Saturday, November 17, 2018

Jack Red reviews Jurassic Park: The Game

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, there are many Jurassic Park games. I grew up playing Sega's original arcade game at Chuck E. Cheese as a kid. I also had Jurassic Park on Sega Genesis as well as The Lost World of Jurassic Park on PlayStation. I do have a little history with Jurassic Park games. I decided to finally take a chance at playing Telltale's take despite stuff I heard about it.

Jurassic Park: The Game does not make this following connection clear. I had to look it up shortly after finishing it. Believe it or not, this game takes place after the original movie but before The Lost World of Jurassic Park movie. The closest I heard of this was Batman. On NES, Batman got two different follow ups with only one being expected by people.

This is sorta like that except you can pretend this doesn't exists. I am not kidding I actually thought at some point I might like the game. Sadly the more of it I played the more I disliked it. Usually I speak very highly of their work. Jurassic Park: The Game by itself wasn't the best title since so many games are simply called Jurassic Park.

I can excuse Back to the Future: The Game since it was more fitting of it with less games sharing the title. To me this game was a huge missed opportunity. Here's a great example, many of their games you have to wait awhile before the next episode comes out. They actually decided to release all four episodes the same day.

To this day that puzzles me because they could've improved on it. Why did they chose to release it in such a mess of a state is beyond me. This is the first Telltale game you can die. Trust me when I say be ready to die a lot even by poor game design. In a way that's good because it was done perfectly in their Walking Dead games.

The voice acting itself isn't bad but a lot of the dialogue isn't interesting to listen to. There are some parts where you can search select areas. I wouldn't mine if it was done in their newer games but trust me. When I say you have no idea how frustrating it is. They split the camera into several parts with some having multiple playable characters.

Some of them take you to a different area altogether making it more confusing what to do. The very word to describe this abomination is repetitive. Everything about it even trying to find stuff can be annoying as hell to do. Honestly end of the day it felt like a giant chore that I wasted hours doing. I really wanted to like this game but it has flaws I simply can't over look.

Going back to deaths, this game is surprisingly strict in nailing some button commands to not doing something. It is pretty obvious if you do the wrong thing you will die instantly. In fact so many ways you can die with such unnecessary wasted process. You have no idea how many times I had to restart several points because how poorly done it is.

I would even say Resident Evil 6 did that better. Another game rushed out to cash in on a popular franchise. Yes there are achievements but honestly I don't even have the patience to do one episode. To clarify I did play all four of them for this review in several months in advance. This has to be their most disappointing game ever made.

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