Friday, December 4, 2020

Why Mysterio would win against Scarecrow on Death Battle?

 Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, a lot of people been requesting Mysterio vs. Scarecrow. As much they done so many episodes just those two comic book companies facing each other. This has to be one one of the worst I ever heard. It actually isn't even worth doing an full episode on.

To clarify, I am a bigger Scarecrow fan since child hood. Yet I will be listing a lot of Mysterio feats before I lay out my argument why he wins. This is should to be more about making it clear. Obviously, this would be a lot longer if I took the time to fully cover both characters.

Illusion feats

Screws with Spider-Man horribly.

Tricked Spider-Man into thinking he was small twice.

Fakes a giant storm over New York City.

Makes multiple copies of himself.

Fakes a man's death to make Spider-Man feel guilty.

Makes Spider-Man see fake old people, snakes, a tiger, tricks him into thinking he is in a completely different building, and almost gets him to attack random people.

Causes Spider-Man to go insane by making fake villains show up.

Crazy fake space world thing.

Tricks Reed aka Mr. Fantastic into thinking Ock has more arms than normal.

He is never there because holograms are useful.

Easily can whip up a fake giant monster.

Convinced Spider-Man he caused the death of multiple people.

Fakes Aunt May's death.

Earthquake simulations.

Tricks Spider-Man into believing he is running to Avenger's mansion.

Fakes Ock setting off super lens satellite and "killing everyone."


Mind control via hypnosis.

Makes Spider-Man think he is drowning. There's no water in the actual pool.

Forces Solo into fighting Spider-Man.

Also gets a bunch of heroes to fight each other.

Makes someone think Spider-Man stop them when he is actually no where near.

Mysterio's arsenal

Magnetic shoes and gas dissolves Spider-Man's webbing.

Spider-Sense disabling gas.

Electrically charged cloak.

Ray gun that shoots at the Speed of Light.


Suit enhances his strength.

Smoke makes him hard to hit.

Tranq Gun strong enough to take out Spider-Man and temporarily remove his powers.

Gas that can knock out She-Hulk

I just want to say before I break it down. I have a lot of respect for Dr. Jonathan Crane. Easily, one of the freakiest comic book villains I ever heard of. The problem is Mysterio was formerly a special effects wizard and stuntman for a big-name Hollywood studio.

He is skilled in using special effects, mixing chemicals, building machines, hypnotizing people as well as an escape artist. Let's be honest, Mysterio could compare somewhat to Batman himself. Batman does have a lot of that going for him minus the special effects stuff.

Scarecrow usually loses to Batman meaning he likely would lose to Mysterio too. Dr. Crane regularly uses farming tools against people. Obviously, Mysterio's technology allowed him to hold his own against some of Spider-Man enemies. Most of Batman's recurring enemies are mostly normal people.

In Spider-Man's case, most of his recurring enemies are in some way on early superhuman levels. Easily, being able to lift a lot more in comparison as well as tank much greater force with ease. Even comparing the speed difference, Mysterio being able to keep up with Spider-Man is impressive.

Scarecrow's greatest weapon being his fear toxin is sadly useless here. In many canons, he has shown creativity how to expose people. However, most those methods wouldn't work on Mysterio. For starters, Mysterio included a function within the suit to filter out toxic gases or other harmful stuff.

Scarecrow loves to watch people losing control in fear. Even if Mysterio were to be exposed while wearing the helmet. He used a particular type of glass allowing himself to see out of it while anything outside can't see him. Sometimes, Scarecrow becomes desperation wants to bring out fear in someone.

Which brings me to another major point, Scarecrow is widely known for being insane. This is largely why he's so rememberable among many DC comic book villains. He doesn't want money or fame. No, he simply wants one thing chaos itself. Obviously, Mysterio is a sane person whose widely known for being a great strategist.

I think everyone can agree both these guys are intelligent. Scarecrow can't outmatch enhanced strength that suit given Mysterio. His technology is very likely what he built myself is a critical advantage here. The fear toxin causes illusions & paranoia to whoever gets exposed.

Scarecrow has been defeated many occasions having his own fear toxin used against him. It is likely Mysterio would easily take advantage of that. Mysterio also could come up with something to directly counter act with that toxin. The simple fact, he created his own gas capable of disabling Spider-Man's Spidey-Sense is impressive.

There's a chance Scarecrow might find a way to break that helmet. A few possibilities could happen here. An illusion copy of himself, suddenly a couple Mysterios appears or a robot doppelganger. Sometimes, he uses one of those tricks to sneak up on his enemies.

There are times, he uses one of those tricks to escape. Now I listed a lot of Mysterio's illusion & hypnosis feats for a reason. He is a master at deception often tricking Spider-Man with ease. Everyone knows Spider-Man is also a genius himself. Mysterio is also skilled at hypnosis that allows him to manipulate people to a degree.

This is something Scarecrow doesn't do neither have a counter for. Also, Mysterio's illusions are very difficult to see through. Now throw in the possibility of him also being exposed to fear toxin, Dr. Crane could die of a heart attack. Mysterio is not meant to be taken lightly.

The short summary is Mysterio greatly has superior technology, skill set and stats in comparison. Sure, Dr. Crane does technically have more overall experience & more creative ways to expose people to his fear toxin. What good are those if he can't even directly expose a small part of Mysterio for it to work.

Especially when Mysterio could directly counter it or use that against him easily. It doesn't help Scarecrow uses farming tools since they aren't really meant for combat. They aren't altered in any way either meaning Mysterio could easily break em. Scarecrow is likely going to lose it fast with Mysterio's illusions.

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