Saturday, October 22, 2022

Bonus Halloween Blog #2 Terrifier 1 and 2 review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I finally found a way to watch Terrifier 2. Which got excluded out of two my Halloween blog marathons recently. You know what, I'm already doing a third bonus Halloween blog marathon. Why not make it feel more complete by covering both Terrifier movies? Also a fair warning, both these evil clown movies are so violent.

You may experience some intense nightmares. Also knowing the creator we'll likely received a more uncut version of Terrifier 2. Honestly, there isn't many horror movies I say don't watch. Unless you aren't afraid, you can truly stomach it no matter how far it goes. We are talking about a truly dark place. Honestly, it's perfect for Halloween, something that's so terrifying belongs here.

Also since Facebook group History of Horror. I'm one of the founding members as well as an admin there. We do have the guy who played as Art the Clown. So I have more reason to do this review. I also decided to try making them as spoiler free as inhumanly possible. I may found the perfect way doing so. I will say this both movies please don't even consider showing em to your kids, I don't wanna get brought into that.

One last thing, I hope those wanted to hear my thoughts on those movies. This was a good surprise, I really wanted to see Terrifier 2 so badly.

Terrifier (2016)
Terrifier 2 (2022)

I do want to say both movies heavily got spoiled fast online. But for those who tried avoiding spoilers. I will say a few select things from what was confirmed as well as what's in the trailers. Otherwise I'm not allowing myself to spoil. In this particular case, spoiling these movies is a great disservice. I highly recommend both Terrifier movies with an passion.

I really wasn't kidding how violent these movies gets. If it rivals Hellraiser series, Final Destination series, The Thing (1982), 100 Tears and a few others. Yeah you essentially got nightmare fuel that could forever changed some people's lifes. Obviously, you know about Art the Clown. He originated in a short film that later got edited into the movie All Hallow' Eve.

Interesting fact, the creator of those worked on Terrifier series. He had nothing to do with All Hallows' Eve 2. This clown is incredibly creep, you just don't wanna be nearby him. You can count on the amount of blood & guts, if you live for those in horror movies. You really aren't going to be disappointed. Honestly, I'm happier this will be separate from those Halloween marathons.

Terrifier series is very mess up territory. This with a few movies in the month of October quickly made up for Halloween Ends. The special effects in both movies is very decent. I should point out these are low budget horror films as well. If we kept getting movies like this then we're heading into a good future for horror movies.

I confessed I ended up liking Terrifier 2 more. But you really can't go wrong with each movie. You can tell they truly love horror movies. The audio is done just right with a great cast in both films. Not to mention, they waste no time making either film scary either. As soon as you see Art, you know a bloodbath is about to happen.

For a killer whose mostly silent, it actually makes him even scarier. Although I do like some slasher villains that speaks. Sometimes, you wanna see fear from someone about to die. The killer makes slight sounds as he goes to town on them. You know when he smiles, he's about to make the punishment much more worse.

This is a good example of working well with a low budget. The simple fact, I quickly found both movies really enjoyable compared to more lackluster major horror movies like Halloween Ends. Yeah you can expect I'll keep adding salt to that. Then what we have here is something truly special as well as unique.

Terrifier series does have some comical moments. For a slasher villain, Art is one of the creepiest I ever seen. He is up there among the scariest evil clown characters in fiction. Truthfully, these movies are really unpleasant in their respective death scenes. For stuff like this, not many people may enjoy it. I guess I'm one of those gory horror fans that wants more of those.

Here are movies that nails things just right. I say it's fair to compare it to several horror movies people still talking about. Terrifier 2 is easily one of the most satisfying horror movies I seen all year. I also can say the same about Scream (2022) and Hellraiser (2022) respectively. Terrifier series should be those movies people talks about.

Of course, only to those who can handle them. I am not going to lie, you will be amazed how far they're willing to go. You will see stuff that makes you feel like you're seeing right into Hell itself. Art isn't afraid of anyone, he will hunt em down. I also liked how they went about modernizing the genre their way.

For that alone, both Terrifier movies do deserve respect. These movies knows how to give you one hell of a time while watching. Trust me, when things gets started you don't wanna do anything else. You may even wanna invite people to watch em. In all honestly, I truly enjoyed both Terrifier movies I'm already waiting for Terrifier 3.

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