Sunday, January 3, 2021

Top 7 2020 Games I Played

 Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, I haven't been doing something like this in years. Mostly due to some of my choices had content coming out following their release or not enough money to get them. I finally can do a list of a particular games I played that came out the same year. To be honest, I will be ranking from the worst to the best in my opinion.

I ended up doing most of Saints Row: The Third Remastered not long after New Years. But it did get started very late 2020. I have played through all seven of these games. Mostly great content with some not quite up to part.

7. Resident Evil 3 remake

I know shocker this got the bottom spot. A quick summary is the game itself simply a missed opportunity.

6. River City Ransom

To clarify, this classic NES game was ported to a few platforms including Xbox One. The game itself was done in two ways. Sadly, everything else relating to the game was poorly done in comparison.

5. Doom 64

This is a canon Doom game that went under the radar for a lot of Doom fans. The newer version includes a new second, shorter campaign to help tie in to the newer Doom games. I would say for a port this cheap, I had a great time playing it.

I do want to point out, I originally gotten this on Xbox One. A few months later, I ended up buying it on Steam. I was very surprised how well it plays on my computer especially with my controller.

4. AVGN 1 & 2 Deluxe

It's no surprise that this game would be this high on my list. I'm a huge AVGN fan, I was very happy with the changes. I really enjoyed the new bonus third game included. Some of the finest jokes by far are in this game.

3. Battletoads

I personally enjoyed this game's weird sense of humor. It does a great job keeping things refresh with game play styles. I actually felt this was a great reboot to a forgotten franchise.

2. Saints Row: The Third Remastered

The art style was revamped in this version. Very faithful to the original game in every possible way. Easily, one of the finest remastered games so far in this upcoming decade.

1. Streets of Rage 4

It's no surprise that my number 1 choice had to be Streets of Rage 4. There's so many ways this could've easily failed. Instead, it ended up being a very solid return of a classic franchise. Easily, one of the finest beat em up games I ever played period.

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