Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Tips on how to get gold medals in Saints Row series

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, it has been awhile since I done any blogs on Saints Row series. Considering I gotten 100% on Saints Row: The Third to Gat out of Hell three times each now. I figured why the hell not give some pointers to those struggling in getting some gold medals. Now a large amount of what I will be saying don't apply that much to the first two games.

Tip #1 Memorizing

I will be honest some activities can be frustrating for different reasons. Like Mayhem, it depends on which weapon you are giving & how much stuff to destroy being close enough. Sometimes, you have to go for more valuable targets but there are in limited quantities. Thus, it isn't a smart idea going straight for them right off the bat.

What I recommend is having your weapons upgraded in terms of damage as well as how often to fire. I also recommend looking up which weapons you'll be using during Mayhem missions. Some activities will change things up at times to test how well you can adapt. The driving theme activities, I highly recommend memorizing enemy placements for stuff like Snatch.

You also do two different types of Escort in The Third that has some key differences. The regular Escort often throws in a randomize factor. There will never be the same exact experience. The other Escort activity well forces you to drive around with a tiger I'm not kidding. Thankfully, there is more freedom to drive around removing the randomness out completely.

Honestly, enemy placements in some activities are mostly the same. Mayhem also has vehicle versions that you can't do much to improve your chances. So I would argue some of those are even tougher than the toughest regular Mayhem activity. I kid you not some of these likely comes down to pure luck if you can get gold in time.

Tip #2 Practice

Sure you do need to memorize critical stuff to get better at Activities. It is another thing that some of these will require you to do many attempts. So instead of getting piss off or possibly rage quitting. Suck up the frustration to keep on practicing. Some of these on Normal can be just as frustrating as some of those on Hard.

It is likely Mayhem, any Genki activity or driving related stuff will be the ones to keep practicing. Some of these, it is surprisingly easy to lose at while others ends up being the exact opposite. You probably heard the famous saying. "Practice makes perfect." Honestly, sometimes you are low on time.

You need to quickly get enough score to finish with an gold medal. Now you could get the timer to temporary allow you a little more time. But that also depends on how fast that combo bar is going or getting more added to it. In other words, keep building it up to possibly gain more time. But you will have to speed up to keep it going that will get trickier to do.

Tip #3 Upgrades

A good amount of upgrades is critical to mastering these games. A fair amount of these can be unlocked by doing missions & getting gold medals in Activities. Of course, you will need a huge amount of money to buying a lot of upgrades. I should mention for both IV & Gat out of Hell, you need to collect clusters for upgrading your powers.

Sometimes a mission or activity is harder simply because you aren't using the right upgrades or simply low on necessaries. Let's be honest, some of these will require you to tank a lot of damage. Honestly, if your health isn't high enough or low on ammo. You won't get far maybe getting an bronze medal if you are lucky.

Some upgrades reduces being damage from a few things. Thankfully, overtime you can work on getting more money that automatically comes to you. Everything else, you need to work harder on. Upgrades affects a lot of things that it is very important you'll stay on top of them. Obviously some driving activities won't be as affected as much as doing Snatch or Escort respectively.

Tip #4 Go after harder variation of Activities first

To clarify, some Activities won't appear after doing some the missions. You still can explore the map in advance. You even go attempt the hard version of any Activities that's currently available. I highly recommend doing this since you will already know how hard each Activity possibly be. In some cases, Hard is slightly harder than Normal while in some cases are notably tougher to complete.

I think this will help cut out of stress as well as anger out while playing these games. Honestly, this method is tricky to do early on. But those who can stay on top of them even that point earns my respect. I also recommend in some cases to think as quickly as you possibly can. Stuff like Mind over Murder can be frustrating to do this method on.

I will even be honest to say that's the very Activity that brings out my anger the most. It might not be the most frustrating to others. We all have our strengths & weaknesses. But in a sense, that also applies to each Activities in their own right. Keep in mind, some Activities do throw curve balls at you.

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