Thursday, August 16, 2018

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs. Alucard (Hellsing)

This will be a lengthy prediction blog. Please take as many breaks as possible while reading. I really don't want you to get in between these two vampires.

I am not copying off a great prediction blog on Dio Brando vs. Alucard. I did my own research on the topic at hand. I just wanted to give a link to it since this is a very great blog covering a lot of stuff. I won't be using as close as many pictures but at least you get the idea. Special thanks to Iswan62 for making that blog to ultimately gain my interest in this fight.

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I am going to do something different for a chance. I noticed a lot of people really want Alucard from Hellsing to be on Death Battle. Two of the requests I see more than enough of involves Dio Brando from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Father Abel Nightroad from Trinity Blood.

Yes an anime vampire battle with very different outcomes. I figured since I know plenty about all three of them. I will be making two prediction blogs with them going against Alucard. Ever since I got introduced to Hellsing Ultimate during my first year attempting Otakon. I been such a huge Alucard fan.

I wanted to start with what may be his most requested opponent to date. OMG this is going to be very difficult either in 2D or 3D to animate. This is going to be one of my favorite anime battles ever. Regardless I really wanted to do both of these predictions knowing one of them will likely face him. I do like all three characters a lot in their own right.

Dio Brando

Dio became a part of the Joestar family growing up with Jonathan Joestar. Ever since the beginning, Dio wants to rule over everything imagine. Following his final defeat by Jonathan spent a century inside a coffin while his head attached to his nemesis' body deep in the ocean. More recently Dio has two very different stands that can aid him in many ways.


Originally Vlad the Impaler aka Count Dragula. Alucard has been called the king of vampires for centuries. One night he got defeated by a old man named Dr. Hellsing. From that point on, Alucard started working for Hellsing Organization fighting against vampires & their ghouls. Alucard is easily the very best in what he does.

Powers & Abilities
Dio Brando

+Capable through his stand The World to stop time for several seconds
+Superhuman Strength
+Superhuman Speed
+Superhuman Stamina
+Superhuman Durablity
+Superhuman Reflexes
+Superhuman Senses
+Space Ripper Stingy Eyes (I didn't name this lol)
+Vaporization Freezing Technique
+Fusing body parts into each other
+Flesh Buds
+Teleportation (Not explained in Part 1)
+Healing other people

Dio through a favor from his dying father to steal what belongs to the Joestar family. He discovers one of many masks created by the Pillar Men. This particular mask was meant for the Joestar family. Although most of them can easily transform people into vampires. After a century trapped inside a coffin, Dio got some of the deadliest stand users to go after the Joestar Family.


+Dark Composition
+Aestivation (Going long periods without drinking blood)
+Hemokinesis (Capable of manipulating blood)
+Soul Absorption
+Familiar Control (Allowing him to summon any souls from his very being to fight)
+Shape shifting
+Mist Body
+Superhuman Senses
+Superhuman Strength
+Superhuman Speed
+Superhuman Stamina
+Superhuman Reflexes
+Weather Control
+Fire Manipulation
+Madness Inducment
+Gravity Defiance
+Supernatural Detection
+Superhuman Durability

Alucard may starts off as the very thing to inspired the creation of the Hellsing Organization. For a long time remains as their top vampire hunter. Even to this day has never failed a mission those in charge gave him. Often describe as a very horrifying nightmare possibly true evil incarnate. Alucard is always loyal to whose running the organization.

Dio Brando

Dio is widely known to be incredibly arrogance. A truly evil man capable of doing the unspeakable. There are notable limits to his regeneration. Such as depending on the damage on his body could take longer to heal up. If limbs were cut off from his body, he would have trouble getting back. More recently relies heavily around abusing The World's ability.

Considering he is a vampire, his body can't handle sunlight. He often under estimates his opponents that led to his downfall. Although he is willing to do whatever it takes to win. Sometimes allows anger to take over during combat mostly present in his fights against the Joestar family. His fighting style does lack unpredictability out of the two.


Alucard willingly drops his guard often. Although he can tank an insane amount of damage. All of that damage is affecting the very souls within his very being. Which means if he kept doing that against someone capable of handling him for hours would mean death for Alucard. Also he can't use Level 0 until his boss gives the order.

If he does activate Level 0, all of his souls are free from his body making him vulnerable. The very bullets he uses can do damage to himself. Often gets carried away terrorizing people. Limited amount of bullets to begin with. Alucard also can be greatly weakened by going a long period without blood. He can walk in the sunlight despite weakening him in the process.

Dio Brando

+Superior Strength
+Superior Speed
+Superior physically more durable
+Superior blood sucking speed
+Capable of stopping time often
+Being strategist
+Not affected by silver
+Capable of drinking Alucard's blood
+Superior long period of not drinking blood
+Even back when he was a human, his stats was superior to Alucard's

-There is limits to what his body can regenerate
-Prefers to fight up close
-Sunlight can instantly kill him
-Even if he wasn't trapped inside a coffin for a century he still lacks experience


+Way more powers
+Ridiculous regeneration
+Way more experience
+More unpredictable

-Dio easily survived an attack by the Silver Chariot meaning silver doesn't affect him
-Very likely to run out of ammo
-A good number of his powers Dio can countet
-By releasing Level 0, Alucard loses most of his invulnerability
-Every damage Alucard tanks goes straight to the souls inside of him
-Requires a command from his boss to even activate Level 0
-Surprisingly Alucard has no counter against The World's power
-Often drops his guard on purpose to throw off his opponents
-Most of his scare tactics won't work on Dio
-Much slower
-Much weaker
-His body isn't even close as durable as Dio's


Two god like anime vampires enter one massive blood bath. Alucard may have more powers & experience over Dio. But Dio trumps him in all the other categories. Let's get the big durability issue out of the way first. Yes Alucard does have superior regeneration capable of fully regenerating no matter what happens.

