Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Bonus Halloween Blog #26 Horns (2013) review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, how the bloody hell did I not review a movie called Horns? I first seen this with another couple late at night, I quickly became a huge fan of the movie. Don't worry, this won't be a negative review in any sense of the word. I should give a warning this movie does get very crazy in it's own right.

Horns (2013)

Based on the novel of the same name by Joe Hill. Whose actually one of the author Stephen King's sons in real life. It stars Daniel Radcliffe who also starred in Harry Potter movies as well as later in the movie Victor Frankenstein. It also stars Heather Graham whose in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me as well as in two of The Hungover movies.

I got to be honest, this quickly became my favorite role Radcliffe ever done. Don't worry I'll fully explain why shortly. Horns is about a man named Ignatius aka Ig for short. He got falsely accused of raping & murdering his girlfriend. You will be very surprised to know this is a dark comedy movie. Not even Ig's parents believes him.

One day, Ig woke up to find horns started to come out of his head. If you wanna know where the craziness starts. People close by him either confess to their dark desires or unpleasant truths. Sometimes, they do truly unexpected things. Like at a hospital, the staff in the room with him started to have sex with each other.

It turns out Ig also can communicate with snakes too. A witness whose full of crap works at a diner. Ultimately she gets what she deserves. You actually do feel terrible for the situation Ig is in. He was deeply in love with his girlfriend for years. There's a few things I will touch on in a little while that sorta plays into this.

Ig also had a best friend who so happens to be his lawyer years later. Ig does make some truly unpleasant moments happens. Like a lot of reporters wanted to speak to him. He suggested whoever wins out of a battle royale, they win an exclusive with him. This seems like a similar joke Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues done.

Surprisingly both films came out the same year with Horns came out first. He also forces his brother to do a lot of drugs. Not to kill him but rather help him change his life. He even convinced two gay police officers to have sex too. The only person not affected by him was his best friend. However that's due to a necklace that belonged to Ig's late girlfriend around his neck.

I guess I should've spoil the big twists now. From one point of view, Merrin was going to die from cancer. She felt Ig should move on with his life to find someone else. From another point of view, Lee was also in love with Merrin. Among learning she was planning to leave town, he gave in to his desires. Which led to Merrin herself getting killed.

As the movie goes on, the horns do get bigger. I kinda liked his full form he gets very late into the movie. By this point, Lee killed a few more people including Ig. But not before Ig killed him even worse. The movie sorta like a Harry Potter what if scenario. What if Harry would've stayed as a Slytherin instead.

Yes I made that meme above, proud of it. I strongly felt in every possible way. This movie was done amazingly well. The ending sorta fits the overall theme. It may not be a happy ending, but it could've been worse. Yes, his dad Stephen King has a terrible time at making proper endings within his stories. I still hold a lot of respect for his works.

Horns is a fun time you should watch with other people. Trust me, you may never seen Radcliffe do a performance this crazy in a long time. I felt the movie itself does more than justice to the novel it's based on. I hope the author himself is truly proud of the film himself. Honestly, I do highly recommend this movie even if you just want something a little different.

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