Saturday, March 6, 2021

The making of Grand Finale Twenty Five Mastermind matches video

 Hello I'm Jack Red, I been playing a lot of Resident Evil: Resistance. Mostly as the Mastermind especially Daniel because he's my favorite lol. I even contacted his voice actor through Twitter telling him that no lie. Yes he did reply which made my day. I decided to officially stop live streaming this game in a way I knew I was going to stand out.

I'm XboxClown89 for those who might know me from it. From March 1st to 3rd, I nearly put twenty hours into making my final Resistance videos. I will explain everything about that video. I am very proud how it came out from start to finish. A project like this was ambitious with several problems but I handle it like a champ.

I know some of you are wondering why it is so long? I knew even before I got started a few things. Some matches depending on several factors either could be short or long. Also, it seem like a respectable length for twenty five matches. During this process I got hit hard by a lot of great teams I couldn't do much against.

To be honest, most of nearly twenty hours worth of live streams was that. Very few were close matches I loss with even fewer being wins against lower rank teams. I was very driven to see if I could get five great S rank matches as all five Mastermind characters. The editing process was a bit time consuming.

At the same time, I had a plan from the start how to make editing it a little easier. But it doesn't help the more footage I added later on in the process made it trickier to accurately find the footage I needed. I knew this was going to be the most difficult video I ever made. Truthfully, I wasn't happy originally ending with five matches as Alex video.

In fact, I dropped any further Resident Evil mini game plans for this. I really wanted to show how much I truly love playing as the Mastermind. I only have one survivor match on my channel where I survived as Sam with an S rank. A friend of mine was also in that match, I felt bad for him though. I originally had a different order on which Mastermind character to play.

Unexpectedly, I ended up doing the most interesting line up instead. A few days prior, I did work on some concept builds for Nicholai, Spencer and Alex respectively. I didn't just dive straight in thinking I was going to win every single match. I really didn't win every match during this period. I did surprisingly had a six wins streak at one point.

There's a reason why Spencer's picture appears twice in my video. I actually done a few Nicholai & Spencer matches out of order during live streams. Therefore, the last two Nicholai matches with four matches as Spencer were that winning streak. It was during this period, I realized Alex was my worst MM character.

I also knew by adding in their pictures would work better than trying to create something with their names. I only used my Trickster Annette Build for her matches. I did change up most builds I used in this long video. I didn't take too long of breaks during this process as well. I really was committed to giving my viewers an amazing showcase of every MM character.

Sadly, dc of survivors before or during matches couldn't be helped. I was mostly nice to people messaging them with GG. Very few people I gotten nasty with, such as the case with a January player. Which is also in a video if you wanted to see the match. This community has been very welcoming & kind to me more than DbD's in fact.

In a way I felt sad because it's over but at the same time I'm way happier how I ended these videos. For me, being forced to upload it into five videos would've left me disappointed me. I am not that great as a survivor player. You will learn a lot from each match. There's a few surprises that just happened. Oh okay, the time I took control of a Supply Zombie doing "You Got Me" gesture right before it exploded was a joke.

Funny enough, one survivor player saw me then got quickly attacked afterwards. I knew there's no way they could come back in that match. I wasn't doing that to make front of them, I just wanted to have a little fun. I previously done a smaller version of this video with just one match as each Mastermind character.

I also previously done five matches as each Mastermind in their own videos. I felt this was the perfect way to end my Resistance videos. I also wanted none of the matches to have any survivors escape. Which can be tricky sometimes in Area 3. Some exclusive cards doesn't help much. I made sure to use the more helpful ones in this video.

A perfect example being three turrets for Nicholai. Two of them are exclusive cards. I knew I needed a solid way to recharge bio energy faster with the right amount. Of course, some Area 3 locations makes this following strategy difficult. I prefer from Area 2 to the end having two well placed turrets. This also gives me time to plan ahead ambushes or possible trap locations.

In fact, I actually think like The Punisher as Nicholai during this process. But how can you blame me? Both of them have a military background that are widely known for guns. Also Nemesis wields a rocket launcher come on lol. For Alex, sometimes using her plant can be tricky. Especially when that team can quickly kill it.

Being the Mastermind is a different level of pressure than that of a survivor. As a survivor, you possibly could be facing anything. But as the Mastermind, it is your job to do anything necessary to prevent their escape. Therefore, you really need to consider many possible scenarios in your head during matches. Otherwise, you are more likely not going to win much.

