Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Why I love Dead by Daylight so much?

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, one of my absolute favorite games ever is Dead by Daylight. I always had a passion for horror movies. Even if they didn't do licensed characters, I probably would still love this game. Honestly, this is more or less me explaining why I just can not get enough of it. I will say it will take a great similar experience game to top this one.

The first thing I love about this game is you can be one of four survivors or the killer in any match. More similar concept games are coming. I just felt the survivors having the bare minimal amount to try surviving is genius. So many horror games either gives you so little ammo, too many breakable weapons or simply too much ruining the experience.

But here you could go in with a flash light to possibly blind the killer. You could also use a toolbox to take down hooks or speed up getting the generators running. They also can get rid of particular stuff from some of the killers that mostly affected teleporting. If you go in without any of those you might have to bait the killer away.

There is a lot of strategy without even mentioning how perks affected any match. The possibilities of what either side could go is constantly going up. Most survivors plays alike while most killers plays very differently from each other. They absolutely nail the audio in this game. I actually like most characters you play as on both sides.

I absolutely love the leveling system, this alone is very well done. You can level up while getting helpful stuff on the way. Not to mention, the blood points can be spend on anyone. The game also has a few forms of currency with Auric Cells being only with real money. Yet you could get one of the bigger Auric Cells deals to getting a couple characters at a time.

This feels like a truly unique experience even for a multiplayer horror game. I am very happy with their licensed characters they gotten so far. Yeah, I'm still a bit mixed on The Pig. I also love Rituals as well as challenges within The Archives helps speed up getting the blood points. Of course, the team does do double the blood point events.

I also liked most characters gets a lot of costumes & outfits. It is no secret my favorite original killer so happens to be The Clown. I just felt everything is done amazingly well. I really could play this for hours. This is one of the biggest games with achievements I ever played as well. There's so many ways to have fun in this game.

By the way, I really loved Freddy's rework very well. He plays much better as well as being more faithful to the source material. I am also happy with licensed maps they gotten so far. Honestly, I felt every money I put into this has been worth it. This is clearly a love letter to those who love horror movies or anything horror in general.

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