Friday, August 28, 2020

A couple Rare game reviews by Jack Red (Rare Replay)

 To clarify something, slowly but surely I do plan to review every game within Sega Genesis Classics as well. Possibly more likely going to happen since I can use rom hacks for games I'm not great at. Otherwise, this is mostly from my point of view. Not everyone will agree or even respect me after confessing I do cheat in games at times.

I figured to review a couple games from Rare Replay. Now there's still games I need to play more before even I can get start planning how I'll write their reviews. Same with games within Sega Genesis Classics that are among those I need more time with. I just hope you enjoy a marathon of reviews going right at ya fast.

1. Jetpac (1983)

Jetpac was among the first games Ultimate Play the Game made during their run. Donkey Kong 64 with Diddy Kong had similar gear with mechanics to that game. In fact, you could play the actual game as a mini game as well as the classic Donkey Kong arcade game. Honestly, this is easily one of the best among the ZX Spectrum games hands down.

This comes off like a solid arcade style game play. Yes, it will get repetitive at times what games doesn't? Some stages you need to quickly put your ship back together. In majority of them, you need to fill up your ship then escape. There's a small variety of enemies. The controls are simple enough with some great sound effects.

2. Lunar Jetman (1983)

Not long after Jetpac, the same company quickly made a sequel. Sadly, this goes to show why you don't rush out sequels. They attempted to make it more of an actual outer space experience. You have a moon rover that will travel unless parts of the ground are destroyed or your vehicle does. There's also teleporters that usually leads more directly to an alien base.

The enemies are a huge step down from the previous game. The best part is if you somehow get your hands on a turret for your moon rover. You can put it in place then you're basically invincible. There's no question this has a very different vibe. You are no longer limited being in a small screen. Yet somehow in many ways they maintain to screw that up.

3. Atic Atac (1983)

Easily, one of the finest ZX Spectrum games within Rare Replay. You play as three characters that don't have much direct differences. One major difference is depending who you play as. There's things you move into that will lead to other rooms as if they're doors. You have to eat to survive since enemies do spawn a lot.

The main goal is putting a particular key back together than escape. I do like the visuals when you fall down holes. After awhile you'll quickly memorize the basic layout as well as what to do. I felt this has a great balance of everything. Honestly, there's little depth to it that I like. I also liked some extra stuff you can do like getting Igor to move away from a door or using the cross to kill a vampire.

4. Sabrewulf (1984)

I got a lot of mixed feelings for this game. Sabrewulf is about a man called Sabreman whose wanted to enter Underwurlde. You need to collect pieces of an amulet. But every time you start a new game, at random decides where each piece will be. Now this wouldn't be so bad but unfortunately it is kinda bad. Oh ok you got a lot of potential locations to check.

Even using an actual map of this game, it still often got confusing to keep track where I was or where to go next. The enemies spawning is out of control. It is possible to get stuck within animations for the hippo. Some enemies like members of a tribe or Sabrewulf itself can't be killed. You can only avoid them, thankfully the game has a few power ups you can use.

5. Underwurlde (1984)

Easily, one of my least favorite games within Rare Replay. I will get the positives out before ripping it a new one. The actual map is much easier to follow. Thank god, the team added a code that removes the enemies. You have no idea how frustrating the enemies can be in this game. Now add in some of the absolute worst jumping mechanics ever in a video game there you go.

Believe it or not, the actual goal of the game is escape this place that's deep in the ground. You can go as low as fifty two feet in the ground. Trust me, it will take you a long time to get to the bottom of this place. Although, there's the guardians blocking your path. They act more like barriers or a door, you just need to defeat em with the correct weapon to pass.

6. Knight Lore (1984)

The third entry in Sabreman series is quite a weird one. Sabreman has a curse that transforms him to a werewolf at night. Now this game likely inspired the character Sabrewulf in Killer Instinct series. You need to collect stuff to make a cure to end the curse. Some enemies will attack you while in your were wolf form.

The map has some complexity to it but easier in some ways to memorize from the previous game. You have to go to the room with the wizard to figure out what you'll need. Do not enter this room as a werewolf. The order of key items is randomized but their locations is mostly set. You have possibly four spawn points at the start that's close by a corner of the map itself.

7. Snake Rattle 'n' Roll (1990)

I will be honest, I really tried beating the boss but it's just ridiculous. I ended up doing the glitch trick to getting that achievement. Yes, I felt bad because I put a lot of effort in those attempts. But also due to the fact, I actually like this game. Obviously, this is a weird game among the collection. Some platforming can be tricky to pull off.

I got to say most of it was actually fun to play. I personally don't like the final level. I found out recently, the Genesis version doesn't have that boss fight. I am starting to wonder why we didn't get that version or at least the turbo buttons just for this game. It's mostly a fair game with some tricks that could throw you off.

8. Solar Jetman (1990)

The third entry in Jetman series, sorry to say this one has some problems. I have to give them some credit where it's due. Such as a password system or some parts of the game play being better than Lunar Jetman. Sadly, the game itself is very difficult to play even with codes. Obviously, they went further with the outer space concept.

Solar Jetman originally wasn't going to be a Jetman game. During development Rare went to the other team to force em into turning it into a Jetman game. Maybe not the best decision, it does have a bonus stage where you collect gems. You are mostly collecting stuff for yourself. There's only one boss in the entire game where surprisingly the game plays like a shoot em up game stuck in location.

I could recommend Jetpac, Atic Atac and Snake Rattle 'n' Roll. I can't recommend the rest of these games. Some of them even their own fans would struggle wanting to replay em. Not all of them are technically bad games. Of course, Rare had to start somewhere. Both Ultimate Play the Game & Rare was founded by the same brothers true story.

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