Saturday, August 1, 2020

Top 5 Reasons Why I Prefer The Clown over The Huntress (Dead by Daylight)

Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, Although The Huntress has a strong standing with the DbD community. Sadly The Clown himself doesn't. There are people like myself who do prefer The Clown over her. Which is exactly why I decided to do a Top 5 list. Keep in mind, all of this is strictly my opinion. Clearly, some of their mechanics are similar with some notable differences.

5. Better theme song

I know this seems like a small thing. But just comparing both their theme songs in the killer selection screen. Both of them do fit their respective killers well. I simply prefer this theme song over hers. Honestly, his theme song is something I could listen to for hours. The Huntress does technically hum a song during game play.

4. Better perks

I think even Huntress fans can agree her perks doesn't help much. The most useful being Hex: Huntress Lullaby that makes skill checks for generators more difficult to do. But The Clown has more ground covered with his. Like Coulrophobia within range depending on tier adds 30 to 50% penalty to healing speed.

Bamboozle helps in smaller looping areas to throw off survivors. This doesn't last long but it could be useful at times. My personal favorite, Pop Goes the Weasel among hooking an survivor. When you damage a generator in process of getting activated. You will do 25% of it's total progression, now that's very helpful especially during late into a match.

I do need to clarify eventually you can use any perk with any killer. Same in vice versa with the survivors respectively. I just meant comparing their original three perks side by side for this. You can clearly see which killer has more going for them. Also, The Clown is faster at striking people in comparison.

3. Better costumes

To clarify, The Huntress being a more popular character does have more costumes. But The Clown has some costumes you wouldn't believe. Like recently Lord of the Underworld inspired by Greek god Hades or Carnie Claws. Even something like Seething Entertainer can be truly sick. Someone actually won a contest for creating Mr. Puddles costume I'm not kidding.

It's a elephant mascot costume now you don't see that everyday lol. Pulcinella is also something you wouldn't expect to see either. Likely inspired by that doll from the movie Dolls. They even have a few children theme clown costumes too. Some of his knives are sick looking as well. I felt creativity was more present towards The Clown here.

2. His story

The Huntress was mostly hiding from enemies during World War 2. The Clown had a rough past with an abusive father. Eventually he joined the circus under a different name. He started going back to not great habit that involved killing people. There's just more direct information about him in comparison.

Now I know what a lot of people would say. Characters like The Huntress not being as well known could actually be scarier. Yes there is some truth to that without question. At the same time, I felt The Clown revealed how he became the way he is. I'm sure in the near future, the developers will dive more into his past.

Keep in mind, around his time period circuses were going places. Now, not many of them left in the world. Also, being a clown can be difficult sometimes so I give respect to everyone whose goes through such experiences. All I am basically saying is they got more possibilities how to go about showing us his past in comparison.

1. His map

Now I know both of them shared a realm with another killer. Which is also why those related maps are so similar. I personally enjoy playing on both killers' maps very well. I just felt The Clown's map stands out a bit more. I am not saying the developers were lazy while designing The Huntress' by any means.

The Clown brought his carriage with a horse that has three eyes. No other map has stuff like this present in em. There is audio exclusive to this map as well. Honestly, I felt his map is still among my favorites. It mostly similar to The Nurse's map but adding that thing really helped it stand out for me.

Also, there isn't much different between The Huntress & The Plague's maps other than The Plague's has a temple. For me that just isn't exciting as parts of a circus being present at a burnt down asylum. I felt a lot of people will take any of this the wrong way. I always a huge fan of The Clown ever since I first played as him.

My meme on this topic in question

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