Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Top 5 Ways Vigilante 8 is better than both Twisted Metal III & Small Brawl

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I felt to show more respect towards Vigilante 8 by making this following list. I think by now a lot of people are aware of Twisted Metal III & Twisted Metal: Small Brawl. In my opinion, this franchise was never meant to be light heart humor that's heavily tone down. I felt just by playing Vigilante 8 on Nintendo 64, I had more of my money's worth in comparison.

5. Better endings

Let's be honest most endings in Twisted Metal III are very bad. It makes the cheesiness of the cut live action TM1 endings look like a master piece. I wasn't a huge fan of Small Brawl's endings either. There's a cut ending for a hidden character that a lot of people possibly got offended by. What I liked about most Twisted Metal games is Calypso allows such ridiculous possibilities in their wishes.

You would think somehow those of Small Brawl would've broken that to a degree. I mean come Mr. Grimm's ending in Twisted Metal 2 led to most people dying in a few days. All of that so he could feed off their souls instead of doing his job. A major problem with Twisted Metal series is most games never confirmed which endings was the canon ending.

Only a handful of them was confirmed like Outlaw in TM1 & Sweet Tooth in the newest entry. I actually liked every ending in Vigilante 8 happens. Yeah everyone including Y the Alien has canon parts to the story. Oh wait I'm not done yet, Most hidden characters in Small Brawl like Twisted Metal 4 doesn't have endings.

In both cases, there's no information to go on about what we were suppose to see. I just had to state Calypso clearly wasn't following the rules in TMIII. If you listen to their bios that has terrible voice acting. Most of them was going to wish something other than what Calypso ends giving em. Not only he ignored what most their wishes are but also twisted them in stupid childish ways.

I would've said that for Small Brawl. At least they did more to attempt fitting the concept. In that game you are playing as one of many remote controlled toy vehicles instead of actual vehicles. The only ending that breaks away from how most of them was done is Mr. Grimm's ending. In most endings, Billy Calypso had everything they wanted that may not be exactly what they wanted.

In his particular case, Billy had found a mysterious place where it's Halloween constantly. Within minutes, Mr. Grimm gets over whelmed inside. Keep in mind Calypso usually has powers that allows him to virtually do anything. To sum it up also throwing in Twisted Metal 4, all three of them at their core really aren't Twisted Metal games.

4. Better controls

There's something about the controls that makes Twisted Metal III more frustrating to play. I felt Small Brawl had tighter controls but Vigilante 8 on N64 nails it. Honestly in most Twisted Metal games, you get to use one weapon at a time regardless what you have. In Vigilante 8's case, you can have up to three of them at a time.

They pulled this concept off perfectly I'm impressed. If you know the short button combination you can do a freeze attack to stop enemies. I don't even need to mention some vehicles are easier to control than others. Vigilante 8 has much better thought out controls making it a lot more fun to play. Honestly Twisted Metal: Small Brawl's controls sorta comes off as a step backwards.

3. Better level designs

This shouldn't be a no brainer one for those who love these style games. Twisted Metal III has too small of a size levels. I just got to ask why is it necessary to have two slightly different versions of a hidden level? Parts of Small Brawl levels can be frustrating due to the hazards. I would even go as far to say the hazards are at their worst here.

Some of these hazards has a hidden icon to allow you to control it a little bit. Among hitting enemies does a lot of damage to them. But they also could use it against you. There's a level if you don't bounce off a trampoline correctly kills you. Keep in mind, this trampoline is strictly placed to test how good you are with the controls.

If I'm playing a car combat game, I want bigger levels that doesn't have hazards like those. I rather play Vigilante 8 since you can avoid most of the hazards easily. You also got a lot of nice sized levels with parts of the environment you can destroy. I also think due to you have missions does help. I don't simply want to kill everyone in a level.

Sometimes I want to explore, most of these objectives does allow you to do so. I also liked you get to play as all members of both groups. Which does tell you who to expect you're going up against. There's no real filler for Twisted Metal series. You will be facing several characters repeatedly. Probably due to most of them are fighting alone against everyone else.

2. Better specials

I strongly felt most specials in both Twisted Metal III & Small Brawl aren't that great. In fact, most specials in Vigilante 8 does keep up the game play to a degree. For one, they're specials are even more different than those of Twisted Metal series. In Twisted Metal series, most specials can be easily avoided.

This isn't the case in Vigilante 8 since there's more homing ones. Some specials doesn't give you many options. I would say Y the Alien has the most damaging special move of all three games here. What I'm trying to say is you have to use your head more in Vigilante 8 because of those specials. Especially after taking a powerful one being low on health.

Twisted Metal series does have some great specials. Sadly I'm sticking directly to my least two favorites for this blog. Twisted Metal III didn't really try improving on classic specials either. I can say Small Brawl did try but it could've been better than that. At least Vigilante 8 made it fun to use & going against specials.

1. Better boss fights

In Twisted Metal III, it's selection of bosses is questionable at best. I mean we take on Darkside at Washington D.C.? Minion returns against in a level that wasn't fitting of his character. At least his vehicle looks way better than TM4's yeah I said it move on. Primeval is supposedly a friend of Calypso to challenge who was left.

Oh ok why would you invite any friend to be in a contest filled with death & destruction? Now going to Small Brawl with more limited information. Both bosses similar to Twisted Metal: Black & Head On has a force field. Trapper no not Dead by Daylight's The Trapper, he doesn't really rely on setting traps to get you.

Also why do you face him on a mini golf course makes no sense to me. Piecemeal is rumored to be Billy Calypso's vehicle. Essentially a compositive vehicle made from parts of other vehicles. The weird part is you face him on and off during a move theater level. Trust me this level is very annoying for many reasons.

I liked most bosses in Vigilante 8 has a purpose being there for that character. Only one characters gets to be a boss for two of them. I also liked they come shortly after the last wave of opponents is destroyed. Which isn't that different from Twisted Metal series except for Piecemeal and those of the newest entry.

Now I know I wrote a blog very recently saying the bosses are overall better in Twisted Metal series. If you cut it down like I did, you'll get more of an idea which Twisted Metal games I was actually talking about. Vigilante 8 nails the boss fights way better than both these Twisted Metal games. The fact you can play as everyone is crazy enough.

Bonus reason
Y the Alien

I figured why the hell not give you a bonus reason. I also threw it in there to show I do so happen to have a favorite Vigilante 8 character. Say hello to Y the Alien possibly the most unique character. Keep in mind, to this day Twisted Metal doesn't have any playable flying characters. OMG the work that goes in to simply play as this guy.

Trust me it is really worth going the extra mile. Y the Alien is piloting an small UFO that can move way faster than anyone else. He also has the most damaging special in the game. Oh wait it gets even better, his story has an extra level fighting everyone. He is essentially the solo neutral character. This guy can be very difficult to avoid.

The controls works perfectly for this character too. He can easily searched the map faster than any other character. Y the Alien is a lot of fun in the other modes of play too. Basically when you play as this alien, you could almost guarantee victory. I would even say he's the easiest character to memorize out of everyone.

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