Sunday, August 30, 2020

Jack Red reviews Vectorman 1 and 2

 Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, BlueSky Software made some great Genesis games like two Jurassic Park games. Some of their finest work was in Vectorman series. Sadly, there's only two entries to this day. Although, there was a few attempts to bring it back. Maybe it's for the best it stays where it's at. I do recommend both of these games.

Now considering both of them are so similar. I'll review them together but I will clarify stuff for which one I'm talking about to help prevent confusion. Both games are essentially run & gun style platformer. The team wanted to recreate what Rare done with Donkey Kong Country. Where parts of the game had 3D models within a mostly 2D game.

I think most Sega fans would agree Vectorman 1 has a better soundtrack. I kinda felt Vectorman 2 has more codes ends up helping it out. Despite actually having more levels not counting extra ones like a contest level. It is weird there's technically more bosses in Vectorman 1. Both has levels where you play in a particular form that spices up the game play.

In both games, Vectorman can find power ups that changes how he fires literately. In Vectorman 1, you destroy TVs while it's more insect pods in Vectorman 2. Vectorman 1 has more actual story in comparison as well. Most robots were working together to clean up Earth after the humans left it with so much trash. Why does that remind me of the show Futurama lol.

An error caused by a nuclear explosion transformed the leader robot into a tyrant. Vectorman was doing something away from the reach of their network. So when he came back to Earth, he had to take on a robot army. Vectorman 2 is more his ship ended up crashing on a strange alien planet. He has to survive mostly against insects.

I will give Vectorman 2 credit for actually having an animated cut scene. Vectorman 1 does have some great levels. Vectorman 2 has a few destroy parts of the ground theme levels. If you destroy the wrong spots, you won't be able to continue on likely die from being timed out. There's some great graphic special effects in both games.

Vectorman 2 is more of an underrated classic than anything else. Vectorman 1 is a must play game known to everyone who owns or collects Sega Genesis stuff. There was a time you could get Vectorman 1 through a snack package I'm not kidding. For the most part, it's easy to tell where to go. Of course, I do need to mention the secret mini games of Vectorman 1.

The first one believe it or not is right on the Sega logo screen. You can destroy a TV to cause a power outage. There's also a trick if you know it to allow you to skip a couple of stages. When you trigger it collect as many letters as you can. The other mini game is hidden in a satellite dish. There's more interesting variety of levels in Vectorman 1.

I also felt that's a better balanced game in comparison. Vectorman 2 does have a more interesting looking Vectorman character model. I do love both games' covers but I really liked Vectorman 2's more. Some levels in Vectorman 2 aren't as big as you thought that might disappoint you. Vectorman series is an interesting take on the run & gun concept.

It's almost like Sega's answer to Capcom's Mega Man series. Mostly that applies to Vectorman 1 but both characters have all kind of abilities. I will say some boss models in Vectorman 2 are just freaky. Vectorman 1 ends with a final boss fight on the top of a tornado. Vectorman 2 does a level with a tornado that will effect parts of your movements.

Some boss fights in Vectorman 1, you are fighting a few bosses close by each other. It's more spaced out in Vectorman 2, they are tricky to hit. The final boss will constantly fire at you. You have to deal with an annoying pain sound often. This boss doesn't change attack patterns like Warhead does in Vectorman 1.

I do prefer some forms you'll get in Vectorman 2 more. Honestly, both of them have some depth to them. You don't have to rush through the levels. Even with a time limit, you likely have enough time to finish. Unless, you are struggling a lot more likely to happen in Vectorman 2. It's no secret, Vectorman 1 is the game to play but don't forget to give Vectorman 2 a try.

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