Sunday, November 20, 2022

Aqua Teen Hunger Force review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, Not to long ago I reviewed one of the original Adult Swim shows. I'm back with a bigger review than I originally previously planned. I had to go the distance here. Today I will be reviewing Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I may do a follow up blog post covering left over stuff of the franchise.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force (2000-2015)

Not a lot of people knows Master Shake, Frylock and Meatwad originally appeared on another show. Just in one episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast. Unlike most original Adult Swim shows, it's entirely new footage show. Once in a while they do reference some franchises from Hanna-Barbera productions. Like Sealab 2021, the episodes are around 11 minutes long.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force is a show I really got a lot to talk about. I am not going to hide this show can be quite offensive to women, African American and more. There's eleven season worth of crazy events. I should point out Seasons 8-11, they changed the name of the show. They also notably changed the opening intro including songs.

Season 8 as Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1

Season 9 as Aqua Something You Know Whatever

Season 10 as Aqua TV Show Show

Season 11 as Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever

This might be a little difficult to believe, this show makes the craziest Sealab 2021 seems not that crazy. No I'm dead serious, they do some amazing stupid stuff. A bigger variety of stuff happens including different creatures. Seasons 1 & 2 the show starts with these out there jokes with Dr. Weird. There's plenty of moments you likely won't see elsewhere.

Sometimes they alter the animation or style of the show during episodes. I will say humor wise it's mostly constant for a show on the air that long. This is one of the longest shows Adult Swim ever aired. We are talking shows they made not those made for other channels or streaming services. Aqua in their name actually comes from swimming their neighbor's pool.

Speaking of neighbors, they only have one neighbor named Carl. A handful of episodes can be quite racist especially the episode Shake Like Me. They even made hotdog balloon Nazis with Hitler on the show, sadly not joking about that. Like Sealab 2021, continuity is more of their own thing. But a few select things sticks to canon.

All the main characters dies a lot on the show. I should directly talk about the team themselves. Meatwad has the simple mind like that of a child. Frylock is the smartest, most mature character on the show. Of course, we gotta talk about the leader himself Master Shake. I am going to do something I never thought I was going to do.

I personally give the award of Biggest Animated Prick to Master Shake. He has a lot of not great stuff going for him making Master Shake the exact opposite of a leader likely the joke itself. He has done some truly unspeakable things especially to Meatwad. This guy is the very definition of being someone ugly in the inside.

A very large amount of things happens around their house as well as Carl's. There are times they got to places just not as often as a lot of animated sitcom shows. There are some occasions they went out to space. Including a "planet" but most of a giant banana that's already in space with well space monkeys. I do like their creativity at times.

It's a great thing continuity itself isn't set in stone. They can do as much stories as they want as long it doesn't fully become canon. In other words, they can die as much as they want. At the same time, they mysteriously come back like nothing happened. I am going to miss this show, I do regret leaving it a couple years ago when it still was airing episodes on TV.

I felt they nearly done everything they possibly could do. Space Ghost Coast to Coast also lasted 11 Seasons. One short story with Dr. Weird, you spot a dead Space Ghost. Not to mention, his voice over in that as well as Cartoon Planet voices a lot on this show too. I should point out blood & gore wise, this show doesn't hold back from that.

They do reference The Brak Show as well. I say this is way better than that show. It's almost like a more comical JoJo's Bizarre Adventure experience. You may not wanna see some of these events. Of course, you may even be surprise by some of the jokes they pull. What I can say for sure is they do go the full distance with their concepts.

Second to last episode is like two episodes right after each other in length. Some episodes are surprisingly well done. Honestly, here's a show you really shouldn't take seriously. This was like Rick & Morty in a few ways before Adult Swim gotten that show. The disgusting parts are truly difficult to stomach.

I confess the only intro I didn't like was Season 8. I did like some of the jokes within that intro though. My favorite character ends up being Frylock. Honestly, this show sure gets wild in it's own right. Some episodes are parties of madness it only gets crazier. Aqua Teen Hunger Force sounds like a superhero show but isn't.

I say that's more of a direct parody of the format. Which I can respect way more over the more recent version of Powerpuff Girls that completely moved away from superhero stories altogether. I also got to mention a particular episode that never got aired on TV. The first episode of Season 5, also one of the creator's favorite episodes.

Some unpleasant news came to Cartoon Network following nearly airing this now controversial episode. They ended up treating the second episode of that season as if it were the season premiere episode. This show is easily one of the craziest from Adult Swim I ever seen hands down. Strangely it works all the way up to the final episode.

Yes they even made a joke about it's cancelation. I prefer how they done it than Sealab 2021. I also respect all of this is entirely original animation. There was a time this used to be Adult Swim's longest show, now Robot Chicken got the record. I even confess I prefer that over this show myself. I will say this you aren't living if you don't want this show.

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