Monday, May 11, 2020

Tips on How to get Adept Plague achievement (Dead by Daylight)

On May 11th, 2020, I gotten Adept Plague achievement in a rather easy match. No I didn't ask them to throw it to me. They didn't know how to play against The Plague. I remember being in their shoes at one point. I am just surprised this could've been the easiest Adept Killer achievement I ever gotten without question.

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, on and off I been trying to get a few achievements. Among them one of those achievements was Adept Plague. Honestly, I'm alright with the character but I can still give tips to making those attempting this achievement/trophy a bit easier. Keep in mind, this is from my personal experience with that character.

The Plague can cover a lot of range especially if used correctly. Up close, she can strike quickly with her weapon. Not a lot of people realize if you throw up too much on the infected survivor also cause to down em. Which means if you and one of them were stuck in a loop yet you can still throw up at them.

Don't rely too much on that being a possibility. Just when it shows up, consider either throwing up a little above them or if one of the following so happens to be within your range. You can throw up on generators, chests and pallets. Believe it or not, you also can spot some survivors easier from their infection.

On rare occasions, try throwing up at a angle. There is a chance they might not realize thus landing your throw up on em. You also can get them to make disgusting noises even when they're hiding to find em faster. You also can corrupt Pool of Devotion locations around the maps. Thankfully, The Plague can see Pool of Devotions not corrupted.

Why is this so important you are probably wondering? It is the only way a survivor can get cured from The Plague's Vile Purge aka her throw up. The infected can also get others sick making a not great team fall apart much easier. This is only possible if an infected survivor gets Broken status. Otherwise, it isn't as something they need to worry about.

One of her default perks has The Entity covering a couple generators that's a notable distance from you. You can use a survivor's infection from using the same Pool of Devotion they used to cure themselves. This alters Vile Purge into Corrupt Purge. The major differences is it does more damage to the survivors but also doesn't make em sick either.

If you corrupt all Pool of Devotion locations. They will become normal making sickness much easier to deal with. Infectious Fright can be used at times to get an idea where some survivors could be. Of course, it works in close proximity meaning if they aren't within range. You won't see anything after downing a survivor.

Dark Devotion is one of those obsession theme perks among the killers. You hit the obsession, your own terror radius aka what alerts survivors to your presence goes to 0 for a short period of time. Other than that, it isn't a perk I would count on. I hate to say it Corrupt Invention ends up being the very perk I rely on.

A few later killer perks work similar to this particular perk. This gives you a little time to force survivors to go for generators close to your location. This by itself can easily be a double edge sword. On one hand, you will have more ideas where to go to stalk survivors. But on the other, you could be facing a better team that came prepare for almost every killer.

Trust me, I can deal with those using a few killers I'm actually great with. You need to pay attention to how the survivors interactive with each other. This alone can break or make your chance at getting this achievement/trophy. Like most killers, you get add ons that slightly or greatly increase your essential abilities.

I do recommend using slightly unless you only have normal or moderately versions of said add ons. Slightly is a little notable increase in your abilities but at the same time they're easier to use than your default versions. Also keep in mind, The Plague can easily be seen at further distance due to her height as well as how she moves.

I also recommend trying to keep as many survivors as possible infected. Even if it had to be just one survivor per a match. For them to get cured is much quicker than getting reverse beartraps from The Pig off. The Plague does have a long reach from using Vile or Corrupt Purge ability. You also can cause some generators from exposure of your disease to shut down.

You can only have it occur to one generator. It will take awhile before that generator becomes available for survivors to attempt getting back up. It is possible during a match to cause this to happen more than once. This is something you could take advantage of late into a match to further limit the amount of generators, the survivors can go for.

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