Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Batman 1966 vs. Gotham Comparisons Bonus Part (Catwoman)

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, some of you probably noticed in Part 2 of my comparison I didn't bring up Catwoman. I got to be honest due to several reasons I had trouble properly labeling it for my blog. Trust after I start explaining why you understand my point of view.

Bonus Street Fight: Batman 1966 Catwoman vs. Gotham Cat
Three different actresses plays Catwoman. The second one was only in Batman 1966 movie. She refused to do the role again afterwards. The original actress had a couple shows & movies she signed for to star in. Of course she do eventually in a few Batman movies reprise the role. The third actress is a famous singer you may have seen during the 90s.

Each actress portrayed the character very different but not as much as Mr. Freeze. At least they were more faithful to the character. Now the other major problem is although Selina Kyle has a major role in Gotham. Like Bruce, she will eventually become Catwoman. Unlike Bruce in my blog series, this makes the comparison more difficult than it needs to be.

I would say this is more Julie Newmar against Cat than anything else. Mostly because she appears the most as her & out of the three actresses on Batman 1966 does nail her the best. No disrespect against the other two actresses. I felt I'm trying to sorta combine all three of them into one character. They were all treated the same by most main characters.

Cat already experience on the street doing many things you expect from thieves. Later on, she does learn a lot of good & bad things. She quickly starts off as a complex child that had to do whatever it takes to survive. The way she is portrayed is more recently in their comics compared to back then. Catwoman was mostly a villain that Batman did struggle against for many reasons.

Now she is more of a neutral character. Sometimes she does things for others usually doing bad things first or flat out betray people for money. Cat has helped Bruce a lot on Gotham being one of his biggest allies as well as love interest. Of course Catwoman had a similar angle in Batman 1966 with all three actresses.

By now you should see why I had trouble doing this. I am forced to compare all three actresses against one with major key differences. I don't even need to explain all three actresses portrays Catwoman like how they do most characters pulled from the comics. Thankfully they didn't have any trouble of toning the character down.

Cat is more like the bitch you don't want coming after you type. I also don't need to explain Catwoman on both shows are greedy, selfish and most likely to do bad things. Catwoman on Batman 1966 has teamed up with some of Batman's enemies including the movie. I could say the same with Cat since she just formed an three ladies alliance.

Let's be honest I knew I had to make this or many Batman fans would get upset to no where. Especially those heavily into Catwoman. I felt this is another close one but I must give this to Batman 1966 versions. Please allow me explain no I'm not being bias or Cat not fully being Catwoman yet argument.

Like I stated before the times in this particular case has different things fans would expect from the character. Of course this by itself would leave to many differences. Cat is a great portrayal of the character. However Julie Newmar was the perfect Catwoman. If I didn't include her, Cat has a higher chances of winning.

No surprise I would have Cat over the second actress, I honestly wasn't a fan of her performance. The final actress did surprise me in many ways. I felt it would be just as close as simply doing the original actress against Cat. In my mind even if Cat does by the end of the show becomes Catwoman. It already is a lot to live up to.

Winner: Batman 1966 Catwoman

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