Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Bonus Halloween Blog #11 Baby Oopsie 1 & 2 review

Warning this will be a long entry, please take as many breaks as possible.

Special thanks goes to Full Moon Features as well.

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, thanks to Full Moon Features putting a couple movies on YouTube for free. I was able to get caught up on The Demonic Toys franchise. In particular Baby Oopsie 1 and 2 that are more recent films. I should point out, they also had the same director William Butler. I actually heard a few notable things about these movies.

Baby Oopsie (2021)
Full Moon Features had a strange plan to make a few spin off movies. Mostly Baby Oopsie & two Puppet Master movies respectively. This is a spin off to The Demonic Toys series. I will say I may not like the appearance of Baby Oopsie. But hey it's a huge improvement over Demonic Toys 2's appearance. I should point out the same director previously done Demonic Toys 2.

A quick thing to bring up relating to some Full Moon Features, yesterday Leslie Jordan passed away in a car accident. Jordan was in Demonic Toys 2 as well a few Full Moon Features films. I just wanted to give a quick moment of silence for him. After you're done, Baby Oopsie like some newer films by the company was originally released in parts.

There does exist a full version like the YouTube version I watched for this review. It's been a decade last the last Demonic Toys movie. Personally, I would've made a spin off movie with Jack Attack. But considering Baby Oopsie usually acted as the right hand demon in most those films. I can say so far I already like this more than a famous knock off film of Child's Play called Dolly Dearest.

Both that & this franchise involves possessed dolls that kills people that also says similar stuff. Dolly Dearest came out a year before The Demonic Toys. At least, The Demonic Toys did stuff very differently from Chucky. Weirdly, Baby Oopsie could be considered a precursor character to Gingerdead Man. I do need to mention, most newer Full Moon Features are crowd funded by the fans.

Obviously, it will be low budget but hey it's got the support of the fans. I felt this was given slightly more love than Blade: The Iron Cross. Yeah it's alright with a few reasons to like it. Baby Oopsie already way better than the unofficial crossover film Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys in a few ways. This movie doesn't hide the ugliness of people.

This one poor lady kept getting unpleasant stuff happening to her but it just kept getting worse. More so when Baby Oopsie started up the murders again. It kinda reminds me of Halloween Ends for the constant bullying by other people. At the same time, those getting bullied ends up helping the killers. I will be honest, I don't even feel sorry for those that gets killed off.

Baby Oopsie kept alive after parts got repaired. Which is like Child's Play 2 in the beginning when Chucky was getting rebuilt. I always respected Full Moon Features for a long time. I will say this movie already better than most of them a few years prior to this. So that's a good sign this ended up better than expected.

I almost seen this earlier when it was free on another website. But I'm glad I waited since I was so busy at that particular time. I will say the special effects are what you expect for low budget horror films. Same goes with the acting like the lady playing her former boss. She comes off like this high school bitch than an actual boss.

It's not often when I see someone getting vomit on. Yes you heard correctly, now that's truly disgusting. Well it stands out more than just stabbing her to death. Baby Oopsie is killing everyone who has wronged her owner. Eventually, a disagreement would doomed to happen. Baby Oopsie wants to kill a man whose interested into her.

Of course, this led to the two fighting each other. I should mentioned she is a streamer that covers a lot of dolls. It is rare to see Baby Oopsie work along prior to this point. Full Moon Features is widely known for using small animatronics. Yes this movie is actually canon to The Demonic Toys franchise. I do like the scene explaining their back stories too.

In a few Chucky movies as well as the show, people looked up Chucky online. This is the first time, anyone ever done that with The Demonic Toys. Other than just interested in buying em. Also why the hell would you want these in your home? Honestly, there's a handful of somewhat likable characters in the film.

Compared to a lot of Full Moon Features films, that's actually saying a lot. I figured I should cover something from that for Halloween this year. This felt like the right call, I wanna wait on seeing Doktor Death spin off movie. Not to mention, the other franchises I'm huge fan of doesn't have new entries. So this quickly became the default option.

Baby Oopsie plays on stuff you expect for these style films. I felt for a low budget horror movie, it's works well enough to get the job done. Most kill scenes are meh at best. I will say this, it felt like a good concept to make the film. I will say Baby Oopsie threw a toaster while it's plugged in was a good kill.

I didn't expect to actually like the film truthfully. Somehow, it won me over in a few ways. I do liked the scene the lady gets prepared to face Baby Oopsie as brief it was. Honestly, I did expect Baby Oopsie to be more unpleasant. Not just by her actions but so Baby Oopsie usually says truly horrific things. Of course, the characters curses a lot too.

I still say my favorite version of the character was in Dollman vs. Demonic Toys. I gotta mention, Baby Oopsie somehow found a small chainsaw. I would say this is one of the better entries in The Demonic Toys franchise. Baby Oopsie gets a mess up death scene too. Overall, unless you are interested it's up to you if the movie appeals to you or not.

