Monday, June 3, 2019

Tips on How to get Adept Spirit achievement (Dead by Daylight)

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I can't believe I got two Adept Killer achievements in one night. The last match is where I ended up getting Adept Spirit achievement. I am glad they weren't toxic or no one disconnected in both those matches. The Spirit is easily one of the best killers in the game. I highly recommend practicing many hours with her.

I also recommend using her add ons to greatly increase how often you use her powers. Trust me staying on top of them with even Moderate ones makes what could've been a difficult match easy. I done that in the same match I got Adept Spirit in. You need to get use to timing your sword attacks. Most people doesn't realize how fast she can strike even at mid range.

The Spirit also works better on particular maps. I done this on one of the swamp maps. Obviously play close attention how well the survivors are working together. Especially when it's two of them left. You can quickly down both of them with the right strategies. Also her perks are well around making any match against her difficult.

Hex: Haunted Ground activates when a Hex Totem gets cleansed. For a brief period of time, she can instantly down survivors. After a few pallets are dropped on you, The Entity will break one for you. Thus you won't be stunned like normal with Spirit Fury. Rancor is a double edge sword no pun intended.

On one hand, your obsession can see your aura for a few seconds depending on tier. But you also when a generator is finished can see where all of them are. This perk does make parts of the match easier. At the same time you need to quickly act on it. The Spirit move in another plain of existence that some think is teleporting.

I see it more as how The Wraith attacks survivors. Yes both of them are done differently. I also recommend using that move to quickly move between generators when possible. This will make it more difficult for survivors to get any generators done. I also recommend look for the hatch just in case you're down to two survivors.

Other than that, The Spirit is easily one of the best for these reasons. Yes it will take time to master her. Trust me it is really worth your time to do so. She is a lot of fun to play as. Sometimes it could be fun going against her. The Spirit has some of the best perks to throw off survivors. Keep in mind, after Hex: Haunted Ground wears off, it is gone from the match.

All remaining totems including the other hex one will be dull totems. Thankfully they can't take away Spirit Fury. A lot of experienced players are using that perk since it does allow you to keep going during chases. A lot of survivors won't expect you using that perk unless they figure out you're attempting Adept Spirit achievement.

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