Thursday, March 9, 2023

My Favorite Video Game is....

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, Eventually I had to make a video game post about my overall favorite video game. There's plenty of great ones out there. For a long time, I took a lot of time thinking what actually my most favorite video game I ever played. The answer I reach may surprise some people.

My Favorite Video Game without an ending is Garry's Mod

There was a lot of critical stuff I look for in a great game. I will list them down below but for the present. Out of everything I played, I kept coming back to Garry's Mod more than any of them. At it's core, the game allows you to do whatever you want. I never had any game even come close to all the crazy fantasies I got to live out.

1. Great controls
2. Game play variety
3. Creativity
4. Additional stuff sometimes matters
5. Good sound effects
6. Virtually little to no limits as possible (I dislike realism in video games)

Garry's Mod is a creative sandbox game. There's no single player campaign to complete. There's plenty of multiplayer options thanks to the players themselves. Additional stuff wise, there's virtually no paid dlc content. In place of it is free user content with so many based on franchises. Let's just say you don't have to take my word for it but seeing the madness with your eyes will speak much greater volume.

This game is still being updated recently. A couple years ago, it got it's own variation of the Source engine. You have plenty of mods from other people to play for hours. Hell you could name it, chances are someone already made it a reality in this game. Garry's Mod still stands as the most ridiculous video game I ever played in my entire life.

All of this for ten bucks or less during sells, it's the best ten bucks I ever spent gaming wise. You can spawn so many ally or enemy characters, the game starts running sluggish. If you can kill em all, your game could crash. It happened to me several times in the past. You also can hold with no clear limit as many weapons as you want.

You can play as anyone you want as well. There's a lot of vehicles as well as levels you can play. Garry's Mod allows you to go as crazy as you want. Obviously, it's a great game to get rid of stress or angry. Some people even found ways to do other unique stuff you wouldn't even think is possible. Like someone made a mod that does require particular maps but you can watch YouTube videos.

If you know how to do it, you also can do your own video marathon while in game. There's so much appeal to this game. There's no question, this game is comical but very unique as well as creative. I always speak very highly of this game. Garry's Mod makes stuff like GTA V boring. Yes I even made a meme of that myself.

Garry's Mod has so many surprises from the community alone. This is a very addicting game to play for hours even by yourself. Yes there's songs as well as sound effects pulled from several franchises too. Virtually everything you could possibly think of is here. Honestly, I highly recommend you check this game out.

I'm not done yet now I'm also going to reveal what my Favorite Video Game with an ending is. Scroll up a bit to see the same guidelines. Yes all of them applies here as well. There's so many amazing video games in the world. Even limiting things with the near perfect ones is very difficult. I felt the one I could replay more than any other game.

Sure I could've went with classics from Sega Genesis or a few decades or more recent. I got a long list of games I played. Of course, there's games I absolutely dislike as well as loved. To me, my favorite video game has to be something unique. There isn't many games like it. Which by itself eliminates several favorites of mine.

I don't wanna pick my favorites from most game companies because that's virtually cheating the question. You really wanna know which video game with an ending is my absolute favorite right? I took a lot of time to careful think this through. It's a bonus the game feels like me in a nut shell, which seems to be quite rare.

Obviously, I'm going into a more comical, wtf direction. I want a game that I can't ever get truly bored of. A game I really wanna do my best at. I'm not known for getting an 100% completion in video games despite knowing out a lot of games achievements/trophies wise. Yes I did get an 100% completion in every Saints Row game on Xbox One but not every achievement though.

1. AVGN 1 & 2 Deluxe
2. Postal 2
3. Conker's Bad Fur Day

My Favorite Video Game with an ending is Saints Row IV

Honestly, the one game I actually could say I played the best so happens to be Saints Row IV. You get a good variety of game play styles. Humor wise it's really over the top. Some moments are done just perfectly with the right songs playing. You can also get those songs in your Mix Tape on the radio.

What's even better is you also have the option to listen to your favorite songs outside vehicles. Seriously a good number of similar games can't even do that!!! The weapons are wow just wow. We got some truly strangely interesting arsenal you would have to see to believe. Yes a few things Saints Row: The Third did do better but SRIV doesn't have that famous glitch.

You know the one that prevents you getting achievements/trophies. I already gotten all of them on two versions of the game. Thanks to removing the coop achievements out the game. Of course with the right people I would love to play this coop hands down. The entire game is really fun even for an 100% completion from the very beginning.

Saints Row IV is a game that is mixed within it's fan base. Personally I can't get enough of it!!! This game is filled with surprises. I did like most of it's dlcs with How the Saints Saved Christmas being my favorite. The story is so out there you would think there's no way this could possibly work. The funny thing is it really does work amazingly well in it's favor.

Yes my least favorite thing about the game actually it's standalone expansion game. Even I confess their worst SR game to me is still a lot of fun to play. Saints Row IV is a game that does challenge you in a few ways you might not expect. Yes, it technically the easiest of it's original series I won't argue that.

Some people complaint about having the super powers & the ability to drive vehicles. Some felt it simply took away from the experience. Some felt just give us the driving we're fine. Personally, I was happier having both because not a lot of similar games does that. Also exploring the map is much easier in comparison especially with the insane amount of the collectibles.

Here's a game that not only meant the world to me. It also ended up being so refreshing with what it brought to the table. I don't even think anyone could top it's insanity even if they tried. In all honestly, this game is the very definition of making a truly fun game. It also makes sense I chosen this considering I can't say some of those with my other personal favorites either.

Saints Row IV is a game you truly can be free in. I also liked you can use your fist with super human strength or guns or your super powers with ease. I know back in 2013, majority was heavily favoring GTA V. Honestly, this game stands out for so many reasons. I really can't not say much more about it without repeating stuff other people previously said about the game itself, it's that damn good!!!

I'm still not done of course I'm so disappointed on stuff I heard as well as seen on GTA Trilogy Remastered. It's truly amazing Rockstar chose such a cheap method to screw over their fans like that. Yes years ago I did play those to a degree who didn't? Thank god both Saints Row and Xbox has you covered, don't play GTA Trilogy Remastered.

Most of it's dlcs are available. Yes all five Xbox 360 Saints Row games are playable on Xbox One. It gets even better because you also already own them on Xbox Series X/S too if you bought em digitally. Yes you are paying more money but they're more likely to do sells on Xbox so it ends that problem out.

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