I got to mention something that caught my attention very late into the movie. There's a surprise cameo of the jester doll from the movie Dolls. Which was a precursor to Puppet Master series. Which also had Guy Rolfe whose in a handful of Puppet Master movies. Also it has an interesting ending credits with some surprises so there's that too.

Baby Oopsie 2: Murder Dolls (2022)
I get to cover another 2022 horror movie this year. I swear most of these Halloween blog entries wasn't planned in advance. It sorta happened that way, at least I can take it easy starting next year on Halloween stuff right? I will be very honest until I saw Full Moon Features had this on their YouTube account, I wasn't aware of this movie's existence.

Keep in mind, stuff like Terrifier 2, Hellraiser (2022) and Halloween Ends were the main horror movies within the month of October. I personally was looking forward to seeing myself. I will say it's always good to fit in some of their movies. Which is exactly I decided to also cover Baby Oopsie 2: Murder Dolls.

I should point out, Full Moon Features has a lot of movies with the word Dolls in the title. Not including extra DVDs that's either mostly previous clips from movies or back the scene stuff. This is a direct follow up to Baby Oopsie film. The lady with her Satanist friend. Of course, Baby Oopsie is back for seconds literately.

I will say Baby Oopsie's appearance is already better than the previous film. They tricked a couple into an sexual action to make them unable to defend themselves from Baby Oopsie. I never seen drain drinker used as a murder weapon in a horror movie before. I also can same the same about Crisco, yeah what a twisted way to kill someone off.

I should mention this is notably shorter than the previous Baby Oopsie movie. The last one confirmed a group of people were helping these demonic toys taking over the world. Which already made this lady more of a monster than Corey was in Halloween Ends. It was revealed her old boss survived, currently a patient at an asylum.

It's not often we see the demonic toys eat food in these movies. Sybil is haunted by her mother's soul. Even being dead, she's still a massive thorn to her side. It's a crazy murder family that kept getting weirder as times goes on. Sybil meets a woman from China whose works at a toy company. She ends up agreeing to the deal.

Of course, they introduce new doll characters with cheesy names. One of them so happens to be a clown character. Personally, I rather have Jack Attack now he was awesome. Yes these movies reminds me of other similar movies like Blood Dolls & Dolls. I would say both these Baby Oopsie movies are better than Blood Dolls hands down.

Which is also kinda interesting connection because a particular character in that was Jack Attack back when he was still alive. Honestly, this one has the most mess up concept out of all the Demonic Toys movies. Which is somewhat similar to Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys since that also involved an toy company.

The big difference is one toy company already was evil working the devil. The other toy company featured in this film is indirectly evil due to some connections to the devil from Sybil. A detective is also looking into what happened in the previous movie events. Honestly, I felt they took their time making these.

A lot of recent Full Moon Features movies got rushed out badly. Even those with the fans starring in. Luckily, they took their time with these movies. It turns out that woman from China wants to steal Baby Oopsie as well as Sybil's new baby dolls for profit. In other words, they planned from the start to rip her off.

Personally, I prefer more of a variety among the Demonic Toys myself. I kinda missed the robot toy that shoots lasers. I also felt they done better with the kill scenes in this too. A former co-worker is more directly involved in this one too. This movie felt more like a twisted take on Toy Story series because of a cowboy theme baby doll.

Full Moon Features has a strange clown obsession. Then again so do I lol anyway Sybil is struggling who she really meant to be through out the movie. She even goes to confess her sins to a priest. Something Chucky show recently done a similar scene. This will be the closest spoiler I'll give on that show until the actual review.

Like Chucky franchise, the police heard similar reports about killer dolls. Yes the postal worker also returns in the movie. But damn that's a huge package he received. You knew exactly what's in that package. A small group of demonic dolls. The little girl from the previous movie gets referenced a few times through out the movie too.

Again, Chucky at times sends himself out in packages. Except, these dolls made sure to bring a knife. Considering the cowboy character, I had more fun watching Six Shooter from Puppet Master series. Killjoy series has more rememberable clown characters too. It's weird a man whose laid off kept dealing with leaves on Sybil's lawn.

Sometimes, they make some characters overly predictable. The lady from China suddenly acting like her old boss. You can already tell what's going to happen to her. Honestly, the dance scene is a little weird too. Someone just died, a cultist with three possessed dolls are dancing. This would mark the first time new toys got made before getting possessed in the franchise.

Parts of this movie is little more predictable than the last one. But somehow it ends up being the more interesting movie. I can respect working with a low budget for horror movies. Especially when they work well enough to satisfy you while you're watching. Of course, I do prefer stuff like Terrifier series more.

Sadly, the church isn't used to dealing with exorcism. Which is more common in horror movies than you think. Three possessed dolls that seem to work amazingly well together. To me, missing Jack Attack is a difficult thing to overlook. The church has a rather interesting book reference many films of theirs too.

Now I wanna look at that book!!! it's worth noting Ray-Ray is possessed himself. He gets surprise attacked by Sybil. This ends up on another cliff hanger. Which means they are going to make another entry in the future. Like the previous film has a similar style ending credits, I liked. I would say this movie is slightly better than the previous entry.

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