Darkness (Image Comics vs. Blackbeard (One Piece)

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, today I will finally be doing a particular epic request I always wanted. A fight that's entirely theme in darkness. We got two of the most powerful darkness users in all of fiction facing each other. Don't even consider staying on Earth for a fight like this. Honestly, I felt with new information I gathered on one of the fighters that now is the time to do this.

Jackie Estacado aka The Darkness

Jackie was in the mafia, his family had a dark secret. They held one of the absolute most powerful artifacts in existence. Jackie was connected to this legacy of wielding it. Thus becoming a god like being that even words can't accurately describe the horror. He was a former hit-man for the Franchetii, he eventually got his own group.

Marshall D. Teach aka Blackbeard

Marshall has served over two decades under a former Emperor of the Sea, Whitebeard. Blackbeard openly betrayed the crew then left to start his own. The only confirmed devil fruit users to have more than one devil fruit & not die. Two of the most powerful devil fruits in existence. Blackbeard is playing a very dangerous game he carefully planned on cheating the entire process.

I should point out Blackbeard, Peachbeard, Whitebeard and Brownbeard are inspired by the real life pirate Blackbeard. The author has stated that Edward Teach was his favorite pirate.

Powers and Abilities

The Darkness

The Darkness is in the same category as several characters that can do anything as long he can imagine it. Therefore, we can't possibly know the full extent of what he's capable of. Also it saves you time reading a long list of confirmed abilities he has.

+Has two handguns

You thought Spawn was broken lol.


+Superhuman Strength
+Superhuman Durability
+Superhuman Endurance
+Superhuman Stamina
+Superhuman Agility
+Has a claw weapon
+A few pistols on him at most times
+Dark-Dark Fruit (a darkness person)
+Tremor-Tremor Fruit (a quake person)


The Darkness

+Possibly has more powers including those we don't know
+Fewer weaknesses that Blackbeard can't use against him
+More confirmed combat experience with & without his powers
+Limitless power with no clear limit
+More unpredictable
+Could summon anything or as much as he wants
+He also can could demons from inside of people
+More driven
+Could figure out how to harm or kill Teach through his powers
+Much more powerful in comparison
+A better marksman


+If their groups were in the fight, the Blackbeard pirates is simply too much
+By default has superior stats to a regular Jackie
+A better strategist
+His devil fruits could prevent The Darkness from doing particular stuff
+Stronger firearms since they were able to hurt a greatly wounded Whitebeard
+Due to his original devil fruit could be resistant to immune to most of his darkness attacks
+By default could potentially destroy a planet
+Due to being an Emperor of the Sea has a lot more people working under his belt


The Darkness

-Could temporary lose his powers when expose to any form of light
-Teach could also temporary disable his powers directly
-Weaker handguns in comparison
-Must not use too much of his power or possibly destroy an universe
-It stats having a child with this artifact will kill you


-Despite being an Emperor of the Sea, he doesn't fully control his massive crew
-Unlike most Logia type devil fruit users can't fully become darkness
-Most forms of water or anything made from sea stone can disable his powers
-His cockiness can get him into trouble especially against The Darkness
-Has no real defense against a demon or something wrong being summon inside of him
-The Darkness could work around his powers to figuring how to harm/kill him
-Not as driven
-Sadly most of his devil fruit abilities won't do much to The Darkness


The Darkness

Jackie is mixed about using the artifact. Despite having the artifact, Jackie isn't that bad of a person. Most can't handle his potential but there is Angelus who rivals his power. It actually states if their fight doesn't stop that the universe can be destroyed. Obviously, this means he can use it on everyone else still never coming close to his true potential while Angelus actually pushes him.

Also the artifact could be removed. This is one of those using your imagination allows all kind of possibilities including those endangering himself. Without powers, Jackie relies on his handguns in combat. Those with powers while he doesn't won't end well for him. Sometimes getting his powers back can be difficult.


