Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Jack Red reviews King of the Monsters

Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, I grew up with King of the Monsters on Sega Genesis. Which shouldn't be confused with Godzilla games of the time. Many years later, I got to play the Neo Geo version on my computer. As a kid I struggle to win just one match. I wasn't as well verse in fighting games as I am right now.

King of the Monsters originally had six monsters while two of them with two levels got removed in some ports. I am aware about the sequel but I haven't got to play it. In fact the closest thing I played to this was War of the Monsters. Your goal is defeat all six monsters twice. Why it's done this way is a complete mystery.

Despite it's appearance King of the Monsters actually plays more like a wrestling games. Back in my child hood up to my early teen years I had wrestling games. So at the time I felt at home with it. Obviously they are referencing Godzilla, King Kong and a few more giant monsters. I do like you could destroy as much of the city you want.

If you ever wanted to try getting pass the far left or right side that requires pure luck. But automatically forces you back where you belong. This is a button masher you will likely have sore hands even before you're done playing. The endings are very similar where the news covers each monster winning to be quickly followed with their building collapsing.

Sometimes doing moves gives you a chance to power up that meter. You can transform any monsters during several stages up to two times. Despite some stats changes the most notable change is your monsters being completely recolored. I do like the fact this is an early fighting game with transformations.

King of the Monsters is a game never meant to take seriously. But it can quickly piss you right off if you let it. Thankfully in this Neo Geo port I have infinite continues. This by itself makes losing repeatedly not so bad. I also like you don't have to start over a match like most fighting games. In some of their defense, that's probably a great thing in itself.

I should mention when you face each monster the order is different for every character. But the next encounter happens on a different level. This is sorta like the final fight in Primal Rage where you face all the monsters again. Except it's all of them in one long match. Thankfully you don't have to kill yourself trying.

After everything I just have one real issue with this port. I don't know if it's my computer or something within the game's files. When I do save states they do work fine while I'm still playing. But sadly it doesn't work right when I turn the game back on. My controls are mostly locked preventing me from doing anything.

I will say this is a fun fighting game. Sure it might get old fast to some people. I so happen to also enjoy some of the Rampage games. Which I could review in the near future soon. King of the Monsters works as best it could. I felt one small change could've ruined what they had. I am not saying it's the best fighting game because it isn't.

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