I also made sure I played to their strengths in each match. To be honest, more on guns than tracking as Nicholai. As Spencer, I wanted to focus more on how ridiculous he could be at times. More in spamming zombies often when you have a build for that. I know it seems like I used mostly those style builds in these matches.

I prefer to be over whelming, chaotic theme builds than the slower, riskier builds like Anti-Knockback Annette Build no offense to lollink42. I really wanted to be true to myself while making this. Otherwise I felt like I'm ripping all of you off which wouldn't be right. I am very proud with how the video came out especially from the editing's point of view.

I mostly played a mix of low and high rank teams during this process. I am still surprised I beaten a high rank team that should've wiped the floor with me as Alex. I really didn't expect to see another rank -1 as well. Honestly, I felt like with many stuff coming up soon. To me, it felt like the perfect time to end it.

The uploading part of the process was painful. I knew this was going to take hours that's no surprise to anyone. But I had to restart the upload once. Thank god, the editing program allowed me to resume from the half way mark. I was so angry when that happened but I was determined to get it out in one piece.

It also couldn't rewatch the actual footage I was uploading. Yeah I technically could've through the long videos from Twitch I made. But it wasn't the same not being sure which matches were actually included in the video. I did make sure a few things during the editing process. I show the screen right before the match begins.

I also shown the results with every S rank you'll see in the video. Every section begins with a picture of that Mastermind character. Which I previously haven't done before to help it out more. More importantly, I made sure every match was actually the right matches. I really didn't want by accident putting the wrong results on the wrong match.

Now that would be lying to you all. Of course, prep screen with loading screen got removed. Just imagine I didn't edit all of that, nearly twenty hour long video no thank you. Not only that, I really wanted to have fun during the matches too. Even in close matches where it really comes down to things.

It is up to those who watch my videos, which one ends up being their favorite. I really don't want this because of it's length alone being considered the worst. Especially when I went through the most matches, editing & upload time overall than a lot of my videos combined. Ultimately what I want for my viewers is simply have a great time.

If I inspire you in anyway then I'm glad to do stuff like this. I am Autistic but you wouldn't know that if you just met me in person. My point is you shouldn't judge a book how it's covered. We all are different yet unique in our own way. This video really meant so much to me. It probably would've greatly upset me to not even release it at all or not even telling people these videos are over without a proper end.

I just wanted people to know this video was very special to me. I never felt this with five matches as Alex video. By the way, those who watch my Tekken videos. Yes I do plan on doing an arcade mode run with the new character after she gets added. I have a lot of great memories playing this. I also met some amazing people even before I started this process.

I never once claimed to be the best Mastermind, I'm positive I'm no where near the best of them. Sure I gotten plenty of S rank as them. Even I confess, I just not that good. I do still really enjoy this game way more than I possibly expected. I don't plan leaving it in terms of not playing it anymore. I do plan on getting the cosmetics.

I do prefer this over Dead by Daylight in many ways, I wrote a few blogs to confirm that. But I do truly love both those games. This video did take so much out of me both positively and negatively. Obviously the negative side was losing much more than I regularly do as a MM player. But I have gotten some nice messages from people even not from this process.

I actually gotten a very nice comment on this video. For me, being the Mastermind is like me being true to myself. I used to be more social but I later gotten use to doing stuff by myself in life. Also I prefer the challenge of facing four people instead of in vice versa. You got to use your wits against any team to win.

I will confirm a few other Resistance facts that's directly myself that others may find interesting down below...

1. Nemesis is my favorite Ultimate card

2. My favorite exclusive Area 2 card is Omniscience

3. My favorite exclusive Area 3 card is Remove Shell

4. My favorite supply zombie card is Ivy

5. Both Abandoned Park and Bemusement Park are my favorite maps

6. My favorite trap card is High Explosive Landmine

7. My favorite effect card is Infection

8. My favorite mod card is Efficiency Mod-Creatures

9. My favorite gun card is Air Cannon

10.  My favorite creature card is Imposter Zombie

11. Trickster Annette Build is my favorite build I created

12. I consider Supply Zombie the worst creature card

13. I prefer using Enhancing Vapor over effect shoots through guns on cameras

14. Nicholai is my least favorite Mastermind character

Also I want to thank everyone I played with or against in this game. It might not mean much but I do care. I know for some of you I was rougher than others. You are always welcome to a rematch. Honestly, I never been this happy playing an Resident Evil spin off game in my entire life. I am thankful to giving this a try when I did.

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