Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Menu (2022) spoiler free review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, here's a movie that nearly passed my radar. Until a commercial one night, it peak my interest. A few youtubers in videos talked a lot about a particular movie. I would even say the most mess up movie that isn't a horror movie I seen this year. Of course, I'm here to review The Menu.

The Menu (2022)

This is a difficult movie to review without spoilers. The short version of the story, it's about a group of people going to an exclusive dinner event hosted by a world famous chef. The Menu is very true to the title in a nut shell. I felt everyone that appears in this movie especially actor Ralph Fiennes knocks it out the park here.

This movie is a good mix of thriller because it does play on suspense. It also does have some dark comedy aspects as well. Honestly, The Menu quickly got good, it kept getting more interesting. By the end of the movie, no spoilers what happens here. You are likely mind blown how it plays out. If you aren't familiar with terms in the cooking world, you may get confuse.

Here's a movie that takes itself very seriously. It's also a movie that doesn't hide such raw emotions. The Menu is filled with good surprises. You bet I would rewatch this movie in the near future. This movie is truly amazing in how it delivers on all fronts. I would even say this is one of the finest 2022 movies I seen this year.

The Menu could appeal to those not within the food world or watch cooking shows in general. There's a lot of notable stars in this movie. Like John Leguizamo, whose also going to appear in the upcoming Violent Night month coming out in early December. Now notice I'm not going to directly talk about characters otherwise I have to spoil things.

I strongly felt this is a movie you really shouldn't spoil or have someone spoil it for you before watching. In that regard, a first watch will be incredibly effective stuff here. There's little to no boring scenes in this movie. The Menu is a rather different take on cooking theme stories I'm not used to seeing. You would think with a lot of stuff I watched over the years, I would be.

Surprisingly, not in this particular case. Even I confess some of the movie itself really caught me off guard. It's a movie, that knows how to get your attention then keep it until the ending. A good sign of a great movie. I would also say Fiennes went the full distance with his role here. Fiennes is in a lot of great movies over the years, so no surprise he brought it here.

In all honestly, this movie was so unexpected. I quickly knew trying to do this spoiler free is harder than expected. The best describe of the movie itself itself is there's more going on than you realize. Each course has a different surprise for those dining in the restaurant. The Menu is a movie that doesn't just goes quickly to business, it finishes like a boss!!!

Truthfully, the review would be a lot longer if I allowed spoilers in. I really wanted to challenge myself but also respect those who still haven't seen the film by doing this. The Menu is a movie that knows exactly what it is. Which may scare some people away. I promise you this isn't a horror movie but it does come close to being one at times.

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