Tuesday, November 8, 2022

my thoughts on Futurama coming back for a third, stream run

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I confess one of my absolute favorite sitcom shows is Futurama. You already know I'm a huge Simpsons fan. A while back, a crossover episode on The Simpsons brought both shows together. Futurama was something truly ahead in time literately. I do plan to discuss the previous two runs of the show, it's up to you if you view it more of my review of the show or just point of view.

Original run on Fox, Futurama ran for four seasons.
Futurama is a spiritual successor to The Simpsons. In a very similar fashion of Hanna-Barbera doing that with The Jetsons to the Flintstones. Who also crossed over in a movie no lie. A lot of similar jokes you may expect from The Simpsons. Don't worry, Futurama has it's own jokes that stands the test of time. The show centers around a former delivery man named Philip J. Fry.

On New Years in the year of 1999, he ends up into a machine frozen for a thousand years. He gets release in the year of 3000. Obviously, the world notably changed since his long rest. Of course, Futurama also shows many planets as well as some crazy situations. Personally, to me these seasons are the heart of the show.

There's plenty of great things I can say about it. The characters are very rememberable with Bender always been my favorite. Obviously, Bender is this show's Homer but more of a prick. Fry is more like Bart well he does wear a red coat. Leela is like a mix between Marge but more Lisa I felt is fair to say. She has similar hair color to Marge but her personality more like Lisa's.

Fry with a group of people works for an intergalactic delivery service. Their boss Professor Farnsworth so happens to be a nephew of Fry, I'm actually serious. I would say the animation alone was even better than The Simpsons during it's prime. Futurama made a show about the distant future so awesome. Yes they do bring up some mind blowing stuff as well.

This show was truly amazing for it's time. I would even say these seasons were virtually flawless. I would even say one of the greatest animated sitcom shows to ever aired on Fox. Honestly, it even gave The Simpsons a run for it's money at times. Futurama is hands down a fantastic show at it's core. They don't shy away from the humor, they literately get you laughing a lot here.

Second run on Comedy Central ran for three seasons partly started from DVD releases.
I would say Comedy Central was all over the place here. Before I discuss the elephant in the room here. Can you imagine Futurama being on two particular channels where long running animated sitcom shows started? Futurama did aired against King of the Hill respectively on Fox. Obviously, they more directly competed against South Park on Comedy Central.

Futurama season 5 is always something that I thought was very odd as well as unusual. Yes DVD sales brought Family Guy back twice. But it's a different matter here because they chose to make four Futurama movies. Which also made into four episodes per a movie. Basically sixteen episodes in season 5.

Usually the movies for these sitcom shows is their own movie that's still canon like The Simpsons Movie. Here, we got four Futurama movies that suddenly became an entire season of a show. Partly mind blowing right? Moving on, Comedy Central for unexplained reasons aired episodes of both season 6 & 7 out of order too.

Some episodes among them were kinda like some Simpsons episodes with several stories. One of them even done three very different styles. I strongly felt these seasons could've been way better. I will confess the one episode you gotta watch is the last one they done. Now this episode was surprisingly well done despite most episodes during this run.

We have time stopped, Fry & Leela gets to almost spend the rest of their lives together. Until, a surprising option comes out of no where. Both of them accepted to do that option to reboot things. It's very much a regular thing in the show Rick & Morty. Futurama just felt the show tried too hard. More than The Simpsons episodes of that period in fact.

Comedy Central always had South Park's back. Especially in the beginning from other channels wanted absolutely nothing to do with the show. So I knew Futurama was in hot waters on that channel. Honestly, I'm surprised they aired three seasons. I should point out the last two seasons they done are both twenty six episodes long.

Officially tied for the longest seasons of the show so far. I say that because I still got something else to discuss in a little bit. Futurama went as far as they possibly could time concept wise. There's an episode where three of them stays inside a time machine going through all of time a few times. Effectively making all three of them incredibly old beings.

New Hulu run
Next year on the streaming service Futurama will return once again. This run nearly happened without Bender's original voice actor. But after a lot of fans spoke out, they were able to get the actor into the show. People do need to realize, John DiMaggio is a busy guy. He's in a lot of shows, it's mind blowing. So I felt people shouldn't got upset he didn't come back.

Also being on a streaming service. Either they will slowly put episodes of the season on or all of it at once. Such as the case of Netflix sitcom shows like Big Mouth. Regardless, I hope this makes up for the last three seasons of the show. Those seasons alone are why I don't put the show so high with some animated sitcom shows recently.

Futurama is in high demand without question. Most of the nostalgia is likely the first four seasons. If they got the right people, we could be heading into one of the finest seasons yet. However the opposite is also a strong reality too. Honestly, I do wish the team the very best of luck with the show. I do want Futurama to be great once again like a lot of people do.

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