Like most devil fruit users, Blackbeard can be weaken by most forms of water & sea stone. It also disabilities his powers depending on things. Unlike most Logia type devil fruit users, he can't fully become darkness. Also his cockiness usually gets him into trouble at times. He too has to limit his own potential during combat since he actually could destroy the world.


To be honest, there is a lot of factors to consider for this particular fight. Like if this were to be Jackie's crew taking on the Blackbeard pirates. By default, Marshall has a lot more people under his belt. Even if I were to limit it to just his captains among his own fleet. They could easily destroy Jackie's crew with ease.

However, Jackie using the artifact is actually powerful enough to directly take on the entire fleet himself. Even just comparing a rough idea how powerful both of them are. Blackbeard using his old captain's devil fruit caused the whole world including the sky to shake. It was stated anyone using that devil fruit could destroy the world.

Obviously, Blackbeard is scaled to a planet buster level simply by having that devil fruit. But The Darkness scales to Angelus whose power is more on an universal level. Yes this is starting to sound like Ganon vs. Dracula episode. The Darkness does also come from Jackie himself. Which does allow Teach to temporary disable his powers.

Believe it or not, The Darkness has found ways even in areas filled with lights to use his powers. This is his biggest weakness that Teach could take advantage of. However, Blackbeard has a few options to keep his distance during this fight from both his devil fruits. Unfortunately for him, The Darkness can summon demons from inside of people.

Which Blackbeard doesn't have a defense against. The Darkness also can recreate stuff he wants using darkness manipulation. Such as water or sea stone that both weaken Blackbeard as well as disable his powers. Of course, that depends on additional factors. Like if sea stone cuffs or bullets. Also in most occasions, a weakened devil fruit users needed help from others.

The Darkness has no real limit on his powers at all. Sure there are times Jackie disables it. But I don't see that happening in this fight. Usually in One Piece for Logia type users, whatever devil fruit you ate can't harm or kill you. So Blackbeard having the Dark-Dark Fruit does greatly limit options for Jackie.

There is some similarities in their powers too. Like Blackbeard can use his own unique gravity to forcing his opponents closer. The Darkness also has a form of gravity manipulation. Blackbeard can suck in buildings, people or objects then split them back out flying all over the place. The Darkness could recreate a black hole if he really wants to.

Now going back to possibly destroy the world. Even if Blackbeard does that, he will die from lack of oxygen while The Darkness can alter his powers to allowing him to breath in space. By default, Blackbeard does have vastly superior stats to regular Jackie. This won't be a fight but we aren't here to compare regular Jackie to Blackbeard.

Hell no we are talking compared Jackie using the artifact against Blackbeard. I should mention this artifact does predate existence while there are clues to how far back devil fruits go. The author has stated in the near future, an scientist will explain their origin. It is difficult to know exactly when so we at least know it doesn't predate existence.

The Darkness can have any powers he wants including those very helpful against someone like Blackbeard. Such as time manipulation, soul manipulation and wears insanely durable armor. Sure Haki could determine how to fatal strike blows to your opponent but not possible against The Darkness.

In a sense, this is a fun stomp fight that actually has some interesting factors. Blackbeard does have a way to winning this fight but it is most likely The Darkness that quickly becomes too much. The Darkness becoming resistant to a degree against light makes it even more difficult for Blackbeard. For the record, I know I did a few predictions where One Piece characters loss.

I am actually a huge fan of One Piece but in my defense, The opponents I put Gladius & Blackbeard up against had ridiculous things going for them. Yes I do plan on doing a future one with Monkey D. Luffy. The Darkness is just mind blowing in what he can truly do. Keep in mind, I'm not using non canon stuff for this decision.

Even if I were to do such a thing, there isn't much non canon stuff with Blackbeard while The Darkness held his own against DC's Superman. Which would've been more proof that he's an universal character. Honestly, Blackbeard does have some great advantages but ultimately his best ones doesn't even matter in this fight.

Winner: Jackie Estacado (Image Comics)

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