Thursday, August 13, 2020

Jack Red reviews Nights into Dreams

 Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, I remember wanting this game as a kid. Despite not owning & still have never officially having an Sega Saturn console. A few years ago, I bought it on Xbox 360, more recently on Steam. Nights into Dreams is unlike many games I played. I do need to point something very cool I just found out.

I knew for awhile Steam had it's version of Dreamcast Collection deal. Recently, they added Sonic Adventure 2 to that deal. The weird part is Nights into Dreams being the only Saturn game within a mostly Dreamcast bundle. Although, it still does technically play on both dream concept as well as being something unique like Dreamcast console itself.

Nights into Dreams centers on two kids that can become Nights to face many threats. Eventually taking on Wizeman his own creator. Wait why does part of that seen familiar oh I know Shadow the Hedgehog game ripped it off. Even Black Doom kinda looks like Wizeman. Anyway, you need to collect a certain amount of orbs.

You quickly go through each section before an actual boss encounter occurs. They all play differently so you can't use the same strategies to win. Thankfully, there's some depth to each level presented. Very few of them both kids can play. Oh wait, it gets better they also included the rare Christmas Nights game in the newer versions.

There's two ways to unlock it, the easy way is by entering an cheat while you have to be a completionist thus the hard way. There isn't really much about that Christmas game though. I felt the achievements are well selected. The audio is very strong in this forgotten Saturn classic. The controls are strangely interesting since it does alter from being the kids to playing as Nights.

You don't have many enemies to worry much about. The bosses are going to be frustrating though. There are some surprises if you pay attention at several points within the stages. Nights into Dreams is rather refreshing even from Sega's current state. This game isn't too difficult but tricky to master at times. I swear one particular boss looks like a creature from the game Pandemonium!.

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