Monday, August 10, 2020

Jack Red reviews Rare Replay

 Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, I had a particular game compilation called Rare Replay for a few years now. I think it's finally time to give it a review. Rare Replay quickly became the standard of game compilations after it's release. Honestly, I quickly placed it as my personal favorite Rare game ever. Now I know it's technically thirty games in one compilation. But all of them have achievements as well as stamps you can get.

Rare Replay represents thirty years making video games. We got as far back to 1983 on an British computer system called ZX Spectrum to Xbox 360 games. I should point out nine games have to be played separately from the actual compilation. This is because these games are pulled from Xbox backward compatibility system.

Yes, you possibly could get up to a little over 10,000 gamer score. Just in case, you were wondering the case stating that was true or false. The actual compilation has a mode to select which game to play. You also can use save states/load states from ZX Spectrum games up to NES games. They also had emulator cheat codes to help better your chances.

There is also a mode with a few categories of videos you can watch. You also get a mode that can access a few ways where you do challenges. Every achievement will give you stamps. Now this differs a bit with Xbox 360 games that requires mostly a percentage of that game's achievements you gotten. At first this shows like a huge step down.

In reality, you actually got to work harder to getting those stamps. Most stamps are very straight forward to get. A very large amount of achievements are easy to get making the process fun. Don't worry, achievement hunters there are difficult achievements hidden among em. You get a great variety of games with a lot having some form of multiplayer included.

This compilation is mind blowing in several ways. Most game compilations are likely do two maybe three platforms at a time. Here, you have six different platforms with two only have a particular game played off of them. All of this content will take you a long time to get in it's entirely. Likely, a true challenge that's worth attempting.

Some of their biggest franchises are also present here. I loved they have an opening song for this as well. I liked they don't punish you for using codes like a lot of newer games do. After all, in the title itself says replay for a reason. This is meant to appeal to retro gamers like myself. I should point out, in it's entirely you'll need a little over 50 GB worth of space for your Xbox One console to play this.

I felt even not being a fan of every game. I am very happy some of my absolute favorites are among the roster of games. This game doesn't just scream Rare, it bloody sings an entire concept worth of their legacy. You have something truly ground breaking that forever changed how game compilations are suppose to be.

Rare Replay virtually has plenty to give anyone a great time to play it. Recently, this compilation got added to Xbox's Game Pass service. I can see a lot of people getting their money's worth from this. I am not going to complain there isn't license games. Let's be honest, having em you really aren't even thinking of Rare at all.

Also, this was meant to showcase their gaming legacy. A lot of people actually forgotten they made some great games. It was thanks to this compilation that set the record straight. Sure, some later games got notable emulation problems. But, despite that the emulation overall isn't that bad to begin with. I will strongly agree the N64 games are the best among them.

My personal favorite among the entire roster always had been Perfect Dark. I knew GoldenEye couldn't be in it. I am very happy, they were able to give us the next best thing. I will even say in a few ways is superior to GoldenEye. I should mention, an ambitious feature in Banjo series finally got finished through the third game.

I am glad they can fully display what they originally tried to do on Nintendo 64 through Xbox 360. It's confusing what exactly this feature does since it effects each Banjo games in different ways. I do liked all dlcs are automatically given to you as well. You can truly fully experience these games. The original price is thirty dollars, now that's a dollar per a game.

Now that's a very great deal considering how expansive some of those games can be on the market online. Rare Replay is this company heart & soul that's still going strong in ways you don't expect. This is hands down, not only one of the greatest game compilations I ever played. This also the very reason why Rare became one of my favorite developers.

Also due to the fact, I'm a huge Killer Instinct fan myself since child hood. There's a lot of potential within each game. Yeah, it isn't as solid of a line up you would expect. But there are games that will surprise even wow you. For me one of those particular games had to be Jet Force Gemini. WOW, this is one of the absolute best third person shooters I ever played.

I do need to point out, most of Perfect Dark Zero's achievements are multiplayer based. Thankfully, you don't need to have gold to go for em. Personally, I liked how much of their creativity showed through this compilation alone. They really went up & above for their fans. This is a love letter telling each of us thank you for playing our games as if they were there with us.

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