Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Jack Red reviews Pandemonium 2

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I got a confession. I really tried beating it without using codes that would make it a guarantee. Which I was able to do in the original Pandemonium game. I got to be honest I'm a little more mixed on this one. I will say I still like the game enough to continue on with the review.

Both Nikki & Fargas got a more interesting appearance this time around. Just in case, I don't get around reviewing later Gex games. Nikki cameos in Gex: Enter the Gecko's ending. They did a similar joke with Gex 3's ending as well. Yes, it does have a lot of the same things the previous game had going for it.

The artwork is a bit stranger this time around. The story is surprisingly weirder but somewhat familiar. The original Pandemonium ended when the characters defeated the final boss. They were allowed to have three wishes. This story goes even more ridiculous than that I'm not kidding. There's a comet that comes every three hundred years.

If anyone can get a hold of it can have one wish. Both endings in this game makes you wonder. What exactly was the developers on lol. This game comes off like a huge acid trip. There is some great visuals with a few parts of it not aging well. There is some interesting game mechanics. But some of them needed to be altered just a little bit to make it more fun.

I am not going to lie, a little past the half way mark is when the difficulty goes a little too high for me. Some of the last levels are very difficult. I will be honest, I tried the best I could in the levels I ended skipping. I really did not want to do that. I really wanted the full experience like the previous game.

This was also originally an PlayStation 1 game. This was a short lived series probably due to the problems in the game. The bosses are vastly different from each other but man they sure gets notably tougher. Some levels are very strict on trial & error. Like a level near the end you have to speed run through the ending portion.

If you do it fast enough, you complete the level. But if you don't you have to do it again. I also liked there's more notable character differences present. It felt like playing two different games at times. Well it isn't like a fighting game with more characters. Pandemonium 2 does have some creativity to it.

I really wish the game didn't become so frustrating. Obviously, I do prefer the original more. Although, cut scenes look notably better in this game. I also liked the password system a bit more. I felt there's areas it does surpass the original while others it just falls short from it. This is one of those platformer gems you should give a try.

I will say this game does have some interesting level designs. Including a strange Fargas theme level I'm not kidding. Now I think about it, the ending of the original Pandemonium & Fargas' ending in this game is virtually the same concept. He wished an entire village to become like himself. In Pandemonium 2, all plants as well as the sun is now Fargas.

Nikki's ending is you does a DJ with parts of the universe. They should've been on some strong stuff to come up with stuff like this lol. These endings strangely remind me of Twisted Metal endings. Pandemonium 2 doesn't work with my controller. I can still play it just fine with my keyboard. I also liked they didn't abuse the usage of keys like the original did.

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