However that was made possible through all the souls he stolen over the years. It is debatable how many souls he had prior to releasing Level 0. What we do know is whatever damage Alucard takes usually goes straight to his souls. The problem is most of them are regular humans with a handful of artificial vampires.

Their DNA was spiced through a particular micro chip from the Millennium. Therefore despite having traits of vampires, they aren't actually real vampires. Alucard does require a command from his boss to release Level 0. Of course this comes with a few major problems. Dio can prevent many ways of Alucard receiving the order.

After Level 0 gets released, all the souls inside Alucard becomes free. This takes away the insane durability Alucard had prior to the start of the fight. It is widely known at full power he becomes vulnerable enough to die. Even with the insane amount of souls inside Alucard going for Dio. Thanks to his stand's power, he can easily kill them all and drop every last drop of their blood.

I should mention he can stick his fingers into people draining them much faster than Alucard. If he drinks the blood of a Joestar he becomes much more powerful. As proven by Polnareff's surprise attack, Dio isn't affected by silver. Which means Alucard's silver bullets useless against him. But in vice versa he can alter the direction of things while time is stopped.

For example he threw a knife at Joseph's neck during one. When time flowed again he got hit with it not having any time to react. In this case Alucard could fire some bullets. Then Dio stops time he could drop them or threw them straight at Alucard just before time starts flowing again. Among further looking into Alucard's abilities he has no real counter for that ability.

There's plenty of feats supporting Dio is much stronger, faster and physically tougher. One of the absolute best fights to check out is his fight with Jotaro Kujo. Both of them were capable of stopping time with the raw power of their stands being roughly equal to each other. Alucard in any canon haven't dealt with a character having those stats.

The closest examples would be in the anime taking on Incognito. Although he loss the first fight, Alucard won their final fight. Of course Death Battle prefers to stay strictly to canon with anime characters. The next best example would be Nail of Helena Anderson. Who has similar stats to Dio but not quite on the same level.

Speaking of non canon I know a lot of people would like to know if Dio could beat Alucard at the end of the manga? You will be surprised to know there does exist a more powerful non canon god like being version of Dio. Not only he can stop time as long as he wants but he also can alter reality at will.

This means not even being everything or nothing ability can't escape being erased permanently from existence. To sum up no matter what Alucard throws at Dio. He is facing two spiritually connected beings with similar stats. If Dio by himself is too much for Alucard then so would be The World. Alucard may be capable of devouring souls but we never seen proof of him facing a spiritual being.

Even if it had there is a rule in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure that only stands can harm each other. Which means Alucard can't do much to The World at all. Even as a human Dio was on superhuman levels while Alucard as a human under his real name Vlad Tepes was the same as most humans. The big question is how would The Jackal affect Dio's body if he were to land a shot?

Despite the force nearly blowing off Anderson's arm during their final battle. Sadly it won't do much to Dio's body since he can suck more blood during the fight anyway. Let's say if he couldn't do that then what happens. Dio could simply regenerate from that shot like it's nothing. Hell we are talking about the same guy forcing his head upon Jonathan's body while trapped inside a coffin in the ocean.

For a century without dropping any additional blood in that long period. A noticeably shorter period Alucard became inactivate but still alive. I need to talk about how the sun affects both vampires. It is true Alucard can withstand being in the sun while Dio would die instantly in it. However going back to his stand you could escape exposure to it at any given time.

Now speaking of time stopping, Dio was already much faster than most humans prior to becoming a vampire. He can go so fast while time is stopped to do some ridiculous things. The simple fact he can move so fast to do serious damage to his damages in a very short amount of time means he's a lot faster.

Dio's superior stats, having his stand makes this essentially being 2 on 1 fight and usage of time stop trumps even the greatest advantages Alucard has.

Winner: Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)


  1. While I do wish to agree with you on Dio winning (I'm also a Jojo fan), the fact that you mention of Heaven Ascension form still has me concerned considering it's still non-canon and therefore doubt it'd be used, in contrast to Schrodinger which is also canon.

    1. I imagine in this particular case to making it fair. They won't either into the actual fight. I actually heard Level 0 is getting excluded as well.

    2. Level 0 excluded..? But then if neither forms are comin' thru, then that means it's Pre-Schrodinger Alucard without the Level 0 then? And is it true that Dio can actually induce a country - large country level bust that can atomize Alucard down for good?

    3. He isn't that powerful but he still has time manipulation. Which is something Alucard never shown.

    4. Still has more than dio can dish out

  2. Replies
    1. All I can say is I called it. I already fully seen the fight in question. I'm not happy about the next fight though.
