Wednesday, August 5, 2020

What's the difference between Michael Myers and Ghostface? (Dead by Daylight)

On August 3rd, 2020 I finally gotten rank 1 killer!!!

Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, I figured to help those still trying to understand the difference between two killers stalking mechanics. Now, I may bring up their perks as well as add ons. But mostly I want to focus more directly on stalking since that's a major game changer in the right hands. I will say this will be very straight forward.

Both killers stalks similarly that causes them to walk slower. At the same time, it lights up survivors in white. This alone serves a few purposes to the experience. Both killers can use it to help find survivors even in areas you regularly can't see em. Some add ons do increase the distance you may stalk em. Keep in mind, this is where the differences starts.

Michael uses The Evil Within that has three tiers. Some add ons include stuff into Tier 2 or Tier 3. Like getting the meter fill faster or making Tier 3 last longer to infinite. Michael won't lose process on the meter from striking survivors. Although, if you stop using it sometimes or they get away where you can't see em will cause that.

Tier 3 will allow Michael to instantly down survivors regardless of their health state. Now Ghostface uses Night Shroud that plays on the fear of being looked or stared at. He can fill up multiple meters at once. When it gets filled, that survivor will be marked. Which means Ghostface can now within a short period of time instantly down em.

However if Ghostface strikes a survivor at any point prior to filling up that meter. Not only the process is loss but also deactivates his powers. Unlike Michael, Ghostface can crouch as well as leaning on several parts of the map. When leaning from cover, his stalk meter goes up even faster. Keep in mind, you can easily get reveal by any survivor within range to disable your powers.

He does have add ons to help get his powers back at a faster pace. Michael uses one huge meter with a few section while each survivor gets their own meter in Ghostface's case. Both killers are capable of quickly downing an entire group of survivors easily. Ghostface also gets a bonus hit called Silent Hit when done right.

Basically survivors needs to hide to prevent Michael filing up his huge meter. At the same time, there is a limit on how much you stalk a survivor. Michael is a slow moving killer while Ghostface moves much closer to a survivor's speed because he can run. Thus, Ghostface is actually trickier to avoid filling up meters from.

There is no limit how many times you could marked any survivor then downed em during a match. Also those marked will appear red when stalking instead of white. It takes more effort to fill up The Evil Within in comparison. Michael does have access to exclusive stuff that's difficult to counter. Such as mirror add ons that will allow Michael see auras of survivors.

At the cost of increasing The Evil Within beyond a certain point. Which means you won't be allow to instantly down a survivor in a match. He also has two mori offerings on Tier 3 will allow him to instantly kill survivors even during a chase. Keep in mind, this will cost a lot of the meter to be used up unless that infinite add on gets played.

I would say Michael has the potential of being deadlier while Ghostface is more difficult to avoid altogether. Survivors have only one counter to prevent The Evil Within. They can only hide from sight to the best of their ability. But in Ghostface's cases either looking at him too long or he attacks someone who isn't marked will disable his powers.

Except if that survivor lacks any process on that meter of theirs. Ghostface has to be creative to avoid being seen. He also can stalk survivors at a much faster pace at greater possible distances. Yes you could even say he snipes you before getting instant down by him. Michael also changes how he attacks on Tier 3.

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