Friday, November 4, 2022

Baby Oopsie 3: Burn Baby Burn (2022) review

Special thanks goes to Full Moon Features.

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I knew from my last Baby Oopsie blog entry. I had some unfinished business, I went to Full Moon's YouTube account this morning. What do I find, the third & final installment in Baby Oopsie movie line up. Yes, they quickly made a third one. But I'll give them credit for attempting a concept they started with the first Baby Oopsie movie.

If you want to get caught up on this movie series, I will be linking my previous Baby Oopsie review entry down below...

Baby Oopsie 3: Burn Baby Burn (2022)
One major thing I noticed even before starting the movie. Each installment gets shorter with Baby Oopsie 3 being the shortest. I don't know if this was due to the editing process or originally planned to be that length. Two of these movies are less than an hour long. I kinda hope in the general concept they done here, one day Puppet Master gets the same treatment.

Yes I know, the last couple Puppet Master movies excluding Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich. All those were directly continuing from Toulon's death with the Nazis nearby. Eventually, they might show us when the rest of Puppet Master 1 happens within the time line. Not to mention, The Demonic Toys was Full Moon attempting recreating their success from Puppet Master series.

Keep in mind, very early on both franchises, Paramount Pictures was funding a lot of Full Moon movies. Most of them are classics with not many we don't talk about often. Baby Oopsie 3 already heading into a crazy direction from the conclusion of the last Baby Oopsie movie. I was curious to see how the director William Butler going to conclude the story here.

Sybil attempts her own exorcism on her friend Ray Ray. I should point out, every major installment story line, they kept changing out the Demonic Toys' masters. I know Puppet Master series does that with the puppet masters as well. But here it's virtually more set in stone with a demonic connection. Like their original master wasn't even born in the world.

Evil Dead series has the Necronomicon aka the Book of the Dead. This series of movies has a similar book about demonic toys. The concept itself is similar with notable changes. Personally I rather be stalked by the Demonic Toys. The Deadnites are down right terrible willing to pull any dirty trick to kill the living, it's actually worse than Beetlejuice.

The priest Sybil contacted a few times in the previous Baby Oopsie movie now seems wanna do something about the Demonic Toys. Of course, Sybil dealing with the demon doesn't want his help now. The guy from the first Baby Oopsie movie who was dating a chick staying with Sybil's family returns. It turns out he was in Mexico.

Let's be honest, it's incredibly easy for that to be directly taken out of context. The blonde greedy bitch is back too. She does get the dolls but not the way she wanted. Most of us knew she was going to get herself killed over greed, very unlikable character. I should point out the detective trying to get the missing boyfriend to help him solve this case he's working on.

Surprisingly, we do get an exorcism scene. Which was never done in the franchise before. I know people are likely going to bring up movies like The Exorcist which heavily about priests performing an exorcism on a little girl. This doesn't stop the Demonic Toys. Now to think about that situation, it's similar to Hellraiser 3: Hell on Earth.

At the end of Hellbound: Hellraiser 2, Pinhead gets his powers removed. Which transformed him back to a human before Channard cenobite killed him. Somehow, this caused his soul split into two. Which means Pinhead didn't return to Hell but technically trapped in two different plains of existence. Basically, Pinhead was acting rogue for the entire movie rather than serving his god Leviathan.

You knew I had to make references to demonic horror movies. Sybil & Ray Ray are working on stopping the Demonic Toys from unleashing hell among the world. Which oddly similar to all four Wishmaster movies. The Djinns wants to get the person who freed them three wishes. Among granting the third & final wish, they are allowed to bring their brethren into our world to cause hell on Earth.

The boyfriend with the detective arrives at Sybil's home. Unaware of the danger they're about to face. Even with multiple Chucky dolls, I rather be killed by them than these toys. We finally get to learn about Sybil's dad too. So if you were wondering why no mention of him prior you'll find out why. I can't say I'm surprised the priest dies.

At least compared to a particular mess up kill in Children of the Corn 3, he died better in a sense. Which directly followed his first exorcism too. They had to do a Dirty Harry reference as someone got roped by a possessed baby doll character. The cowboy character suddenly makes a reference to the show Hawaii Five-O too.

The blonde bitch turned out to be android. Yeah just when you thought the movie couldn't get any wackier, there you go. Sybil's mom returns to free Sybil & Ray Ray. Somehow, the priest survived the ambush. Baby Oopsie summons the Toy Master whose also a clown character. We already hit third clown in this franchise, I guess they were clowning around lol.

The house gets caught on fire, Sybil lost almost everything in the process. But hey the Demonic Toys as well as a corrupt business man too. Her mom's spirit ends up going to hell. Sybil gets together with that guy who got lay off. The priest looking more into the Demonic Toys afterwards. Baby Oopsie's remains gets recovered by the priest too.

I would say the most satisfying ending so far in the franchise to date. Like the previous two Baby Oopsie movies, they made the ending credits more interesting to sit through. I would say this was the craziest entry by far. Surprisingly, all three of them turned out much better than I expected. I would say this one really proves it's an Full Moon Features movie in a nut shell.

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