Sunday, October 14, 2018

Different possible Death Battle scenarios

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, Death Battle is about to do Mario vs. Sonic rematch. In fact for those with Advantage membership can watch it tomorrow. Everyone else including myself has to see it this upcoming Wednesday. The original Mario vs. Sonic fight was a true classic for it's time. Although they should've waited until they could've done it justice.

Yes I am throwing out fight requests but they won't be what you are expecting. Some of them might not make sense at first. After awhile it should make sense to you. Nothing against you if you still don't understand it. Each one will be done more differently from each other as humanly possible. I would be surprised if any of them happens on their show.

1. Death Race

This is probably the only one that will sound familiar to you. They have stated into trying other kind of fights including car combat. Let's be honest this wouldn't be much different from a parody Robot Chicken done before. At the same time you will know every racer taking part in this death race. Virtually making this into Carmageddon I'm serious.

They could win by racing or kill all their competitors during the race. There is several characters that would do well in this crazy race to the death. This is also the biggest in size as well as the most direct combat. Wiz & Boomstick could spice things up by activating traps or insulting one of the racers. In a way to cause them to lose control now wouldn't that be fun to watch.

Now I know the closest we got to this was Sweet Tooth vs. The Joker. I will say if they done that then we do need a full on car combat fight. We are talking gadgets, weapons and joke stuff sure why not. This alone allows much needed appeal this show recently got going for it again. This will be a very difficult to animate for so many reasons but if done right where's the popcorn.

2. A series of death traps

I couldn't think of two characters more perfect than Saw's Jigsaw taking on DC's The Riddler. Both of them are widely known for their usage of technology especially death traps. So how exactly to go about a dying man against someone a little past their prime? They force each other into the other's series of death traps.

Hear me out it gets more interesting than it actually sounds. They both got people keeping an eye on the other person. Each trap they have to endurance will be a true test of survival. Obviously if it came to which person to save I'm positive they will differ in their views. Which by itself makes watching both their games more entertaining.

At the end the choice which one of them dies isn't in their hands. It isn't even up to the people they're working with. Nope that decision belongs to Wiz & Boomstick surprise. They will analyze both our combatants to determine who should survive. Therefore activating a fatal trap for the loser. There is really a lot of things they could do with this concept.

A simple fight would be no fun at all. The Riddler will have reactions to make it well watching every minute. This will be a rather difficult one to animate since they have to plan it all out first. Such as how many traps will they both had to endure or what trap could be kill one of them. I mean come on folks come up with some interesting scenarios.

3. Eating contest

They also shown interest into possibly doing an eating contest. Of course they have to go for characters widely known for eating a ridiculous amount of food. They could kill someone off every round to make it more of an official death battle fight. They also could have them literately fighting over food.

Hell simply making it more difficult by changing the category of what they are eating. I think a great joke round is eating what they think they're eating but actually something else. What I mean by this is what if this supposedly ice cream cake was actually mash potatoes with heavy cheese sauce & burnt food pieces.

Maybe a twist where they suddenly have to eat each other. Which I really wouldn't be surprise if that happens. This has the potential of being something you won't see in a long time. They also could do a similar theme with liquor to make it more interesting as well as more unpredictable. Honestly I really do hope they do an eating contest for an episode.

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