Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Top 5 Problems I had with the Live Action Resident Evil movies

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I already reviewed every Resident Evil movie. Yet I didn't really go into some of my major problems with these live action ones. Six movies that may got a few world records on video game movies. Please don't let that talk you into watching these abominations. As a long time RE fan, ever since Resident Evil: Apocalypse my hatred started.

5. A very lackluster, uninspiring, generic story line
For the most part the game story line is very complex. Sure there are parts of it you may have to look up later. But trust me some of the early RE stuff is very interesting. There isn't a clear end in sight with some possibilities remaining. So how does the live action movies compares you asked? I have to be honest most of them are so boring, bad & repetitive.

The three basic signs of bad writing. First we didn't even get S.T.A.R.S. in the first movie at all. Second the main heroine the entire time was one of many clones. Who turned out to be one of the company's founders. Therefore this is directly ripping off Metal Gear franchise. Even recreating moments from the games isn't even worth talking about.

4. Poor portrayals of every Resident Evil character
Obviously this should be high on most RE fans' lists. I can't say any of them was done right enough to pass. The closest one would be later Wesker since originally he got someone who clearly wasn't Wesker. For that reason alone I can't give him the best of the worst title. Most of their personalities are off.

I would say Barry Burton who only appears in one movie got the worst dealt hand here. Originally in the games, Barry was a family man that got tricked by Wesker into helping him. They turned such a nice guy into a dick that doesn't even ask to shoot someone. Are you kidding me Mr. Anderson now that's an insult to all of us.

The second worst by far is Chris Redfield. Granted he had the best actor out of everyone portraying those characters. At the same time how do you simply remove the biggest rivalry of Resident Evil franchise? I mean come on when people heard Chris was in a movie, we did expect him to fight Wesker for old time's sake.

This Chris isn't a member of S.T.A.R.S. and haven't met Wesker before they fought. Now that's a great reason to turn the damn movie off guys. Even Nemesis gets dealt a shitty hand. Why would this creature also need a Gatling Gun. Isn't a rocket launcher & superhuman strength alone? Also this version lacks tentacles that likely disappoint a lot of fans.

3. Surprisingly limited variety of monsters

They relied heavily on zombies, cerberus dogs and lickers. Beyond that we didn't get much else. As stated before Nemesis is in one of the movies. A movie exclusive tyrant Dr. Isaac being one of the big exceptions. Resident Evil is known for having monsters. Where is something like hunters, bandersnatchs or giant spiders?

They only used one particular boss monster from the games. Sure there is a lot of tyrants including Nemesis himself. At least give us another boss monster guys. I was really hoping early on for a mutated William to stalk the characters oh wait that never happened. Although he was briefly in the first movie at the end before being replaced by Dr. Isaac.

Now that by itself is a huge slap to the face. Sure we did get a lot of crows in one of the movies. The way they went about using them ends up ruining it altogether. Originally they could appear outside or breaking through windows while in several areas. Of course most of these movies are more action than horror ones like they're suppose to be.

2. Relying on wrongly using game material

So far I already criticism pretty much everything before even getting to this reason. I guess there's a few more things that I must talk about. They used the wrong colors for the T-Virus. In the games T-Virus was green while in the movies for some odd reason it became blue. You know what I been waiting even before I started writing to hit them hard on this one.

In the games there were experimental cures. Sherrie got infected by her father, our heroes with some help from her mother was able to create this cure. Of course even Annette wasn't positive if it would work on her or not. Thankfully it saved her to later giving her a healing factor later in life. In Jill's case, she got attacked by one of Nemesis' tentacles to get infected.

Keep in mind, Sherrie got infected with the G-Virus while Jill got infected by the T-Virus. Carlos was able to find another experimental cure to save her life. This later gave her a strong resistance to most viruses. Now in the movies there's two versions of the Anti-Virus. Before we go any further how creative guys.

There is a cure made along with the T-Virus. The last movie had a more powerful cure that could save the world. Now think for one moment usually when there's a viral outbreak with any viruses. It takes time for any cure to be made. Also a cure that powerful does not exist in the game at all. In fact if it did exist then we couldn't have another main game until it got rebooted or at least spin off games.

The simple fact they had a cure like this that works in a similar way to the T-Virus in general while doing the exact opposite. Well to me it makes no damn sense why even include it in the movie at all. It would've gave us a better way by not introducing it for a better apocalyptic world. Another major complaint is their version of the T-Virus evolution.

Now we are going to a particular category that goes beyond simply pissing me off. Yes I'm about to rip them hardcore style over this one. In the games the original virus was Ebola Virus. This was not man made like most of them were. Along with a poisonous plant only found in Africa. Umbrella created Progenitor Virus Type A & Type B. Type A simply kills it while there are signs of mutation with Type B.

Don't worry I'm not going to cover the entire virus evolution here. Although if enough people were interested I could make a follow up blog on that topic. Their usage of Las Plagas in particular really pisses me right the hell off. It is nothing like how it was in Resident Evil 4. In that game Las Plagas is a parasite that can be controlled by the master parasite that Osmund Saddler had.

Even blowing people's head off didn't kill them. There is one of three possible parasite heads that will attack differently. Hell the spider one will remove from it's host's body to further stalk it's victim. Of course none of that was in a movie. Instead what we actually ended up getting is very bad in every possible way.

We got generic Nazi style zombies, are you sure this isn't a Wolfenstein movie jerks. A evil clone of a killed off character injected it into herself. Now that's actually the closest it ever takes but trust me it isn't right at all. This made her incredibly tough, superhuman strength & superhuman speed. It was almost like a female Saddler was fighting several characters.

Last I checked both Saddler & the village chief were the only leaders to display such figures. Basically by injecting herself with Las Plagas, she became one of them include of their servants. Also They went straight to Uroboros Virus. In the games, some of the previous viruses were used to creating it.

This includes T-Virus, T-Veronica Virus, Las Plagas and G-Virus. But in the movies it was evolution bs where the T-Virus eventually became Uroboros Virus. Now if that's how it was in the games I would've excuse this. Of course it wasn't, Another thing I noticed is there's no signs of accidental creatures.

What I mean by this is creatures like Centurion from RE0 or Plant-42 from RE1 are completely ignored. In these movies only experiments that got loose infecting people. The sad thing is that's exactly leading to my big reason for why I don't like them at all. Basically by not having them, they further lack any creative to keep even veteran's attention longer than a few minutes.

1. Easily could pass as a different zombie series
It's time for the single biggest reason of all. If it weren't for the name, this easily could pass as a different zombie franchise entirely. It already had so little to do with the games to begin with. Hard to believe George A. Romero was the original director before being fired. I seen better in stuff like Stalk Land that also counts as a vampire movie.

These movies may start off good but very quickly went way too much into action. After all most zombie movies are horror, sci fi. I know they were trying to recreate the sudden change in directon of the games because of RE4. It doesn't mean it was necessary. Sure it had other monsters from zombies but they're still technically undead creatures.

I seen more creative in vampire & alien movies. Usually there isn't a cure in most zombie movies at all. Sometimes this leaves to some truly rememberable scenes. Even shows like Z Nation has a lot more going for it. Don't worry soon I will be watching the final season of that. Back to these movies, Honestly they are clearly cashing on the success of the games doing as little to differ itself as humanly possible.

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